El carnicero del Pirineo

Book Description

En un pueblo abandonado del Pirineo, Mikel Rey, un mediocre periodista de poco prestigio en busca de un buen reportaje sobre el abandono de muchos pueblos aislados y despoblados de las montañas. Descubre en una de las pocas casas que todavía quedan en pie y cuya puerta encuentra entreabierta, el cadáver de un hombre decapitado, asesinado de una forma bestial y al parecer siguiendo algún sanguinario y maligno ritual. Todo perece llevar algún tiempo abandonado. Dado el total aislamiento del lugar y lo avanzado de la tarde decide después de dudar entre salir corriendo o aprovechar la increíble historia periodística que se le aparece antes sus ojos, pasar la noche en su tienda de acampada en un prado cercano al lado de las ruinas del pueblo, y al día siguiente seguir con lo que cree será el reportaje de su vida..... En realidad aquello se convirtió para Mikel una pesadilla que nunca más olvidaría.

Studia et Documenta, vol. 8(2014)

Book Description

To get to know in greater detail the history of Opus Dei and its founder: to get to know the central characters, what its documents say, its influence on the Catholic Church and contemporary society. Since 2007, this has benn the task of the journal "Studia et Documenta". The journal gathers together studies, annotated unpublished documents, news of academic interest, reviews and synopses, and a comprehensive bibliographic bulletin. Each volume contains in the region of 500 pages. The articles are prepared by specialists and are subjected to the peer review system.

Mirrors of Salt: Proceedings of the First International Congress on the Anthropology of Salt

Book Description

The study of salt from an anthropological perspective provides a holistic view of its role in the evolution of human communities. Studies from around the world, ranging from prehistory to modern times, are here organized into 6 sections: theory, archaeology, history, ethnography/ ethnoarchaeology/ethnohistory, linguistics, and literature.

The Geology of Spain

Book Description

Landslide Science and Practice

Book Description

This book contains peer-reviewed papers from the Second World Landslide Forum, organised by the International Consortium on Landslides (ICL), that took place in September 2011. The entire material from the conference has been split into seven volumes, this one is the second: 1. Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility and Hazard Zoning, 2. Early Warning, Instrumentation and Monitoring, 3. Spatial Analysis and Modelling, 4. Global Environmental Change, 5. Complex Environment, 6. Risk Assessment, Management and Mitigation, 7. Social and Economic Impact and Policies.