El hombre es la tierra

Book Description

International. Study of the agrarian reforms and agricultural policy in Asia, Europe, North America and South America by countries, with special reference to Mexico - covers historical antecedents, natural resources, population data, rural development and other aspects of economic development. Reference to UN and specialized agencies and to the role of ILO in this field. Maps.

Tierra Y Desarrollo en América Latina

Book Description

Est AmTrica Latina avanzando hacia una nueva generacin de nuevas reformas agrarias en favor de los pobres Cules son las verdaderas oportunidades y limitaciones con relacin a esas polticas, a nivel local, nacional e internacional QuT papel est desempeando la investigacin y quT papel podra desempear a fin de revelar opciones polticas Este libro sugiere que AmTrica Latina no estT preparada para una transformacin radical en materiade polticas de tierras, si bien est experimentando tendencias preocupantes y es objeto de un amplio abanico de iniciativas sobre polticas de tierra. Los investigadores tienen un papel decisivo que desempear a la hora de elucidar alternativas polticasy supervisar los resultados. El libro identifica cuatro grupos de cuestiones cuya investigacin podra influir en la elaboracin de polticas. Este libro examina cmo estas lineas de investigacin podran incidir en los debates sobre polticas en pases tales cmo Bolivia, Brasil y Guatemala, a nivel regional, y en el mbito global. El libro ser de interTs para las personas que trabajan sobre polticas de tierra, desarrollo rural, e igualdad entre los gTneros, etc.

Book Description

Human Settlements

Book Description

Human Settlements: An Annotated Bibliography is an annotated bibliography on human settlements and includes books, journal articles, reports, and documents. Documents from Habitat: United Nations Conference on Human Settlements with National Reports are arranged alphabetically by country, along with other Conference documents. This book is comprised of four chapters and begins with a list of books, journal articles, reports, and documents dealing with topics such as housing policies, housing problems in underdeveloped areas, and the effects of land reform and rural ordinance programs. The next chapter is devoted to a bibliography of bibliographies, covering topics ranging from land-use planning to rural roads and their potential. The third chapter includes national reports from countries such as Afghanistan, Algeria, and Bangladesh. The bibliography concludes with a subject index of key words subdivided geographically; a secondary author index that includes personal and corporate authors, editors, compilers, and authors of significant introductions; and a list of libraries consulted. This monograph should be of interest to housing officials and policymakers.

Tierras y hombres en Latinoamerica

Book Description