General Bulletin

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Hunt-Cortes Digest

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The Development and Principles of International Humanitarian Law

Book Description

The essays selected for the first part of this volume offer an insight into the development, as distinguished from the history, of international humanitarian law. The focus of the majority of the works reprinted here is on an analysis of the adequacy of the law as it stood at the time of the respective publication and in the light of existing contemporary armed conflicts and military operations. Thus, the reader is afforded an in-depth look at the early roots of international humanitarian law, the continuing relevance of that body of law despite advances in weapons technology and the efforts to progressively develop it. International humanitarian law's development cannot be considered in isolation from its principles. The essays selected for the second part of the volume deal with the two fundamental principles underlying all of international humanitarian law: humanity and military necessity. The articles on the principles of humanity include reflections on the famous Martens Clause, and the analyses of military necessity take no account of 'Kriegsraison'. Moreover, they offer proof of the customary character of the principle of distinction in land, air and naval warfare.

Labor Evangelica

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La inapropiabilidad de la Tierra

Book Description

La Tierra está en estado crítico. La propiedad domina nuestro tiempo y también aumenta la desigualdad entre las sociedades del mundo. La Tierra no es solo la tierra, sino que también y fundamentalmente es el mundo habitable; pero está siendo continuamente destruida, el hombre la destruye. Es urgente pensar en ello y si la humanidad desea permanecer libre pensar en qué va a transmitir a las generaciones futuras. Mucho se ha dicho y escrito sobre otros desarrollos posibles, pero carecía de un principio que pudiera explicar el sentido filosófico de la vuelta que debemos tomar. Este es el tema de este libro, que tiene la intención de repensar el concepto de inapropiabilidad, nuestro ser en su relación con los demás, para la humanidad y el mundo de los vivos. Esta reforma tiene tres pilares (cosmopolitas, políticos y éticos) y viene a revisitar nuestra forma de vivir y actuar, individual y colectivamente. En última estancia, debemos superar el nihilismo contemporáneo y restaurar la esperanza en el futuro que no esté obsesionado con el fantasma del desastre.

Justice and Law

Book Description

Apart from considering classical theories of justice from Aristotle, Plato, Saint Thomas Aquinas, the Bible, and the Quran, the aim of Justice and Law is to focus on the contemporary vista, reviewing some of the modern ideas of justice advanced by legal philosophers of our time, such as John Rawls, Jürgen Habermas, Ronald Dworkin, Robert Nozick, Richard A. Posner, Wojciech Sadurski, Marxism, or Feminist Theories. In the second part of the work, María José Falcón y Tella deals with some of the principal themes relating to justice, such as punishment, civil disobedience, conscientious objection, just war, conflict of duties, and tolerance.

The Treaty Between the United States and Mexico

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Report of the ... Conference

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