El Poder de Creer en Ti: Las Claves Que Cambiarán Tu Vida para Siempre (Superación / Desarrollo Personal)

Book Description

Sé que suena fácil. Y que crees que nunca podrás llegar a creer en ti. Pero los que sí creen en sí mismos, te están sacando ventaja. Te están mirando por el espejo retrovisor de su vida, y te estás quedando atrás. Es humano caerse, pero es de obligado cumplimiento levantarse. Si sientes desgana, desidia y falta de ilusión, te presento "El poder de creer en ti" el libro que le faltaba a la estantería de tu motivación. Tengo el honor de presentarte las claves que cambiarán tu vida para siempre y sin excusas. Ya no tienes pretextos para no conseguir todo aquello que te propongas. Aquí tienes las herramientas, la medicina vital que tanto deseabas que alguien escribiera para ti.¿Lo oyes? Sí. Te acaba de decir "Hola" tu nueva vida.

My Wattpad Love

Book Description

Julie has always been the shy type. Her world changes when she finds Wattpad, a very popular ebook community. She becomes addicted to it and even starts posting her own stories. But are friends, fans and votes all she will get from this site? Or is it possible to find love as well?

Th Power of Discipline

Book Description

THERE ARE MANY SECRETS FOR SUCCESS, AND THIS ONE IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE Imagine creating a habit that builds the ideal life and that, at the same time, is the origin of all the good habits you wish for yourself. This book, based on the experiences of the author, reveals the Superpower that gave him everything in life. The author explains how discipline became his sole secret weapon to achieve his goals. Additionally, he explains anecdotally and provides a vision that will change your mentality and behavior. Such a simple habit, available to everyone, and so easy that its power to change any life and take it to the yearned ideal is surprising. This intense reading will inspire you to: Pass to immediate action Live from meaning Develop habits to be unstoppable Defeat internal resistance Enter a state of Flow Create automatic habits The author shares real examples of how the Superpower of discipline led him to achieve, in autopilot, his personal and professional goals. Say "Enough!" to procrastination and pass to action. THIS BOOK HOLDS THE KEY TO ACHIEVING YOUR GOALS

The Pocket Guide to Health Promotion

Book Description

The 'Pocket Guide to Health Promotion' is a short, punchy and practical guide aimed at students and practitioners. The book includes precise definitions and examples of key concepts and methods in health promotion practice and a chapter by chapter description of the management planning, strategy selection, implementation and evaluation of health promotion programmes. Written in an accessible and concise style, the book offers the reader a practical and flexible resource that is ideal for students and practitioners looking to plan and implement health promotion activities. A must buy for those new to health promotion or who want a pocket guide to this core health activity. "Clearly written and practical, this excellent guide will prove indispensible to practitioners of health promotion globally, and a very useful starting point for students. It will be worth buying a pocket to put it in!" David Ross, Professor of Epidemiology and International Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK "The Pocket Guide to Health Promotion is easy to navigate with complex concepts in health promotion explained in a user-friendly way. Whether you are practicing health promotion or studying the discipline, this will be a welcome addition to any book shelf." Dr James Woodall, Co-Director of the Centre for Health Promotion Research & Course Leader MSc Public Health, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK

The Oxford Handbook of the Reception History of the Bible

Book Description

This wide-ranging volume looks at the reception history of the Bible's many texts; Part I surveys the outline, form, and content of twelve key biblical books that have been influential in the history of interpretation. Part II offers a series of in-depth case studies of the interpretation of particular biblical passages or books.

