In Search of Christ in Latin America

Book Description

Noted theologian Samuel Escobar offers a magisterial survey and study of Christology in Latin America. Presented for the first time in English, this rich resource starts with the first Spanish influence and moves through popular religiosity and liberationist themes in Catholic and Protestant thought of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, culminating in an important description of the work of the Latin American Theological Fraternity.

Cuestiones Fundamentales de la Educacion Cristiana

Book Description

Para evitar la cautividad cultural, los fundamentos de la educaci—n cristiana deben ser repensados por cada generaci—n. De no hacerlo, dice el autor, los educadores cristianos Çcorren el riesgo de perpetuar ideas y pr‡cticas anticuadas, ajenas al evangelioÈ. ÇAl explorar con criterio los diversos fundamentos que han predominado y predominan en el pensamiento evangŽlicoÈ, continœa el autor, Çlos educadores pueden enfrentar mejor las necesidades de hoy y los retos del futuroÈ. En Cuestiones fundamentales de la educaci—n cristiana, el autor mismo se entrega a este proceso de evaluaci—n cr'tica, con importantes resultados. El autor llama a los educadores evangŽlicos a Çreafirmar las verdades b'blicasÈ, que constituyen la Çautoridad esencial para nuestra teor'a y pr‡cticaÈ, y a Çincorporar las verdades de otras disciplinasÈ, proceso que tiene que estar Çsujeto a la continua autoridad de la Palabra de DiosÈ.


Book Description

AB Bookman's Weekly

Book Description

Liberating News

Book Description

This book approaches the topic of contextual evangelization from the standpoint of Òthe poor, the powerless, and the opressed.Ó It is, as Orlando Costas explains, Òwritten against the backdrop of the radical evangellical tradition in dialogue with other streams of the larger ecumenical church.Ó Costas begins by exploring the biblical roots of contextual evangelization, focusing on two models. The Old Testament model is illustrated by believers like Esther, who, in her heroic liberation of her people in politically difficult circumstances, showed us how to come to the aid of those who live on the margins of society. The New Testament model is illustrated first and foremost by Christ, who showed us how to minister to the maginalized by operating from Òthe Galilean periphery.Ó On what does one base contextual evangelization? On the Trinity, which Costas defines as community, the foundation for evangelization as a Òcommunal event.Ó The substance of evangelization is Òthe apostolic message of the cross,Ó which announces God's gift of life through the suffering and death of Christ. If we believe that message, we look foreward to life in God's kingdom even as we work and pray for justice and peace. Costas accordingly views conversion not as a single event but rather as a continual transformative process that involves a passage from self-absorption to active communal commitment. Costas's creative, sound blend of evangelical commitment and enlightened social thinking recommends this book to well-informed laypeople as well as pastors, theologians, and scholars.

Conscientization and Creativity

Book Description

Evaluates and reformulates Paulo Freire's theology and educational methodology focusing on three objectives: 1) to make the integrity of Freire's approach more comprehensive; 2) to further spell out the character and dimensions of creativity; and 3) to make a contribution to Christian theory.

Revista Sembrar 2009

Book Description

Todas las páginas de Sembrar, revista diocesana de Burgos, del año 2009. En los 23 números de la revista publicados este año el lector podrá encontrar asuntos que ocuparon y preocuparon a la Iglesia en Burgos y en España, los temas candentes, las palabras del Arzobispo de Burgos al hilo de la actualidad o comentando temas fundamentales de la fe cristiana, entrevistas y artículos de opinión que nos ponen sobre la pista de lo que este 2009 fue, al menos desde la óptica de esta humilde publicación de la Archidiócesis de Burgos. También podrán encontrar reseñas de libros y de películas que pueden servir de orientación al lector.