El retorno a la sociedad civil

Book Description

El resurgimiento de la sociedad civil, en las últimas décadas, es una realidad palmaria. La obra que ahora presentamos pretende ofrecer unas reflexiones sobre los presupuestos, las circunstancias, condicionantes y consecuencias del proceso de definición de una renovada sociedad civil, en el marco de un paradigma jurídico plural y flexible. Desde esta perspectiva, las diversas colaboraciones contenidas en la obra giran, fundamentalmente, en torno a tres ejes de reflexión: 1. La indagación de las razones de la sociedad civil, determinando la responsabilidad de los ciudadanos en la construcción de la misma y las circunstancias que definen actualmente las coordenadas de la sociedad civil en un contexto de interdependencia. 2. La ubicación de la sociedad civil en las coordenadas del debate filosófico político contemporáneo: su incardinación en las teorías liberales y la incidencia de las tesis republicanas y de las propuestas multiculturales del comunitarismo, en el marco de los sistemas democráticos. Todo ello acaba desembocando en una reflexión acerca del papel que desempeña la democracia como hábitat natural de la sociedad civil. 3. La reflexión acerca de los valores, la política, la ciudadanía y la sociedad civil. Esta reflexión ha ido acompañada de una revisión de la fundamentación del Derecho en el seno de una renovada sociedad civil. También ha resultado imprescindible proponer una ética de la sociedad civil del siglo XXI. Confiamos en que el lector pueda encontrar en esta obra un clima propicio para que fructifiquen las reflexiones que, de la lectura de la obra, pueda extraer.

Sociedad civil o estado

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The Return of Civil Society

Book Description

This study covers the transition of Spain from a pre-industrial economy, an authoritarian government, and a Roman Catholic-dominated culture, to a modern state based on the interaction of economic and class interests, on a market society and a culture of moral autonomy and rationality.

From Franco to Freedom

Book Description

This book brings together recent research by a group of specialists in history and sociology to provide a new reading of the late Franco dictatorship, especially in relation to its political culture. The authors focus on the election of local, trade union and national representatives, the work of the first Spanish sociologists, the struggle over administrative reform, the role of the media and the intellectuals, as well as the evolution of the dictatorships political class and its response to the regimes decline. Not only are the politics of the late dictatorship scrutinised, but also the mechanisms that were deployed to control the fast-changing society of the 1960s and 1970s. In examining the late Franco period, the contributors do not believe that it contained the seeds of Spains later democratisation, but maintain that certain sectorial regime initiatives -- electoral and political changes, an evolving discourse and an interest in political processes outside Spain -- made many Spaniards aware of the dictatorships contradictions and limitations, thereby encouraging its subsequent political and social evolution. This transformation is compared with the latter stages of the parallel dictatorship in Portugal. The great majority of Spaniards felt that the embrace of democratic freedoms and integration into the European Community was the only way forward during the Transition. But the shift from dictatorship to democracy from the 1960s onwards in Spain needs to be understood in relation to the multitude of political and social changes that took place -- despite the opposition of Franco and the bunker mentality of the regime. These changes manifested in a complex interaction between internal and external factors, which eventually resulted in the transformation of Spanish society itself.

Economic Reforms in New Democracies

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A 1993 assessment of differing experiences of the transition to democracy in the countries of Southern Europe, Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Globalization, Religion and Gender

Book Description

In the early 1970s accompanying the current wave of globalization, conservative nationalist religious movements began using religion to oppose non-democratic and often western oriented regimes. Reasserting patriarchal gender relations presumably authorized by religion has been central to these movements. At the Fourth United Nations Congress on Women in Beijing in 1995, Muslim and Catholic delegations from diverse countries united to oppose provisions on sexuality, reproductive rights, women's health, and women's rights as human rights. In this book, scholars from eight different Muslim and Catholic communities analyze the political strategies that women are employing in these contexts ranging from acceptance of traditional doctrines to various forms of resistance, religious reinterpretation, innovation, and political action toward change and equal rights.