Magnetic Fluctuations in Gyrokinetic Simulations of Tokamak Scrape-Off Layer Turbulence

Book Description

Understanding turbulent transport physics in the tokamak edge and scrape-off layer (SOL) is critical to developing a successful fusion reactor. The dynamics in these regions plays a key role in achieving high fusion performance by determining the edge pedestal that suppresses turbulence in the high-confinement mode (H-mode). Additionally, the survivability of a reactor is set by the heat load to the vessel walls, making it important to understand turbulent spreading of heat as it flows along open magnetic field lines in the SOL. Large-amplitude fluctuations, magnetic X-point geometry, and plasma interactions with material walls make simulating turbulence in the edge/SOL more challenging than in the core region, necessitating specialized gyrokinetic codes. Further, the inclusion of electromagnetic effects in gyrokinetic simulations that can handle the unique challenges of the boundary plasma is critical to the understanding of phenomena such as the pedestal and edge-localized modes, for which electromagnetic dynamics are expected to be important.In this thesis, we develop the first capability to simulate electromagnetic gyrokinetic turbulence on open magnetic field lines. This is an important step towards comprehensive electromagnetic gyrokinetic simulations of the coupled edge/SOL system. By using a continuum full-f approach via an energy-conserving discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretization scheme that avoids the Ampere cancellation problem, we show that electromagnetic fluctuations can be handled in a robust, stable, and efficient manner in the gyrokinetic module of the Gkeyll code. We then present results which roughly model the scrape-off layer of the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX), and show that electromagnetic effects can affect blob dynamics and transport. We also formulate the gyrokinetic system in field-aligned coordinates for modeling realistic edge and scrape-off layer geometries in experiments. A novel DG algorithm for maintaining positivity of the distribution function while preserving conservation laws is also presented.

Collisional and Electromagnetic Physics in Gyrokinetic Models

Book Description

One of the most challenging problems facing plasma physicists today involves the modeling of plasma turbulence and transport in magnetic confinement experiments. The most successful model to this end so far is the reduced gyrokinetic model. Such a model cannot be solved analytically, but can be used to simulate the plasma behavior and transport with the help of present-day supercomputers. This has lead to the development of many different codes which simulate the plasma using the gyrokinetic model in various ways. These models have achieved a large amount of success in describing the core of the plasma for conventional tokamak devices. However, numerous difficulties have been encountered when applying these models to more extreme parameter regimes, such as the edge and scrape-off layer of the tokamak, and high plasma devices, such as spherical tokamaks. The development and application of the gyrokinetic model (specifically with the gyrokinetic code, GENE) to these more extreme parameter ranges shall be the focus of this thesis. One of the main accomplishments during this thesis project is the development of a more advanced collision operator suitable for studying the low temperature plasma edge. The previous collision operator implemented in the code was found to artificially create free energy at high collisionality, leading to numerical instabilities when one attempted to model the plasma edge. This made such an analysis infeasible. The newly implemented collision operator conserves particles, momentum, and energy to machine precision, and is guaranteed to dissipate free energy, even in a nonisothermal scenario. Additional finite Larmor radius correction terms have also been implemented in the local code, and the global code version of the collision operator has been adapted for use with an advanced block-structured grid scheme, allowing for more affordable collisional simulations. The GENE code, along with the newly implemented collision operator developed in this thesis, has been applied to study plasma turbulence and transport in the edge (tor = 0:9) of an L-mode magnetic confinement discharge of ASDEX Upgrade. It has been found that the primary microinstabilities at that radial position are electron drift waves destabilized by collisions and electromagnetic effects. At low toroidal mode numbers, ion temperature gradient driven modes and microtearing modes also seem to exist. In nonlinear simulations with the nominal experimental parameters, the simulated electron heat flux was four times higher than the experimental reconstruction, and the simulated ion heat flux was twice as high. However, both the ion and electron simulated heat flux could be brought into agreement with experimental values by lowering the input logarithmic electron temperature gradient by 40%. It was also found that the cross-phases between the electrostatic potential and the moments agreed well for the part of the binormal spectrum where the dominant transport occurred, and was fairly poor at larger scales where minimal transport occurred. Finally, a new scheme for evaluating the electromagnetic fields has been developed to address the instabilities occurring in nonlinear local and global gyrokinetic simulations at high plasma . This new scheme is based on evaluating the electromagnetic induction explicitly, and constructing the gyrokinetic equation based on the original distribution, rather than the modified distribution which implicitly takes into account the induction. This new scheme removes the artificial instability occurring in global simulations, enabling the study of high scenarios with GENE. The new electromagnetic scheme can also be generalized to a full-f implementation, however, it would require updating the field matrix every time-step to avoid the cancellation problem. The new scheme (including the parallel nonlinearity) does not remove the local instability, suggesting that that instability (caused by magnetic field perturbations shorting out zonal flows) is part of the physics of the local model.

