Book Description

En este libro, Emmanuel Madiau comparte opiniones y cuenta historias que le ayudaron a comprender por qué tomamos decisiones y qué nos influye para hacerlo. Las historias de este libro difinivamente te ayudarán a comprender qué nos lleva a los seres humanos a tomar ciertas decisiones y también te ayudarán a echar una nueva mirada a la forma en que tomas decisiones en tu vida, a tu manera y a tu proprio ritmo.

El poder de las decisiones

Book Description

A cada momento la vida nos pone ante encrucijadas y nos obliga a optar por un camino y a descartar otros. La necesidad permanente de tomar decisiones y la libertad para elegir son factores que nos definen como seres humanos. Somos el resultado de todo lo que hemos elegido y con cada elección que hacemos definimos nuestro porvenir. Este libro nos enseña a tomar decisiones motivados por la fuerza del corazón y guiados por la razón, teniendo en cuenta la forma como ellas nos afectan a nosotros y a los que nos rodean, y a asumir las consecuencias que de estas se derivan. Igualmente, nos da unas claves espirituales para que cada elección que hagamos responda no solo a nuestros deseos personales inmediatos, sino también a unos valores trascendentes y espirituales que nos permitan realizar nuestros proyectos y alcanzar el bienestar.


Book Description

Today, the world offers us more options than ever before, but it also forces us to juggle more priorities, to make more choices, and to make them faster. The result: a crisis of doing too much, or not enough, and making our decisions based on impulse, stress or guilt. In 10-10-10Suzy Welch offers an exciting, effective strategy that will help you make the right decision in any situation, at work or at home; with colleagues, family or friends. The rule is deceptively simple: when faced with a decision, consider what the consequences and outcomes of your various options would be in 10 minutes, 10 months, and 10 years. But the results are extraordinary. Using the framework of 10-10-10will allow you to think through your decisions and to match them with the expectations and values you hold dearest. Most importantly, it allows you to chart a path in the direction you want, and to head confidently towards it with focus, balance, and joy.

A Girl's Guide to Making Really Good Choices

Book Description

Every girl is a beautiful creation, uniquely equipped by God to do His work in the world. But as girls are growing, changing, and making choices about the kinds of lives they will lead, they are bombarded with conflicting messages about what it means to be a woman. The media says one thing, boys say another, and friends seem obsessed with whatever is newest and coolest. As a result, girls too often hand their decisions over to those least qualified to make them. Into the breach steps Elizabeth George, bestselling author and beloved Bible teacher. With wisdom, gentleness, and tremendous grace, she guides tween girls ages 8 to 12 through the most challenging decisions they face, teaching them to let God—not the world—define who they are. Discussing such topics as attitude, friendships, crushes, parents, school, and avoiding bad situations, Elizabeth helps girls see that the very best choice of all is a choice to live within God’s will. Perfect for individuals, small groups, and mentoring.

A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices

Book Description

Elizabeth George, author of A Young Woman After God's Own Heart (more than 230,000 copies sold), offers another life-changing teen book—A Young Woman's Guide to Making Right Choices. Today's teens are bombarded with choices about attitudes, behaviors, friends, clothes, finances, and college. And with the rise of alcohol, drugs, sexual issues, and crime, they must make serious decisions daily. Bible teacher Elizabeth George takes teens through the step-by-step process of making decisions that are life-affirming, godly, and wise in areas that include— managing emotions improving relationships developing confidence living in the center of God's will avoiding trouble and bad situations Teens will discover checkpoints to use as guides for making decisions, and they will learn to take the long view when considering consequences. Young women will also realize the tremendous wisdom, guidance, and answers available in God's Word. Great for individuals, small groups, and mentoring.

Book Description

The Art of Choosing

Book Description

Every day we make choices. Coke or Pepsi? Save or spend? Stay or go? Whether mundane or life-altering, these choices define us and shape our lives. Sheena Iyengar asks the difficult questions about how and why we choose: Is the desire for choice innate or bound by culture? Why do we sometimes choose against our best interests? How much control do we really have over what we choose? Sheena Iyengar's award-winning research reveals that the answers are surprising and profound. In our world of shifting political and cultural forces, technological revolution, and interconnected commerce, our decisions have far-reaching consequences. Use The Art of Choosing as your companion and guide for the many challenges ahead.

¿A qué esperas para fracasar?

Book Description

Esta obra expone la teoría del fracaso y recoge las carencias de la misma presentando como hallazgo principal que de los errores no se aprende, de quien se aprende es del fracaso. A lo largo del libro el lector descubrirá las reglas y las trampas del juego de la vida con un propósito central: aprender a beneficiarse del fracaso y convertir las situaciones negativas en éxito.

El don de gobiernos

Book Description

En 1 Corintios 12:28, la Biblia nos habla de una serie de dones que Dios ha puesto a disposición de la iglesia. Estos diferentes dones, en conjunto, ayudan a la iglesia de Dios a avanzar con fuerza. El don de gobierno es uno de los dones que Dios ha puesto en la iglesia. ¿Cómo debe conducirse el liderazgo de la iglesia? ¿Qué deben hacer los líderes de la iglesia? La Biblia dice claramente: «Obedeced a vuestros pastores, y sujetaos a ellos; porque ellos velan por vuestras almas, como quienes han de dar cuenta; para que lo hagan con alegría, y no quejándose, porque esto no os es provechoso». Debemos tomar en serio el don de gobierno, y este libro invaluable de Dag Heward-Mills ayudará al liderazgo de tu iglesia, a la administración de la iglesia y al gobierno de la iglesia de manera práctica todos los días.

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