El laberinto de la soledad

Book Description

"El laberinto de la soledad" es una de las piezas claves de la literatura moderna, ensayo él mismo moderno y reflexión crítica sobre la modernidad. En la historia de la literatura hispanoamericana se trata de la prosa ensayística más importante de este siglo, la que ha influido más en el pensamiento y en la literatura de lengua española y la que más ha resonado en los de otras lenguas. En el contexto intelectual hispánico, pertenece a la tradición del ensayo de identidad nacional. En palabras de Octavio Paz: "Es un libro dentro de la tradición francesa del 'moralismo'. Es una descripción de ciertas actitudes por una parte, y por otra, un ensayo de interpretación histórica." Es una voluntad de interpretar críticamente la realidad histórica de México. Esta edición de "El laberinto de la soledad" se ha hecho en estrecha colaboración con el propio Octavio Paz, que no sólo ha revisado, especialmente para este publicación, sus propios textos, sino que además ha leído y revisado las aportaciones de Enrico Mario Santí. Se incluye también un texto inédito de Octavio Paz, "El tres y el cuatro", y tres nuevas versiones, de otros tantos textos, realizadas por el autor para esta edición.

El Labertino de la Soledad by Octavio Paz

Book Description

This book, Paz’s first book-length essay, is the most famous of his works and a modern classic. Published in Spanish in 1950, it is undoubtedly the most influential work that exists on problems of Mexican cultural identity. In this critical edition, Stanton introduces the work, explores the historical circumstances in which it was written, its textual genesis, sequels and its influence. He analyzes key elements of the essay, such as the structure, methodology, use of Freud, Jung, Marx, Nietzsche and the way it relates culture to history. This book contains questions and themes for discussion and a select bibliography.


Book Description

The Art of Ana Clavel

Book Description

Ana Clavel is a remarkable contemporary Mexican writer whose literary and multimedia oeuvre is marked by its queerness. The queer is evinced in the manner in which she disturbs conceptions of the normal not only by representing outlaw sexualities and dark desires but also by incorporating into her fictive and multimedia worlds that which is at odds with normalcy as evinced in the presence of the fantastical, the shadow, ghosts, cyborgs, golems and even urinals. Clavels literary trajectory follows a queer path in the sense that she has moved from singular modes of creative expression in the form of literary writing, a traditional print medium, towards other non-literary forms. Some of Clavels works have formed the basis of wider multimedia projects involving collaboration with various artists, photographers, performers and IT experts. Her works embrace an array of hybrid forms including the audiovisual, internet-enabled technology, art installation, (video) performance and photography. By foregrounding the queer heterogeneous narrative themes, techniques and multimedia dimension of Clavels oeuvre, the aim of this monograph is to attest to her particular contribution to Hispanic letters, which arguably is as significant as that of more established Spanish American boom femenino women writers.

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Postcolonial Reconstruction: A Sociological Reading of Octavio Paz

Book Description

This book presents a close reading of the work of the Mexican writer and Nobel Prize Laureate, Octavio Paz. It does so from the specific perspective of sociology and the more general perspective of the social sciences. The book identifies opportunities for relating Paz’ sociological ideas to contemporary debates, arguing that Paz’ sociology is linked very closely to his assessment of what could be called the post-colonial condition that Mexico has been experiencing. The book thus advances the understanding of the differences between post-colonial experiences in Latin America and those of other areas of the world. In addition to revealing Paz’ sociology, the book focuses on Modernity and examines Paz’ critique of Modernity and his “project of Modernity”. It shows that a close examination of the works of Octavio Paz helps redefine Modernity from a Latin American perspective as an experience in which the global and local are intertwined, and helps to point in the direction of a new kind of humanism.

El Laberinto De La Soledad

Book Description