El Desafío de la Autoconquista

Book Description

El poderoso libro que ahora tienes en tus manos no es para que simplemente lo leas, es para que lo interiorices, lo asumas, lo vivas y sólo así vas a poder aplicar la valiosa sabiduría que tiene para ayudarte a un cambio trascendental en tu vida. Te proporciona elementos prácticos que te ayudarán a tener la claridad mental que te lleve a desarrollar el inmenso potencial que te fue dado, respetando siempre tu individualidad, tu mismidad y conquistar así, los valores y virtudes que te hacen imbatible: cimientos de una vida equilibrada y plena que dignifican y honran la existencia y a la cual todos podemos acceder si realmente lo deseamos. Aquí se encuentra el desafío de la auto-conquista; demostrarnos a nosotros mismos de qué estamos hechos, si realmente estamos comprometidos a apoderarnos intencionadamente de los inmensos recursos que cada uno de nosotros posee; eliminando los obstáculos que infortunadamente nos hacen percibirnos como seres limitados, indefensos, desamparados, frágiles y sin rumbo; y hacer que nuestra existencia se llene de luz y aportarle a esta aventura llamada vida, el brillo que haga desaparecer completamente la obscuridad. Te invito a ser extraordinario. ¡Desafíate!

El Desafío Venezolano

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Chile : el desafío

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Our Own Backyard

Book Description

In this remarkable and engaging book, William LeoGrande offers the first comprehensive history of U.S. foreign policy toward Central America in the waning years of the Cold War. From the overthrow of the Somoza dynasty in Nicaragua and the outbreak of El Salvador's civil war in the late 1970s to the final regional peace settlements negotiated a decade later, he chronicles the dramatic struggles--in Washington and Central America--that shaped the region's destiny. For good or ill, LeoGrande argues, Central America's fate hinged on decisions that were subject to intense struggles among, and within, Congress, the CIA, the Pentagon, the State Department, and the White House--decisions over which Central Americans themselves had little influence. Like the domestic turmoil unleashed by Vietnam, he says, the struggle over Central America was so divisive that it damaged the fabric of democratic politics at home. It inflamed the tug-of-war between Congress and the executive branch over control of foreign policy and ultimately led to the Iran-contra affair, the nation's most serious political crisis since Watergate.


Book Description

Popular Texts in English

Book Description

This book comprises a collection of articles devoted to the academic study of popular texts in English. Authors analyse genres which had been habitually looked down on by canonical approaches to literature and art. They take into serious consideration forms like horror literature, the gothic, fantasy, de-tective fiction, science fiction, best-sellers, films and television series of different kinds... among some other representations of what conservative scholars had been considering as marginal. The referential richness of the perspectives reflected here demonstrates that popular texts can be enjoyable for readers and audiences, at the same time that they can be significant in order to reach a better understanding of our culture and ourselves at the beginning of a new millennium.


Book Description

Recent political changes in Colombia have opened up possibilities to think beyond the long-standing conflict and violence to promote a development agenda, based upon economic growth, social welfare and environmental protection. This publication contains various policy papers which seek to contribute to the national debate on options to address these development challenges. The book is intended to provide the incoming Colombian presidential administration with a comprehensive policy discussion regarding the country's development agenda.


Book Description

Este libro ofrece una introducci?n clara y completa al ""Just-in-Time"" y sigue siendo uno de nuestros ?xitos de mayor venta. El texto esta basado en seminarios dictados por Taichi Ohno, creador del Just-in-Time para entrenar a los suplidores de Toyota. La verdad que descubrio el Sr. Ohno, es que la mejora nunca se detiene - un concepto basado en la tradicion samurai en la cual un guerrero (gerente) nunca deja de perfeccionar su estilo (su habilidad de administrar), y nunca deja de pulir su espada (mejorar el proceso y el producto). Al leer este libro, usted vera claramente la magia del sistema Toyota. Los conceptos aqui expuestos se pueden aplicar a fabricaci?n repetitiva, industrias de procesos, a casi todo tipo de empresa de fabricaci?n, e inclusive a oficinas. (Esta edicion incluye material adicional preparado por Yasuhiro Monden, una autoridad en cuanto al sistema de producci?n de Toyota.)

Staging Violence

Book Description

Staging Violence explores gender violence in Spanish early modern short theater. This book deals with domestic violence against women, extortion of prostitutes, and violence against men who display non-conventional forms of masculinity. The author argues that many "jácaras" and "entremeses" stage subversive discourses that repudiate or complicate official narratives of gender and the use of violence as a tool for achieving gender compliance. Short comic pieces are read against comedias. Each section of the book is expertly contextualized through an overview of the legal and moral contexts and the analysis of a variety of primary sources (law codes, manuals of conduct, church rulings, transcripts of civil and religious trials, and medical manuals) as well as statistical information. Staging Violence invites the reader to consider the transgressive potential of performance. As the first monograph entirely dedicated to the study of gender in this genre, this book is a vital resource for students and scholars interested in gender studies and theatre.


Book Description

Festschrift celebrating 25 years of PREALC. Includes a description of activities and statements by former directors and prominent persons associated with the programme.