Salsa Consciente

Book Description

This volume explores the significations and developments of the Salsa consciente movement, a Latino musico-poetic and political discourse that exploded in the 1970s but then dwindled in momentum into the early 1990s. This movement is largely linked to the development of Nuyolatino popular music brought about in part by the mass Latino migration to New York City beginning in the 1950s and the subsequent social movements that were tied to the shifting political landscapes. Defined by its lyrical content alongside specific sonic markers and political and social issues facing U.S. Latinos and Latin Americans, Salsa consciente evokes the overarching cultural-nationalist idea of Latinidad (Latin-ness). Through the analysis of over 120 different Salsa songs from lyrical and musical perspectives that span a period of over sixty years, the author makes the argument that the urban Latino identity expressed in Salsa consciente was constructed largely from diasporic, deterritorialized, and at times imagined cultural memory, and furthermore proposes that the Latino/Latin American identity is in part based on African and Indigenous experience, especially as it relates to Spanish colonialism. A unique study on the intersection of Salsa and Latino and Latin American identity, this volume will be especially interesting to scholars of ethnic studies and musicology alike.

National Directory for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons in the United States

Book Description

The national directory addresses the dimensions and perspectives in the formation of deacons and the model standards for the formation, ministry, and life of deacons in the United States. It is intended as a guideline for formation, ministry, and life of permanent deacons and a directive to be utilized when preparing or updating a diaconate program in formulating policies for the ministry and life of deacons. This volume also includes Basic Standards for Readiness for the formation of permanent deacons in the United States, from the bishops' Committee on the Diaconate, and the committee document Visit of Consultation Teams to Diocesan Permanent Diaconate Formation Programs.


Book Description

ES HORA DE SALIR DE TU ZONA DE CONFORT! - ¿Vives una vida a mitad debido a tus inseguridades y te sientes desanimado y vacío? - ¿Sientes que tu mente es una telaraña enredada entre dudas y conflictos? - ¿Crees que tu destino ya está escrito y que no hay nada que puedas hacer para cambiarlo? No creer en sí mismos, es mitad batalla ya perdida. SIGUE LEYENDO. Varios estudios destacan que al menos un tercio de la población mundial tiende a ser demasiado pesimista e inseguro, pero es importante recordar que cada uno de nosotros posee la capacidad de superar estos obstáculos internos, si lo cree realmente. Encontrando la Chispa dentro de nosotros mismos, podemos reducir el estrés, la ansiedad y el mal humor que surge de la falta de confianza, mejorando así nuestra capacidad para tomar decisiones. En este camino de crecimiento personal, serás guiado y descubrirás cómo transformar la tendencia a la procrastinación en determinación e ingenio, fortaleciendo tu mentalidad y tus destrezas. Donde encontrarás y aprenderás: • A identificar y superar los obstáculos internos: Reconocer los miedos, las inseguridades y las limitaciones autoimpuestas. • A superar el miedo a ser juzgado por los demás. • A afrontar los retos y las dificultades con determinación y carisma. • A cultivar la resiliencia para afrontar los fracasos y las dificultades. • Técnicas para cambiar la forma con la cual te hablas a ti mismo. • Técnicas de visualización utilizando la mente para imaginar y manifestar el éxito deseado. • Historias de éxito: Ejemplos inspiradores de personas que han transformado sus vidas gracias a la ayuda de este autor. • Un Programa de 21 días para mejorar la manera de expresarte con los demás, ejercicios diarios para aumentar la confianza en ti mismo y mejorar tus habilidades, transformando tu vida y llegando a ser un mentor. • ¡Y aun, mucho más! Aunque la inseguridad siga golpeando a tu puerta o pienses que careces de las habilidades necesarias, este libro contiene técnicas innovadoras e historias Motivantes, te demostrará que todo es posible si crees en ti. No importa lo grande que pueda parecer cualquier reto, pronto podrás superar todo tipo de obstáculo. ¡ES HORA QUE BRILLES CON LUZ PROPIA, ENCIENDE TU LLAMA INTERIOR. Desplázate hacia arriba - obtén tu copia AHORA, Es tiempo de que calles a todo aquel que no creyó en ti, de enmudecer tu voz interna que dice: No, no puedo. ¡Escribe tu historia favorita según tus reglas!

Literacy Education

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