El trabajo Social y la perspectiva histórico-crítica

Book Description

Producto de las investigaciones de cada uno de los autores sobre el Trabajo Social en América Latina, en este libro se suman los esfuerzos por entender y conocer las bases de la perspectiva teórico-metodológica-histórico-crítica, inédita en la formación de la mayoría de países de habla hispana. Derivada de ese vacío en la formación profesional, surge la necesidad de difusión de la producción de conocimiento científico desarrollado sobre el tema en las últimas décadas en el trabajo social. Es un material que, articulado, conjuga la mirada de dos profesionales colombianos, cuyos análisis dejan como resultado algunas consideraciones sobre el desarrollo teórico, la práctica profesional y la construcción de proyectos ético-político-profesionales, que son fundamentales para la consolidación de la profesión y de sujetos profesionales criticos, material que, a su vez, también pretende ser fuente de conocimiento para los estudiantes, profesores e investigadores que consideren necesario ir más allá de las tendencias hegemónicas en las ciencias sociales, permitiéndose abordar y conocer las tendencias teóricas existentes en el trabajo social, interesados en ampliar la visión histórico-profesional sobre la producción teórica, posibilitando subsidios para entender la realidad, la profesión y la sociedad. Este panorama teórico nos permite analizar cómo en medio de ese proyecto, que apunta a la construcción colectiva en favor de la clase subalterna, podemos también pensar los limites y posibilidades de la práctica profesional y avanzar en el desarrollo de investigaciones que apunten al fortalecimiento como categoría profesional, como sujetos profesionales y como actores vinculados a la sociedad.

Beyond Multiculturalism

Book Description

While the anthropological field initially shied away from the debate on multiculturalism, it has been widely discussed within the fields of political theory, social policy, cultural studies and law. Beyond Multiculturalism is the first volume of its kind to offer a comparative, worldwide view of multiculturalism, considering both traditional multicultural/multiethnic societies and those where cultural pluralism is relatively new. Its varied case studies focus on the intersections and relationships between cultural groups in everyday life using employment, identity, consumption, language, legislation and policy making to show the unique contribution anthropologists can bring to multiculturalism studies. Their work will be of great interest to scholars of race, ethnicity, migration, urban studies and social and cultural geography.

Margaret Mead

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Handbook of International Social Work

Book Description

Global knowledge is increasingly essential for all aspects of social work. Today's professionals respond to concerns including permeable borders, the upheavals of war, displaced workers, natural disasters, international adoption, and human trafficking. Everywhere, social workers work with service users and colleagues from diverse cultures and countries. Globally relevant concepts such as human rights, development, and inclusion offer new perspectives to enhance policy and practice and facilitate the international exchange of ideas. This handbook is the first major reference text to provide a solid foundation of knowledge for students and researchers alike. The extensive collection of 73 chapters confirms the integral and necessary nature of international social work knowledge to all areas of practice, policy, and research. Chapters systematically map the key issues, organizations, competencies, training and research needs, and ethical guidelines central to international social work practice today, emphasizing the linkages among social work, development, and human rights practice. In-depth country case studies and policy examples encourage readers to understand how their practice in social work touches on international issues, regardless of whether the work is done at home or abroad. Representing all regions of the world, a wide range of contributors that are leaders in their fields have put together an exhaustive collection that represents the state-of-play of international social work today.

The Social Metabolism of Spanish Agriculture, 1900–2008

Book Description

This open access book provides a panoramic view of the evolution of Spanish agriculture from 1900 to the present, offering a more diverse picture to the complex and multidimensional reality of agrarian production. With a clear transdisciplinary ambition, the book applies an original and innovative theoretical and methodological tool, termed Agrarian Social Metabolism, combining Social Metabolism with an agroecological perspective. This integrative analysis is especially interesting for environmental scientists and policy makers being the best way to design sustainable agroecosystems and public policies capable of moving us towards a more sustainable food system. Spanish agricultural production has experienced impressive growth during the 20th century which has allowed it to ensure the supply of food to the population and even to transform some crops into important chapters in foreign trade. However, this growth has had its negative side since it was based on the injection of large amounts of external energy, on the destruction of employment and the loss of profitability of agricultural activity. But perhaps the most serious part is the strong impact of the current industrialised agriculture model on Spanish agroecosystems, exposed to the overexploitation of hydric resources, pollution of the water by nitrates and pesticides, high erosion rates and an alarming loss of biodiversity; damage which in the immediate future will end up reducing production capacity.

