Ejercicios de contabilidad presupuestaria II

Book Description

Este libro viene a completar la edición del primer libro de ejercicios que los mismos autores publicamos hace tres años, aportando nuevos casos resueltos de presupuestos en empresas de diferentes tipos y sectores. Supone una recopilación de casos preparados para diferentes exámenes de las licenciaturas en que se imparte la asignatura, ampliando los sectores analizados y con resoluciones variadas para el cálculo de distintos períodos de presupuestación, presupuestos de tesorería y balance, así como la obtención de diferentes tipos de desviaciones. Nuestro objetivo sigue siendo el de facilitar un análisis sencillo que permita la comprensión de la gestión de las empresas basada en los presupuestos, incorporando nuevos casos prácticos que amplíen el material disponible, facilitando así al alumno el trabajo personal necesario para la comprensión de la asignatura. La sencillez de su presentación permite, como en el volumen anterior, servir de manual de consulta no exclusivo del ámbito universitario, ampliando su objetivo para todas aquellas personas interesadas en la preparación de los presupuestos de cualquier empresa, y con el fin de poder utilizar la gestión presupuestaria como una parte fundamental en la toma de decisiones. Pretendemos además trasmitir la idea de que, sea cual sea el tipo o tamaño de empresa, la herramienta presupuestaria es útil y sencilla. Los autores estamos convencidos de que, por nuestra experiencia, la aplicación de los sistemas presupuestarios sigue siendo una valiosa ayuda para comprender los aspectos clave de la gestión, aportando un enfoque analítico para corregir las posibles deficiencias observadas.

The Spanish Fiscal Transition

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This book provides an analysis of the process and outcomes of the tax reform, with a focus on progressivity, redistribution, and inequality. Between 1977 and 1986, Spain underwent a comprehensive tax reform which shaped its fiscal system until today. It was made in connection with the transition to democracy and indeed was understood as a fundamental part of the political change. The book situates the reform both within Spanish history and international trends in tax systems and connects it to the expansion of the welfare state and regional decentralization in Spain. The analysis reveals that the tax system failed to attain progressivity, and significant levels of fraud had a noticeable impact on inequality. Because of this, fiscal redistribution remained limited. In the new political economy of the second globalization, late democratic and fiscal transitioners were unable to emulate the path of the welfare state forerunners.

Ejercicios prácticos de contabilidad presupuestaria

Book Description

Este manual de ejercicios prácticos tiene como objetivo plantear casos sobre la elaboración y control de los presupuestos y facilitar así el análisis de los aspectos de la gestión presupuestaria en diferentes tipos de empresa. Ello permite ejercitarse en el cálculo de los objetivos de gestión, expresados en los presupuestos y en la obtención de los costes de productos y departamentos, así como en la confección de los estados financieros previsionales. La información que se obtiene a través de las desviaciones sobre los objetivos presupuestados es una herramienta básica para el análisis y la toma de decisiones empresariales. De esta manera el libro supone una nueva aportación a la bibliografía específica de ejercicios de aplicación de la Contabilidad Presupuestaria, no sólo como un material didáctico para completar la formación de los estudiantes de la asignatura, sino también útil para aquellos profesionales y gestores de negocios que quieran buscar una metodología de cálculo que les permita plantear sus presupuestos y obtener una información que ayude al conocimiento y control de la gestión en sus empresas.

Accounting Dictionary

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The first English–Spanish translation dictionary of accounting terms to cover the differences in accounting terminology for Spanish-speaking countries This bilingual Accounting Dictionary offers not only English–Spanish and Spanish–English translations of accounting terms but also a Spanish–Spanish section correlating the different terms used in major Spanish-speaking countries. The only accounting dictionary to offer such coverage, this useful reference provides accounting practitioners and students with easy, accurate guidance for translating in and among: Argentina * Chile * Colombia * Mexico * Spain * Venezuela. Ideal for translating financial statements, conducting audits, and performing accounting functions in multinational companies, Accounting Dictionary is an essential tool for all accountants, financial managers, and students participating in the burgeoning Spanish-speaking market. Order your copy today!

Introduction to Management Accounting, Chap. 1-14

Book Description

Make the right decisions with Horngren/Sundem/Stratton! Horngren/Sundem/Stratton's best-selling texts emphasize decision-making throughout each chapter. Decision-making is introduced in the early text chapters and also appears in many of the text features: "Making Managerial Decisions" boxes, critical thinking exercises, and more. As always, students develop a solid understanding of costs and cost behavior and the use of cost information for planning and control decisions, not just inventory valuation. Two text versions enable faculty to select a text that only covers management accounting concepts (Chs. 1-14) or one that includes three chapters of financial accounting review (Chs. 1-17). New OneKey provides the convenience of having all text resources in a single location and available in your choice of course management platform: BlackBoard, WebCT, and CourseCompass. OneKey also includes PH Grade Assist on-line homework with automatic grading and infinite practice for students).

Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts

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This well known text helps students understand the art of model building - what type of model to build, building the appropriate model, testing it statistically, and applying the model to practical problems in forecasting and analysis.

Employment in Metropolitan Areas

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Bibliographic Series

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Global Investment Competitiveness Report 2017/2018

Book Description

The Global Investment Competitiveness report presents new insights and evidence on drivers of foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries, and FDI’s role in development. The report’s survey of 750 executives of multinational corporations finds that a business-friendly legal and regulatory environment is a key driver of investment decisions in developing countries, along with political stability, security, and macroeconomic conditions. The report’s topic-specific chapters explore the potential of FDI to create new growth opportunities for local firms, assess the power of tax holidays and other fiscal incentives to attract FDI, analyze characteristics of FDI originating in developing countries, and examine the experience of foreign investors in countries affected by conflict and fragility. Three key features of this Global Investment Competitiveness report distinguish it from other publications on FDI. First, its insights are based on a combination of first-hand perspectives of investors, extensive analysis of available data and evidence, and international good practices in investment policy design and implementation. Secondly, rather than exploring broad FDI trends, the report provides detailed and unique analysis of FDI depending on its motivation, sector, geographic origin and destination, and phase of investment. Thirdly, the report offers practical and actionable recommendations to policymakers in developing countries wishing to reform their business climates for increased investment competitiveness. As such, the report is meant to complement other knowledge products of the World Bank Group focused even more explicitly on country-level data, detailed reform diagnostics, and presentation of best practices. We are confident this report will bring value and fresh perspectives to a variety of audiences. To governments and policymakers, including investment promotion professionals, the report offers direct insights into the role of government policies and actions in investors’ decision-making. To foreign investors and site location consultants, the report provides information on FDI trends and drivers across sectors and geographies. For academic audiences, the new datasets on investment incentives and FDI motivations enables opportunities for additional research and analysis. Lastly, for development assistance providers and other stakeholders, the report highlights key approaches for maximizing FDI’s benefits for development.