El Reino del Dragon de Oro

Book Description

Unas meses después que el joven Alexander Cold se internara con suabuela en el corazón del Amazonas en busca de una legendaria Bestia, vivirá otra aventura. En esta ocasión, la reportera Kate Cold acompaña a su nieto y a Nadia, la mejor amiga de Alexander, junto con los fotógrafos de la International Geographic, en un viaje a otro remoto rincón del mundo. La misión del equipo es adentrarse en un reino prohibido, oculto en los picos helados del Himalaya, y localizar el legendario dragón de oro, una estatua sagrada y oráculo invaluable capaz de presagiar el futuro del reino. En su carrera para llegar a la estatua antes de que sea destruida por la avaricia de un intruso, Alexander y Nadia deben usar el poder espiritual de sus animales totémicos: el Jaguar y el Águila. Con la ayuda de un sabio monje budista, su joven discípulo, el príncipe heredero, y una feroz tribu de guerreros Yeti, Alexander y Nadia lucharán para proteger el reino del dragón de oro.

El Reino del Dragon de Oro

Book Description

Unas meses despue s que el joven Alexander Cold se internara con suabuela en el corazo n del Amazonas en busca de una legendaria Bestia, vivira otra aventura. En esta ocasio n, la reportera Kate Cold acompan a a su nieto y a Nadia, la mejor amiga de Alexander, junto con los foto grafos de la International Geographic, en un viaje a otro remoto rinco n del mundo. La misio n del equipo es adentrarse en un reino prohibido, oculto en los picos helados del Himalaya, y localizar el legendario drago n de oro, una estatua sagrada y ora culo invaluable capaz de presagiar el futuro del reino. En su carrera para llegar a la estatua antes de que sea destruida por la avaricia de un intruso, Alexander y Nadia deben usar el poder espiritual de sus animales tote micos: el Jaguar y el A guila. Con la ayuda de un sabio monje budista, su joven disci pulo, el pri ncipe heredero, y una feroz tribu de guerreros Yeti, Alexander y Nadia luchara n p proteger el reino del drago n de oro.

Kingdom of the Golden Dragon

Book Description

Alexander Cold, his grandmother Kate, and his closest friend Nadia return in the follow-up to City of the Beasts on a new quest to find the fabled Golden Dragon of the Himalayas, another fantastical voyage of suspense, magic, and awe-inspiring adventure from internationally celebrated novelist Isabel Allende. Not many months have passed since teenager Alexander Cold followed his bold grandmother into the heart of the Amazon to uncover its legendary Beast. This time, reporter Kate Cold escorts her grandson and his closest friend, Nadia, along with the photographers from International Geographic, on a journey to another location far from home. Entering a forbidden sovereignty tucked in the frosty peaks of the Himalayas, the team's task is to locate a sacred statue and priceless oracle that can foretell the future of the kingdom, known as the Golden Dragon. In their scramble to reach the statue, Alexander and Nadia must use the transcendent power of their totemic animal spirits—Jaguar and Eagle. With the aid of a sage Buddhist monk, his young royal disciple, and a fierce tribe of Yeti warriors, Alexander and Nadia fight to protect the holy rule of the Golden Dragon—before it can be destroyed by the greed of an outsider.

The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon

Book Description

Sixteen-year-old Alexander Cold accompanies his grandmother, a writer for a geography magazine, to the remote Forbidden Kingdom in the Himalayas to help locate a sacred statue of a golden dragon before it is stolen by a greedy outsider.

Kingdom of the Golden Dragon (Large Print)

Book Description

Not many months have passed since teenager Alexander Cold followed his bold grandmother into the heart of the Amazon to uncover its legendary Beast. This time, reporter Kate Cold escorts her grandson and his closest friend, Nadia, along with the photographers from International Geographic, on a journey to another remote niche of the world. Entering a forbidden sovereignty tucked in the frosty peaks of the Himalayas, the team's task is to locate its fabled Golden Dragon, a sacred statue and priceless oracle that can foretell the future of the kingdom. In their scramble to reach the statue before it is destroyed by the greed of an outsider, Alexander and Nadia must use the transcendent power of their totemic animal spirits -- Jaguar and Eagle. With the aid of a sage Buddhist monk, his young royal disciple, and a fierce tribe of Yeti warriors, Alexander and Nadia fight to protect the holy rule of the Golden Dragon. Isabel Allende once again leads readers on a fantastical voyage of suspense, magic, and awe-inspiring adventure in this riveting follow-up to "City of the Beasts.

The House of the Spirits

Book Description

Chilean writer Isabel Allende’s classic novel is both a richly symbolic family saga and the riveting story of an unnamed Latin American country’s turbulent history. In a triumph of magic realism, Allende constructs a spirit-ridden world and fills it with colorful and all-too-human inhabitants. The Trueba family’s passions, struggles, and secrets span three generations and a century of violent social change, culminating in a crisis that brings the proud and tyrannical patriarch and his beloved granddaughter to opposite sides of the barricades. Against a backdrop of revolution and counterrevolution, Allende brings to life a family whose private bonds of love and hatred are more complex and enduring than the political allegiances that set them at odds. The House of the Spirits not only brings another nation’s history thrillingly to life, but also makes its people’s joys and anguishes wholly our own.

Crossover Fiction

Book Description

In Crossover Fiction, Sandra L. Beckett explores the global trend of crossover literature and explains how it is transforming literary canons, concepts of readership, the status of authors, the publishing industry, and bookselling practices. This study will have significant relevance across disciplines, as scholars in literary studies, media and cultural studies, visual arts, education, psychology, and sociology examine the increasingly blurred borderlines between adults and young people in contemporary society, notably with regard to their consumption of popular culture.