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Los autores muestran por qué este principio se impone hoy día como el término central de la alternativa política para el siglo XXI: anuda la lucha anticapitalista y la ecología política mediante su reivindicación de los “comunes” contra las nuevas formas de apropiación privada y estatal. Además, articula las luchas prácticas con las investigaciones sobre el gobierno colectivo de los recursos naturales o de la información y designa formas democráticas nuevas que aspiran a tomar el relevo de la representación política y del monopolio de los partidos. Esta emergencia de lo común en la acción reclama un trabajo de clarificación en el pensamiento. El sentido actual de lo común se distingue de los numerosos usos que se ha dado a esta noción, ya sean filosóficos, jurídicos o teológicos: bien supremo de la ciudad, universalidad de esencia, propiedad inherente a ciertas cosas, incluso alguna vez el fin perseguido por la creación divina. Pero hay otro hilo que vincula lo común, no a la esencia de los hombres o a la naturaleza de las cosas, sino a la actividad de los hombres mismos: sólo una práctica de puesta en conjunto puede decidir qué es “común”, reservar ciertas cosas al uso común, producir determinadas reglas capaces de obligar a los hombres. En este sentido, lo común reclama una nueva institución de la sociedad por ella misma: una revolución.

Health at Work, Ageing and Environmental Effects on Future Social Security and Labour Law Systems

Book Description

This volume analyses the most important problems and challenges that health, age and the environment introduce in the labour market, and how these factors affect both the way people work and their rights. The contributions here focus on the main challenges for social security systems, lawmakers and trade unions, and provide important solutions to improve workers’ rights and guarantee the viability of public social security systems. Other topics analysed here include dress-codes and whistleblowing in companies. From the labour point of view, workers’ representatives and trade unions must take action in collective bargaining to deal with these topics and adequately protect the workforce. The authors here are drawn from countries such as Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Poland, Brazil and Colombia, providing a global perspective. The book will appeal to lawyers, legal and human resources experts, economists, judges, academics and staff from trade unions and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (13), English (7) and Portuguese (2).

Moving Beyond the Crisis : Reclaiming and Reaffirming our Common Administrative Space

Book Description

With the financial meltdown and the economic crisis in their fifth year already no one can any longer be in doubt about their exceptional gravity, their truly global impact and their profound effects hurting vulnerable groups and the very poor especially. As the world looks for an exit from this economic crisis – the worst in eight decades – the focus of attention is naturally on the causes, the factors that account for its wide reach and severity, as well as on strategies that might bring it to a closure. The quest for exit strategies is at the very centre of the issues and concerns explored in the present volume, produced by the IIAS. Like the preceding volumes, but even more emphatically, this volume, representing a collective endeavour of scholars and practitioners from many parts of the globe, finds cause to lay the blame, for our difficult predicament, on the institutional deficit, the policies, the practices and values that have followed in the trail of a highly misleading and erroneous model of governance. The «Market Model of Governance» as it is known, sought to reform, the structures and culture of administration and government in private sector ways. While instrumental values like efficiency and effectiveness were raised and praised profusely, those of democratic governance were discounted by comparison. In particular, integrity, the rule of law and due process, equity, legality and public service professionalism suffered a steep decline, in several parts of the world. Likewise, the invasion and the capture of public space, inevitably led to an unprecedented surge of greed, abuse and corruption that contributed directly to the crisis which is upon us. Looking for exit strategies, as its title aptly suggests, the present volume offers a rich menu of ideas drawn from the current experience of all the world ́s main regions. Not surprisingly, two concepts stand out throughout the book as necessary correctives, as well as pressing remedies to the world ́s ongoing malaise. They call for the recapture of our common administrative space and the reaffirmation of the values and virtues appropriate for democratic governance. To the IIAS, none perhaps are more important than public service professionalism and none other can contribute more effectively to the reform and consolidation of sound institutions for national, sub national, global and regional governance. For these reasons, at this juncture, the new volume like the others should be featured in every public library and become a vademecum of all scholars and practitioners of public administration and politics around the world.

Cultura Filipina

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La profesionalización de las empresas familiares

Book Description

Los negocios familiares dominaron y dominan la vida empresarial en España, pero apenas sabemos nada sobre el proceso de modernización de su gestión. En los dos últimos siglos estas empresas y grupos de control familiar han tenido que aprender a ir más allá de sus mercados locales y regionales y buscar formas de adaptarse a los retos de tres revoluciones tecnológicas que han cambiado su forma de producir, de relacionarse y de pensar. Los autores de La profesionalización de las empresas familiares (Pablo Díaz Morlán, Miguel A. López-Morell, Ma Mercedes Bernabé Pérez, José Luis García Ruiz, Elena San Román López, Ma Jesús Segovia Vargas, Susana Blanco García, Javier Moreno Lázaro y Paloma Fernández) destacan cómo éstas han sabido conservar sus raíces a la par que han promovido la profesionalización en la gestión.