Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients

Book Description

This timely practical reference addresses the lack of Spanish-language resources for mental health professionals to use with their Latino clients. Geared toward both English- and Spanish-speaking practitioners in a variety of settings, this volume is designed to minimize misunderstandings between the clinician and client, and with that the possibility of inaccurate diagnosis and/or ineffective treatment. Coverage for each topic features a discussion of cultural considerations, guidelines for evidence-based best practices, a review of available findings, a treatment plan, plus clinical tools and client handouts, homework sheets, worksheets, and other materials. Chapters span a wide range of disorders and problems over the life-course, and include reproducible resources for: Assessing for race-based trauma. Using behavioral activation and cognitive interventions to treat depression among Latinos. Treating aggression, substance use, abuse, and dependence among Latino Adults. Treating behavioral problems among Latino adolescents. Treating anxiety among Latino children. Working with Latino couples. Restoring legal competency with Latinos. The Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients fills a glaring need in behavioral service delivery, offering health psychologists, social workers, clinical psychologists, neuropsychologists, and other helping professionals culturally-relevant support for working with this under served population. The materials included here are an important step toward dismantling barriers to mental health care.

The Compassionate Mind Approach to Building Self-Confidence

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Many of us have a tendency to measure our self-worth by comparing ourselves to others. But when we fail to reach our own, families, communities or societies 'ideals' this often results in feelings of inadequacy, anxiety and low mood. We may become self-critical, experience shame and a sense of being different from others. Although an improvement in 'self-esteem' is what we may feel we want this is not necessarily what we need. This is because self-esteem is often associated with times when things are going well but can fail us when things do not go to plan. In contrast self-confidence, built from self-compassion, can help us when things are going well and make us more resilient when things are difficult. This book uses the ideas and practices of Compassion Focused Therapy to help build self-confidence. Attention is also paid to difficulties that often come hand in hand with lack of self-confidence such as anxiety, depression, substance use and anger.

Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies

Book Description

Don't be so hard on yourself – use compassion focused therapy as your guide It's often said that we're our own worst critics—and it's true. Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies offers straightforward and practical advice that helps you view yourself through a more sympathetic lens. This motivating text covers the key principles of compassion focused therapy, which guide you in caring for your wellbeing, becoming sensitive to your needs, recognising when you are distressed, and extending warmth and understanding to yourself. This transformative resource provides you with metrics that you can use to monitor your progress, including sensitivity, sympathy, empathy, and overall wellbeing. Initially developed to assist people experiencing high levels of shame and self-criticism, compassion focused therapy increases your awareness of the automatic reactions that you experience—and motivates you to combat negative reactions with kindness and affection. Used on its own or in combination with other therapeutic approaches, the value of compassion focused therapy is supported by strong neuropsychological evidence. Understand how to handle difficult emotions with greater ease—and less stress Transform difficult, potentially damaging relationships into positive aspects of your life Encourage and motivate yourself to continually meet your goals, rather than criticise yourself for perceived failures Stop being so hard on yourself, and appreciate yourself for who you are Compassion Focused Therapy For Dummies is a wonderful resource if you are seeing—or thinking about seeing—a therapist who utilises compassion techniques, or if you would like to leverage the principles of compassion focused therapy to manage your own wellbeing.

The Kindness Workbook

Book Description

A practical workbook packed with exercises to help you develop compassion for yourself and others. There is good evidence that cultivating compassion for yourself and others can have a profound impact on improving your mental health and wellbeing. In contrast, concerns with inferiority, shame and self-criticism can have a very negative impact and is associated with poorer physical and mental health.The Kindness Workbook is for anyone who is interested in how compassion and other therapeutic and creative tools can help to reduce suffering with care and understanding.Using creative exercises, examples and prompts, this workbook teaches the skills of problem-solving, using guided imagery, mindfulness, letter-writing, and therapy involving music, movement, physical activity, drama and art. With eye-catching illustrations and interactive worksheets, it will help you develop resilience and promote self-care.A must-have book for young people and anyone working with young people to enhance wellbeing.

Digital Delivery of Mental Health Therapies

Book Description

This guide shares best practice for delivering mental health support and treatment digitally. Part One considers aspects relevant to all digital mental health interventions, such as therapeutic alliance, risk, safeguarding, working with complexity, and what people are looking for from digital support. Part Two focuses on specific therapies and models, including CBT, ACT, DBT, CFT, CAT and EMDR, and how they can be adapted for digital delivery. Whatever technology is available to you, this book will support you in taking your practice onto whichever digital platforms both you, and your clients feel comfortable with. With top tips from a wide range of practitioners, this book opens a conversation about the benefits, challenges and best practice for delivering mental health therapies using digital platforms.

The Power of Self-Compassion

Book Description

If someone told you that you have low self-esteem, would it cause you to bristle? For many, the very concept of self-esteem has negative connotations, because it calls to mind the comparisons we make between ourselves and others. So how do you build real self-confidence? InThe Power of Self-Compassion, you will learn that focusing on self-compassion, rather than self-esteem, is actually the best way to build true, lasting self-confidence. For too long self-esteem has been based on the idea that if you achieve certain goals you are doing okay. This can lead to comparing yourself with others as a way to build confidence. The skills and behavioral techniques outlined in this book are drawn from the groundbreaking compassion-focused therapy (CFT), which holds that being compassionate to yourself--even when things are not going well--is central to building real self-confidence. With compassion-focused therapy, you will adopt an accepting attitude about your strengths and weaknesses, and a commitment to change that doesn't depend on being overly critical of yourself or comparing yourself with others. In addition, you will learn how the concept of self-confidence fits in the context of our evolution, biology, and life experiences. If you are looking to improve your self-confidence, the behavioral steps provided in this book can help you focus on the areas in your life that need improvement, so that you can build a stronger sense of self-worth and competence.

