¿Aún no eres freelance?

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¿Te sientes infravalorado en tu trabajo? ¿Lidias con jefes ineptos, desfasados y limitantes? ¿Quieres dar un giro a tu vida profesional? ¿Quieres progresar en tu carrera de forma rápida y eficiente? Si has respondido Sí a alguna de estas cuestiones, ha llegado la hora de plantearte algo nuevo. José Antonio Calvo tiene el don de contagiarte su pasión por el estilo de vida del freelance, por la seducción de gozar de libertad para decidir tu futuro y llevar las propias riendas de tu vida profesional. Y, en el caso de tengas un contrato laboral, te convencerá para hacer un cambio que te libere de la presión de los jefes y de la organización que coartan tus posibilidades. José Antonio es un freelance convencido y te cuenta todos los trucos para que puedas acceder a este colectivo evitando los errores que él cometió y, además, te detalla qué debes hacer para conseguir clientes y cómo gestionarlos, organizar bien tu trabajo para que te consolides y crezcas, llevar las cuentas para que tengas un negocio solvente, crecer a nivel personal, y preparar y gestionar la recta final de tu carrera profesional. Aquí están las respuestas que convertirán tus dudas en certezas. Aquí está el conocimiento que necesitas para desarrollar una carrera profesional de éxito y sin miedo. ¿Estás preparado? Ha llegado la hora de tomar el mando de tu vida. De alcanzar las metas y objetivos que realmente deseas. Ha llegado el momento de ser freelance.

Digital Work and Personal Data Protection

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This book gathers contributions related to the most pressing problems and challenges that new information and communications technologies (ICT) and digital platforms introduce into the labour market, and the impact they have on the way that people work, their rights and even their health and dignity. In addition, there are also chapters studying personal data protection, which is currently a topic of maximum interest due to the New European Regulation about it. The contributors here are drawn from around the world, with several countries represented, such as Portugal, Spain, Italy, Brazil, Australia and Venezuela. The book will appeal lawyers, legal and human resources experts, economists, judges, academics and staff from trade unions, and employers’ representation. The volume features insights and contributions in different languages, with chapters in Spanish (12), English (6) and Portuguese (4).

Victims of the Chilean Miracle

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Chile was the first major Latin American nation to carry out a complete neoliberal transformation. Its policies—encouraging foreign investment, privatizing public sector companies and services, lowering trade barriers, reducing the size of the state, and embracing the market as a regulator of both the economy and society—produced an economic boom that some have hailed as a “miracle” to be emulated by other Latin American countries. But how have Chile’s millions of workers, whose hard labor and long hours have made the miracle possible, fared under this program? Through empirically grounded historical case studies, this volume examines the human underside of the Chilean economy over the past three decades, delineating the harsh inequities that persist in spite of growth, low inflation, and some decrease in poverty and unemployment. Implemented in the 1970s at the point of the bayonet and in the shadow of the torture chamber, the neoliberal policies of Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship reversed many of the gains in wages, benefits, and working conditions that Chile’s workers had won during decades of struggle and triggered a severe economic crisis. Later refined and softened, Pinochet’s neoliberal model began, finally, to promote economic growth in the mid-1980s, and it was maintained by the center-left governments that followed the restoration of democracy in 1990. Yet, despite significant increases in worker productivity, real wages stagnated, the expected restoration of labor rights faltered, and gaps in income distribution continued to widen. To shed light on this history and these ongoing problems, the contributors look at industries long part of the Chilean economy—including textiles and copper—and industries that have expanded more recently—including fishing, forestry, and agriculture. They not only show how neoliberalism has affected Chile’s labor force in general but also how it has damaged the environment and imposed special burdens on women. Painting a sobering picture of the two Chiles—one increasingly rich, the other still mired in poverty—these essays suggest that the Chilean miracle may not be as miraculous as it seems. Contributors. Paul Drake Volker Frank Thomas Klubock Rachel Schurman Joel Stillerman Heidi Tinsman Peter Winn

The Cuban Black Market

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Hispanic Today

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