Bread, Justice, and Liberty

Book Description

A compelling history of the antiregime coalition forged by liberation-theology Catholics and Marxist-Left militants in Chile's urban shantytowns, with groundbreaking contributions to scholarship on human rights, mass social movements, popular protest, and democratization.

La Novela Revolucionaria. Contribución a La Crítica

Book Description

En Bolivia, el 9 de abril de 1952, despus de tres das de combates los trabajadores derrotaron al ejrcito nacional, arrebataron el poder poltico a la oligarqua e impusieron un gobierno al servicio del pueblo. Naci la Revolucin Nacional, una de las tres ms grandes realizadas en Latinoamrica durante el Siglo XX. El ensayo La Novela Revolucionaria. Contribucin a la Crtica demuestra que novellas publicadas durante el perodo pre revolucionario, provocaron cambios ideolgicos en las conciencias de los lectores populares, y de ese modo contribuyeron a la Revolucin Nacional Boliviana. Otras novelas escritas durante los aos del gobierno revolucionario, procuraron crear una conciencia en favor de una revolucin socialista. Al hacerlo instauraron un nuevo subgnero novelstico: La novela revolucionaria boliviana. El ensayo est enfocado en el anlisis dialctico de dos categoras: Historia y novela. Ofrece referencias conceptuales formuladas por tericos (Karl Marx, Georg Lukcs, Gerald Genette y Robert Jauss) que privilegian una crtica literaria basada en las interconexiones entre el desarrollo social y la cosmovisin que se expresa en las novellas que refl ejan, de uno u otro modo, dicha realidad. El ensayo precisa que la novella boliviana posee la capacidad de tomar de la vida de los trabajadores sus experiencias ms esenciales, y las expresa artsticamente. Siendo lo ms relevante el propsito de ayudarles a convertirse de una clase en s a una clase para s. El mrito del ensayo del Dr. Guido J. Arze es haber sabido demostrar que las novellas revolucionarias bolivianas ayudaron a promover la lucha armada liberadora, usndolas como vehculos de concientizacin, y con ello consagraron un nuevo subgnero: La novella revolucionaria boliviana. Novela que difi ere en cuanto a su funcin de sus semejantes las novelas de la Revolucin Mexicana y de la Revolucin Cubana.

The Oxford Handbook of Power, Politics, and Social Work

Book Description

This Handbook examines the impetus for the development, growth, and relevance of social work as a profession in different political, social, and cultural contexts. Contributions align with overarching contemporary themes such as changing governance structures around the world; digitalization and globalization; and decolonization. The book is also in line with the advancement of global agendas for social work and social development led by the IASSW, ICSW & IFSW. This contemporary text engages comprehensively with diverse political systems across the world and explores the interactions with, and implications for social work policy, practice, and education in these countries and globally.

Social Innovation in Latin America

Book Description

The Latin American continent contains an incredibly rich diversity from which humans derive a range of ecosystem services (e.g. material goods, cultural benefits, climate regulation, etc.) that contribute to livelihoods and well-being. It has become critical to reconcile social and environmental issues in the region to ensure that development is sustainable and aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. To ensure the sustainable use and management of social and natural capital in the region, business, government, social enterprises and NGOs are engaging in different forms of social innovation that account for social, ecological and environmental values. This requires the integration of social and natural capital into decision-making at all levels. Latin America presents a useful scenario to explore social innovation in relation to social and environmental values and the management of local human and natural resources. This book presents social innovation initiatives that incorporate social and natural capital into decision-making processes in Latin America. This book aims to provide the reader with an insight into the relevance of social innovation for maintaining and restoring social and natural capital in Latin America. Using case studies from Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile and Mexico, this book provides an insight into the interactions between social innovation and social and natural capital in Latin America and will be of interest to researchers, academics and students in the fields of social innovation, management studies, environmental economics and sustainability.