Advances in Quasilinear Gyrokinetic Modeling of Turbulent Transport

Book Description

The quest to harness fusion energy requires the successful modeling of plasma turbulence and transport in magnetic confinement devices. For such modeling, the requisite length and time scales span many orders of magnitude. Integrated modeling approaches are constructed to account for the wide range of physics involved in turbulent transport by coupling separate physical models together. The primary physical models used in this work are kinetic and designed to simulate microturbulence on the smallest scales associated with turbulent transport. However, high precision nonlinear kinetic simulations often cannot be easily coupled to integrated modeling suites due to the extreme computational costs that would be involved. Model reduction which drastically reduces the computational complexity of the problem is therefore necessary. One must of course ensure that the reduced model does not severely diminish the accuracy of the calculation; the model reduction itself must be founded on more exact computational approaches as well as fundamental theoretical principles. One of the most successful approaches in model reduction is quasilinear gyrokinetics. There are two fundamental assumptions for the quasilinear model examined in this work. First, the three adiabatic invariants (the magnetic moment, the longitudinal invariant, and the poloidal flux) must be appropriately conserved and their associated single charged particle motions (the gyromotion, the bounce-transit motion, and the toroidal drift motion) must be characterized accurately. Second, the quasilinear approximation must hold such that the coherent linear response is adequate enough to compute the quasilinear fluxes without full calculation of the nonlinear physics. The particular model used, QuaLiKiz, has been proven successful in reproducing local gyrokinetic fluxes in the tokamak core while remaining computationally tractable. There are three primary goals of this dissertation project. The first is to examine the fundamental physics underlying gyrokinetic and reduced model approaches at the single charged particle scale. To achieve this goal, we examine the assumption of magnetic moment invariance in a wide variety of electromagnetic fields. We successfully identify the dimensionless parameters that determine magnetic moment conservation in each scenario and then proceed to quantify the degree to which magnetic moment conservation is broken. In doing so, we confirm that the magnetic moment is sufficiently conserved for a wide range of regimes relevant to tokamak plasmas. In addition, we derive new analytic formulas for quantities associated with bounce-transit motion in circular tokamak fields. We compare these new, more exact calculations to approximations commonly used in reduced models (including QuaLiKiz) and determine the conditions such that the approximations break down. We then also confirm that the approximations are valid in the tokamak core for conventional, large aspect ratio devices. The second goal of this dissertation project is to rederive and compile the model equations for QuaLiKiz from first principles. Over the years of QuaLiKiz's development, there has never been a complete manuscript that sketches the derivation of QuaLiKiz from start to finish. The lack of such a document makes it difficult to extend the physics of QuaLiKiz to new parameter regimes of interest. Various possible extensions such as including electromagnetic effects or more realistic tokamak geometries require the adjustment of several different assumptions that would affect the derivation in key ways. As such, correct implementations of new physics would require an existing derivation as a reference point lest the implementation be handled in an incoherent fashion. In addition, a step-by-step outline of how each assumption of QuaLiKiz affects the derivation can be helpful in determining which assumptions can be relaxed for a more accurate model. The successful completion of this derivation, included in this dissertation, will be immensely useful for future QuaLiKiz improvement and validation. With the derivation in hand, we proceed to the third goal of this project: improving the collisional model of QuaLiKiz. Collisions play an essential role in characterizing the transport associated with trapped electron modes. It has become evident in recent studies that the collisional model in QuaLiKiz requires improvement; in integrated modeling, the imprecise treatment of collisional trapped electron modes leads to incorrect density profile predictions near the tokamak core for highly collisional regimes. We revisit the collision model implemented in QuaLiKiz and use the more exact gyrokinetic code GENE (Gyrokinetic Electromagnetic Numerical Experiment) to make improvements to QuaLiKiz's collision operator. We then use the new version of QuaLiKiz in integrated modeling to compare density profiles predicted by the old and new collision operators. We confirm that the new collision operator leads to density profiles that more accurately match the experimental profiles.

