Electromagnetic Radiation in Space

Book Description

Electromagnetic Radiation in Space

Book Description

The subject of this volume in the Astrophysics and Space Science Library is Electro magnetic Radiation in Space. It is essentially based on the lectures given at the third ESRO Summer School which was held from 19 July to 13 August, 1965, in Alpbach, Austria. Fifty-eight selected students attended the courses representing the following countries: Austria (2), Belgium (1), Denmark (1), France (12), Germany (10), Italy (7), Netherlands (2), Spain (4), Sweden (6), Switzerland (3), United Kingdom (9), United States (1). Thirteen lectures courses and nine seminars were given by sixteen different scientists in total. In this book the courses and seminars have been classified in three parts according to the kind of radiation which they mainly deal with: Ultraviolet Radiation, X Radiation and Cosmic Radiation. These parts can be broken down further in theo retical and observational aspects, whereas in the first and second part solar as well as stellar ultraviolet- and X-radiation can be distinguished. * Due to various reasons the publication of this volume had to be delayed; it was therefore judged appropriate to bring the text up to date. The various lecturers have been asked to revise the manuscripts and to eventually add new information which has been acquired in this rapidly evolving field of space astrophysics. Most authors have responded positively to this request, some even have completely rewritten the manuscript.

Dynamics of Close Binary Systems

Book Description

The aim of the present book will be to provide a comprehensive account of our present knowledge of the theory of dynamical phenomena exhibited by elose binary systems; and on the basis of such phenomena as have been attested by available observations to outline probable evolutionary trends of such systems in the course of time. The evolution of the stars - motivated by nuelear as weIl as gravitation al energy sources - constitutes nowadays a well-established branch of stellar astronomy. No theo ries of such an evolution are as yet sufficently specific - let alone infallible - not to require continual tests by a confrontation of their consequences with the observed prop erties of actual stars at different stages of their evolution. The discriminating power of such tests depends, of course, on the range of information offered by the test objects. Single stars which move alone in space are now known to represent only a minority of objects constituting our Galaxy (cf. Chapter 1-2); and are, moreover, not very revealing of their basic physical characteristics - such as their masses or absolute dimensions. If there were no binary systems in the sky, the only star whose vital statistics would be fully known to us would be our Sun.

Earth’s Magnetospheric Processes

Book Description

This book contains the lectures presented at the Summer Advanced Institute and Ninth ESRO Summer School which was held in Cortina, Italy, during the period August 30 through September 10, 1971. One hundred seventy-nine persons from eight een different countries attended. The authors and the publisher have made a special effort for rapid publication of an up-to-date status of the particles, fields, and processes in the earth's magnetosphere, which is an ever changing area. Special thanks are due to the lecturers for their diligent preparation and excellent presentations. The individual lectures and the published papers were deliberately limited; the author's cooperation in conforming to these specifications is greatly appreciated. The contents of the book are organized by sub ject area rather than in the order in which papers were presented during the Institute/ School. Many thanks are due to Drs J. Ronald Burrows, James W. Dungey, Harry Elliot, Roger Gendrin, Edward W. Hones, Jr. , Reimar Liist, and J. Ortner who served as session chairmen during the Institute and contributed greatly to its success by skill fully directing the discussion period in a stimulating manner after each lecture. Many persons contributed to the success of the Institute/School. The co-chairman, Dr Reimar Liist, was most helpful during all phases of the preparation and planning. Drs J. Ronald Burrows, Harry Elliot, Carl-Gunne Fiilthammar, M. Giorgi, J. Ortner, J. R. U. Page, Alois Schardt, James A. Van Allen, and Martin Walt were especially helpful in preparing the technical program.

Photon and Particle Interactions with Surfaces in Space

Book Description

The 6th ESLAB Symposium, organised by the Space Science Department (formerly ESLAB) of the European Space Research and Technology Center, was held in Noord wijk from 26-29 September 1972. This year the theme was "Photon and Particle Interactions with Surfaces in Space". More than 60 scientists attended mainly from ESRO Member States and from America. The first part of the Symposium was devoted to introductory lectures and to papers on interactions with spacecraft. The second half dealt with the photon and particle interactions with celestial objects, and ended with a general discussion and presenta tions of areas where new developments are required. The purpose of this Symposium was to throw light on the importance of the prob lems which are evoked by E. A. Trendelenburg in his introductory remarks, and to sum up our present understanding of these phenomena. It is hoped that this book will prove useful to physicists and engineers who are actually involved in space ex periments and are concerned with interactions of these types. R. J. L. GRARD OPENING ADDRESS Gentlemen, I should like to welcome you to the 6th ESLAB Symposium. In the past we have always organised this Symposium jointly with our sister in stitute, ESRIN, in Frascati, but unfortunately reductions in the scientific budget have forced ESRO to terminate the activities of that laboratory. Nevertheless, we have decided to carryon the tradition, and we shall continue on our own organising this series of symposia on specialised subjects.