Global Energy Policy and Security

Book Description

Despite efforts to increase renewables, the global energy mix is still likely to be dominated by fossil-fuels in the foreseeable future, particularly gas for electricity and oil for land, air and sea transport. The reliance on depleting conventional oil and natural gas resources and the geographic distribution of these reserves can have geopolitical implications for energy importers and exporters. Global Energy Policy and Security examines the security of global and national energy supplies, as well as the sensitivity and impacts of sustainable energy policies which emphasize the various political, economic, technological, financial and social factors that influence energy supply, demand and security. Multidisciplinary perspectives provide the interrelated topics of energy security and energy policy within a rapidly changing socio-political and technological landscape during the 21st century. Included are two main types of interdisciplinary papers. One set of papers deals with technical aspects of energy efficiency, renewable energy and the use of tariffs. The other set of papers focuses on social, economic or political issues related to energy security and policy, also describing research, practical projects and other concrete initiatives being performed in different parts of the world. This book will prove useful to all those students and researchers interested in the connections between energy production, energy use, energy security and the role of energy policies.


Book Description

En el presente libro se plantean modelos para evaluar el potencial de energía en las ciudades para su autoabastecimiento, así como se aplican a las principales ciudades Españolas, opteniendo el potencial de crecimiento y ahorra residencial.

Routledge Spanish Technical Dictionary Diccionario tecnico inges

Book Description

These 2 volumes consist of some 100,000 headwords in both Spanish and English, including 3,000 abbreviations. Terms are drawn from the whole range of modern applied science and technical terminology. These volumes can be purchased either separately or together in print. Each volume is compiled by an international team of subject terminologists, native English and Spanish speakers. Special attention is given to differences between UK and US terminology, and to Spanish and Latin-American variants. Over 70 subject areas are covered. Estos 2 volúmenes constan de unos 100.000 lemas tanto en español como en inglés, incluidas 3.000 abreviaturas. Los términos se extraen de toda la gama de terminología técnica y científica aplicada moderna. Estos volúmenes se pueden comprar por separado o juntos en forma impresa. Cada volumen es compilado por un equipo internacional de terminólogos temáticos, hablantes nativos de inglés y español. Se presta especial atención a las diferencias entre la terminología del Reino Unido y Estados Unidos, y a las variantes española y latinoamericana. Se cubren más de 70 áreas temáticas.

El modelo energético español

Book Description

Introducción. Previsión de consumo energético. El consumo energético de la U.E. a medio plazo. Producción y abastecimiento de combustible en España. La distribución de la energía en España. Infraestructuras energéticas españolas. Curvas de demanda y consumo eléctrico. Coste de generación de la electricidad. Coste real de generación. El ahorro de energía. Los combustibles fósiles y el impacto ambiental. Noción de sostenibilidad energética.

Water, Agriculture and the Environment in Spain: can we square the circle?

Book Description

"The world water problems are a due to bad governance, not to physical water scarcity." This book is inspired by this statement and explores whether it holds in a specific country, Spain, where climatic conditions – Spain is one of the most arid countries of the European Union - would fully justify saying that water problems are due to physical water scarcity. The metrification of water uses and their monetary value is a first important step in understanding how reallocation of water among users could help mitigating many of current water problems in Spain. However, water reallocation among users or from users to nature is far from simple. Initiatives portrayed as the solution to the water governance ‘jigsaw’ – e.g. water trade, improved water use efficiency, users collective action, public participation – are not free of difficulties and shortcomings. The book explores the growing need for maintaining Spain’s natural capital and the human component of water governance – people’s needs, wishes, (vested) interests, aspirations – that often determine the result of decisions and, sometimes, lead water management to a deadlock. This book takes a step forward in showing a more complex - and also closer to reality - picture of water governance in Spain.

Assessment of Ecological Footprints

Book Description

This book highlights the concepts and assessment methods of Ecological Footprints. Ecological footprint is defined as, ”a measure of how much area of biologically productive land and water an individual, population or activity requires to produce all the resources it consumes and to absorb the waste it generates, using prevailing technology and resource management practices”. Developed in 1992 by William Rees, it was the first footprint developed followed by other footprints such as Carbon, Water and Energy. Assessment of Ecological footprints strive for comparing consumption footprint to biological capacity. This book presents five interesting chapters pertaining to the assessment of Ecological Footprints.

Lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2

Book Description

Lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2 constituye una valiosa aportación al estudio de la adquisición y la enseñanza del español LE/L2 desde la perspectiva teórica de la lingüística cognitiva. Se trata de la primera obra escrita en español en la que se ofrece una introducción a la lingüística cognitiva y su aplicación didáctica a la enseñanza del español LE/L2 desde una óptica internacional. Combina una orientación teórico-práctica que incluye diferentes estudios empíricos con pautas para ayudar a los profesores de español a integrar la lingüística cognitiva en la enseñanza de la lengua. Características principales: Una estructura homogénea y facilitadora de la lectura de los distintos capítulos que sirve para integrar contenidos lingüísticos y gramaticales desde un punto de vista cognitivo; Cuestiones clave en la enseñanza del español LE/L2 desde la óptica de la lingüística cognitiva: aspectos controvertidos de gramática, el desarrollo de la competencia metafórica, el aprendizaje del léxico, la influencia de la lengua materna, el foco en la forma, el uso de la traducción pedagógica; Pautas y sugerencias para aplicar la lingüística cognitiva en la enseñanza de la lengua, así como futuras vías de investigación; Una selección de imágenes, gráficos e ilustraciones para facilitar la comprensión de los temas y conceptos que se abordan en el volumen; Un glosario bilingüe (español e inglés) de términos clave para que cualquier lector pueda familiarizarse con los conceptos fundamentales de la lingüística cognitiva. Escrito en español, de manera clara y accesible, y con abundantes ejemplos, Lingüística cognitiva y español LE/L2 es una obra de referencia para docentes de español como LE/L2, estudiantes graduados y formadores de profesores, así como para cualquier persona que desee adquirir una perspectiva actual sobre las principales aportaciones teóricas y prácticas de la lingüística cognitiva a la enseñanza y el aprendizaje de segundas lenguas.

Routledge Spanish Technical Dictionary Diccionario tecnico ingles

Book Description

These 2 volumes consist of some 100,000 headwords in both Spanish and English, including 3,000 abbreviations. Terms are drawn from the whole range of modern applied science and technical terminology. These volumes can be purchased either separately or together in print. Each volume is compiled by an international team of subject terminologists, native English and Spanish speakers. Special attention is given to differences between UK and US terminology, and to Spanish and Latin-American variants. Over 70 subject areas are covered. Estos 2 volúmenes constan de unos 100.000 lemas tanto en español como en inglés, incluidas 3.000 abreviaturas. Los términos se extraen de toda la gama de terminología técnica y científica aplicada moderna. Estos volúmenes se pueden comprar por separado o juntos en forma impresa. Cada volumen es compilado por un equipo internacional de terminólogos temáticos, hablantes nativos de inglés y español. Se presta especial atención a las diferencias entre la terminología del Reino Unido y Estados Unidos, y a las variantes española y latinoamericana. Se cubren más de 70 áreas temáticas.

Air Pollution

Book Description

Annotation Environmental pollution has received the attention of both economists and ecologists who have integrated their ideas and concepts in recent decades. Production and consumption of material goods generates residuals that are disposed in the environment. Air emissions constitute one of the most important residuals, including greenhouse gases, as well as localized substances toxic to human health and the environment. How economic activity affects gas emissions is valuable information for pollution control and is extremely useful for defining and implementing successful environmental policies, aimed at improving the global efficiency of an economy.The e-book presents the relationship between economic activities and air pollution. It describes research contributions focused on showing the properties and the usefulness of National Accounting Matrices with Environmental Accounts (NAMEA). Additionally, demonstrates the most recent advances in the input-output methodology and linear extended multisectorial models to capture the gas emissions processes with empirical applications of these methods to specific countries. The contents of the e-book make it an interesting platform of new knowledge for both academic public and people in national agencies of environmental regulation

Water Policy and Management in Spain

Book Description

Spain is facing an increasingly difficult situation in terms of water stress. This is an issue that is due mostly to poor management practices in all sectors. Large amounts of water have been used for agricultural purposes at very low prices for too long; there is an uncontrolled use of most aquifers in rural areas which result from ineffective control by the public administration; per capita consumption continues increasing as well as water used for industrial and energy generation, the construction and tourism sectors and for recreation activities. In fact, they have all exerted additional pressure on available water resources. In order to face the above challenges, water policy has made a gradual shift towards more rational and sustainable management of water resources. This has also been influenced by the European Water Framework Directive about which, as the book discusses, there are both myths and misunderstandings. This book analyses the very complex position of all sectors in the country, the alternatives available and the challenges ahead. In so doing, it makes an important contribution to the literature on water resources management. This book was published as a special issue of the International Journal of Water Resources Development.