Gyrokinetic Particle Simulation of Compressible Electromagnetic Turbulence in High-? Plasmas

Book Description

Supported by this award, the PI and his research group at the University of California, Irvine (UCI) have carried out computational and theoretical studies of instability, turbulence, and transport in laboratory and space plasmas. Several massively parallel, gyrokinetic particle simulation codes have been developed to study electromagnetic turbulence in space and laboratory plasmas. In space plasma projects, the simulation codes have been successfully applied to study the spectral cascade and plasma heating in kinetic Alfven wave turbulence, the linear and nonlinear properties of compressible modes including mirror instability and drift compressional mode, and the stability of the current sheet instabilities with finite guide field in the context of collisionless magnetic reconnection. The research results have been published in 25 journal papers and presented at many national and international conferences. Reprints of publications, source codes, and other research-related information are also available to general public on the PI's webpage ( Two PhD theses in space plasma physics are highlighted in this report.

Turbulence and Instabilities in Magnetised Plasmas

Book Description

The second of a two-volume set, this book begins with a review of the concepts behind magnetised plasma turbulence as covered in Volume One. After covering the effects of temperature dynamics, especially heat flux inertia, the rest of the first half reviews classical field theory in the necessary language, then builds the gyrokinetic and gyrofluid theory in a systematic and self-consistent manner, with special emphasis on energetic consistency.

Plasma Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation

Book Description

This work presents one of the most powerful methods of plasma diagnosis in exquisite detail, to guide researchers in the theory and measurement techniques of light scattering in plasmas. Light scattering in plasmas is essential in the research and development of fusion energy, environmental solutions, and electronics.Referred to as the "Bible" by researchers, the work encompasses fusion and industrial applications essential in plasma research. It is the only comprehensive resource specific to the plasma scattering technique. It provides a wide-range of experimental examples and discussion of their principles with worked examples to assist researchers in applying the theory. - Computing techniques for solving basic equations helps researchers compare data to the actual experiment - New material on advances on the experimental side, such as the application of high density plasmas of inertial fusion - Worked out examples of the scattering technique for easier comprehension of theory

The Dimits Shift in More Realistic Gyrokinetic Plasma Turbulence Simulations

Book Description

In simulations of turbulent plasma transport due to long wavelength, (k(up tack)pi (less-than or equal to) 1), electrostatic drift-type instabilities we find that a nonlinear upshift of the effective threshold persists. This 'Dimits shift' represents the difference between the linear threshold, at the onset of instability, and the nonlinear threshold, where transport increases suddenly as the driving temperature gradient is increased. As the drive increases, the magnitudes of turbulent eddies and zonal ows grow until the zonal flows become nonlinearly unstable to 'tertiary' modes and their sheared ows no longer grow fast enough to strongly limit eddy size. The tertiary mode threshold sets the effective nonlinear threshold for the heat transport, and the Dimits shift arises when this occurs at a zonal flow magnitude greater than that needed to limit transport near the linear threshold. Nextgeneration tokamaks will likely benefit from the higher effective threshold for turbulent transport, and transport models should incorporate suitable corrections to linear thresholds. These gyrokinetic simulations are more realistic than previous reports of a Dimits shift because they include nonadiabatic electron dynamics, strong collisional damping of zonal flows, and finite electron and ion collisionality together with realistic shaped magnetic geometry. Reversing previously reported results based on idealized adiabatic electrons, we find that increasing collisionality reduces the heat flux because collisionality reduces the nonadiabatic electron drive.

Turbulent Transport in Magnetized Plasmas

Book Description

The book explains how magnetized plasmas self-organize in states of electromagnetic turbulence that transports particles and energy out of the core plasma faster than anticipated by the fusion scientists designing magnetic confinement systems in the 20th century. It describes theory, experiments and simulations in a unified and up-to-date presentation of the issues of achieving nuclear fusion power.