Origins of Phobias and Anxiety Disorders

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Origins of Phobias and Anxiety Disorders

Cómo Perdonarte a ti Mismo y Seguir Adelante

Book Description

¿Sueles ser muy duro contigo mismo cuando cometes un error? ¿A menudo sientes que vives una lucha interna? ¿Te gustaría descubrir la forma de ser más compasivo contigo mismo? Entonces sigue leyendo… “Nada libera tanto como perdonar, nada renueva tanto como olvidar” - Ray A. Davis Los beneficios psicológicos de una alta autoestima han sido ampliamente ensalzados tanto en el mundo académico como en la prensa popular, lo que ha llevado a muchas escuelas a adoptar programas a gran escala para mejorar la autoestima de los estudiantes. Aunque no cabe duda de que la baja autoestima está relacionada con una serie de resultados psicológicos negativos, como la falta de motivación, la depresión y las ideas suicidas, no está tan claro que aumentar la autoestima de las personas sea la panacea que a menudo se presenta. Por estas razones, varios psicólogos han intentado introducir conceptualizaciones alternativas de una actitud y una relación saludables con uno mismo, como el autorrespeto, la autoeficacia, la verdadera autoestima o el carácter personal. Muchos expertos en la salud mental han hecho de la autoestima la única medida principal de la salud psicológica ¿eso no podría limitar mucho las posibles soluciones? Afortunadamente se ha tomado en cuenta otra alternativa útil desde la filosofía budista: la autocompasión. Con este libro, descubrirás: Todo sobre el concepto de autocompasión y sus diferentes perspectivas. Los principales componentes de la autocompasión. Descubre lo que genera la autocompasión. Aprende las principales distinciones entre autoestima y compasión. Consejos comprobados para aplicar la autocompasión en tus relaciones interpersonales. Y más… En la última década se ha producido un creciente intercambio de ideas entre el budismo y la psicología, lo que ha ampliado nuestra comprensión del bienestar mental y ha conducido a nuevas formas de investigar y tratar los trastornos mentales. La comprensión teórica de la autocompasión debería ser muy relevante para los investigadores de diversas disciplinas académicas interesados en cuestiones relacionadas con el yo y la identidad. ¡No lo dudes más! Si te gustaría aprender todo sobre la autocompasión y cómo aplicarlo a tu vida diaria ¡este es el libro para ti! ¡Desplázate hacia arriba y añade esta guía al carrito ahora!

Secretos de la Autocompasión

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¿Tiendes a poner las necesidades de los demás antes que las tuyas? ¿Te cuesta cuidarte y prestarte atención a ti mismo porque estás cuidando constantemente a otros? Entonces necesitas seguir leyendo. "Si tu compasión no te incluye a ti mismo, está incompleta." - Jack Kornfield Si constantemente te encuentras con problemas para cuidarte de ti mismo, entonces es muy probable que no estés practicando la autocompasión en tu vida. La compasión es uno de los actos más importantes que puede practicar un ser humano, pero es algo que empieza contigo mismo y se extiende hacia los demás. Ser atencioso y compasivo contigo mismo, en vez de ser crítico e injusto, es extremadamente importante para tu salud en general y tu calidad de vida. Las personas que no practican la autocompasión tienden a sufrir más estrés, ansiedad y sentimientos de frustración. En este libro, descubrirás: -Cómo entender perfectamente el concepto de la autocompasión y cómo aplicarlo en tu vida. -Porqué las personas que solo se preocupan por los demás y no practican la autocompasión tienden a ser más infelices y a tener una peor calidad de vida. -Cómo cambiar tu forma de pensar para ver la autocompasión como algo extremadamente positivo. -Cómo dejar de ser tu peor crítico y enemigo. -Y mucho más... Muchas veces, no son los demás quienes son nuestros peores enemigos. Lo somos nosotros. Imaginate todo lo que podría traer a tu vida si hacer la transición de ser tu propio enemigo a ser tu mejor amigo. Empieza a elegir ser tu mejor amigo desde el día de hoy. No lo pienses más y destruye los pensamientos negativos que no te dejan vivir una vida plena. ¡Haz clic en comprar ahora y empieza a hacer un enorme cambio positivo en tu vida hoy mismo!

Sé amable contigo mismo

Book Description

La incansable búsqueda de una autoestima sana se ha convertido en una religión tiránica. Nuestra cultura ultracompetitiva nos enseña que tenemos que estar por encima de la media para sentirnos bien con nosotros mismos, pero siempre encontraremos a alguna persona más atractiva, más brillante o más inteligente. Así, consideramos nuestra propia valía en función de nuestros éxitos o fracasos y no somos capaces de mantener una buena autoestima a largo plazo. Por suerte existe una alternativa a la autoestima que muchos expertos consideran como una vía más eficaz hacia la felicidad: la autocompasión. En Sé amable contigo mismo, la doctora Kristin Neff, experta mundial en compasión hacia uno mismo, nos muestra cómo dejar de lado la autocrítica negativa y aprender por fin a ser amables con nosotros mismos. Basándose en una sólida investigación empírica, historias personales, ejercicios prácticos y un gran sentido del humor, aprenderemos cómo curar nuestros patrones emocionales destructivos para que podamos estar más sanos y ser más capaces y felices. Atractiva, fácil de leer y eminentemente accesible, con esta innovadora obra podremos dejar de juzgarnos por nuestros fracasos e imperfecciones y disfrutar de un mayor bienestar.