The Balance between Worker Protection and Employer Powers

Book Description

This book analyses the most important problems and challenges of the current labour market from the point of view of the balance between the parties of the employment contract. The contributions here are related to various pressing topics, including, for example, the future of work and worker protection on an international level against the strengthening of employers’ powers. In addition, the nature and limits of employers’ power, non-competition contractual clauses and workers’ rights in the face of new communication and information technologies are also discussed. The contributors are drawn from several countries, such as Portugal, Spain, Bolivia, Italy, México and Switzerland. The book will appeal to lawyers, legal experts, human resources experts, economist, judges, academia, and staff from companies and trade unions, and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (12), English (4) and Portuguese (5).

Derechos, Libertades y Sociedad de la Información

Book Description

Los vertiginosos avances que en muy pocas décadas han alcanzado las nuevas tecnologías destinadas a facilitar la comunicación entre las personas y el flujo de informaciones, y muy en particular el espectacular desarrollo que ha tenido internet desde su creación relativamente reciente, plantean retos complejos y novedosos a nuestras sociedades, desde los más diversos puntos de vista. La presente obra colectiva pretende dar al lector una perspectiva multidisciplinaria de los retos arriba mencionados.

Internet and Society in Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

This book presents pioneering research that is designed to show, from a qualitative and ethnographic perspective, how new information and communication technologies, as applied to the school system and to local governance initiatives, merely reproduce traditional pedagogical approaches and the dominant forms by which power is exercised at the local level. The studies thus constitute points of departure for further thinking about the need to promote an Internet culture based on the social application of a OC right to communication and cultureOCO and an OC Internet right, OCO that will permit the establishment of true citizen participation and free access to knowledge, with due regard to personal and individual rights such as those of privacy and intimacy."

SDGs in the Americas and Caribbean Region

Book Description

​This volume provides an overview of the ways sustainable development issues as a whole, and the SDGs in particular, are perceived and practiced in a variety of countries in the Latin America and Caribbean region. It also discusses the extent to which its many socio-economic problems hinder progresses towards the pursuit of a sustainable future, and documents successful experiences from across the region. This book is part of the "100 papers to accelerate the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals initiative".

Revista AIBDA

Book Description


Book Description

Towards a Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities between Europe and Latin America

Book Description

This open access volume identifies the common and specific aspects of social mechanisms that generate inequalities, through comparative analyses of different dimensions in which inequalities are expressed. It includes studies on social inequalities in 5 European and 5 Latin American countries, along 11 thematic axes: inequalities in the labour market and labour trajectories; asymmetries in the relationship between training and employment; inequalities in work and family life; educational inequalities; geographical and social inequalities: ethnicity and language; social inequalities, migration and space; uncertainty, strategies, resources and capabilities; inequality of opportunity: intergenerational social mobility; social policies; gender inequalities; and research methodology. This volume is the result of a large collaborative project on social inequality funded by the European Commission: the International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities. Taking into account diverse perspectives and approximations, the collaborators have created a general analytical framework as a model of analysis of social inequalities. The various contributions in this volume help readers gain a global outlook and help reflect on social inequalities in a comparative perspective. This volume addresses social science graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, social policy makers, as well as a broader academic audience interested in social inequality.