Electromagnetic Seabed Logging

Book Description

Seabed logging (SBL) gathers the electromagnetic methods of marine subsoil exploration and more specifically those dedicated to the exploration of oil and gas at sea. Appeared in 2000, these techniques, with more than 500 industrial jobs, present after 15 years of commercial success a discovery record rate of nearly 90 % and seem now to turn the world in the offshore exploration field. Proposing a serious index of the presence of hydrocarbons , electromagnetic SBL coupled with seismic reflection survey is probably the first reliable method for direct detection of hydrocarbons. Complementing the structural concepts of oil exploration used since the 1920s, the SBL now radically modifies the approach and the philosophies of exploration especially those then including drilling and well logging activities. Electromagnetic Seabed Logging: a new tool for oil and gas prospecting, which original publication in French was in 2012, presents these methods, its principles, advantages, limitations, instruments, modeling and applications. It is also designed to be a tool for a reflection on the use of electromagnetic energy for the exploration in a conductive medium as sea water thus setting the theoretical and practical limits of these investigations for future developments. This book is intended of course for the geophysicists and the petroleum geologists, but also for the earth scientists, the reservoir engineers and the log analysts

Towards Intelligent Systems Modeling and Simulation

Book Description

This book creates the emergence of disruptive technologies that have led to a significant change in the role of mathematics and statistics for problem solving, with the use of sophisticated software and hardware in solving complex systems and process. In the era of digital technology, mathematics and statistics need to be highly relevant to be able to cater for the needs of IR4.0 such as big data analytics, simulation, autonomous system, and cloud computing. Motivated by this development, a total of 26 chapters are contributed by respectable experts for this book. The main scope of the book is to conduct a new system of modeling and simulations on solving differential equations, nonlinear equations, energy, epidemiology, and risk assessment. This book is of interest for postgraduate students, researchers as well as other scientists who are working in numerical modeling and simulations based on efficient mathematical and statistical techniques.

Encyclopedia of Ocean Engineering

Book Description

This encyclopedia adopts a wider definition for the concept of ocean engineering. Specifically, it includes (1) offshore engineering: fixed and floating offshore oil and gas platforms; pipelines and risers; cables and moorings; buoy technology; foundation engineering; ocean mining; marine and offshore renewable energy; aquaculture engineering; and subsea engineering; (2) naval architecture: ship and special marine vehicle design; intact and damaged stability; technology for energy efficiency and green shipping; ship production technology; decommissioning and recycling; (3) polar and Arctic Engineering: ice mechanics; ice-structure interaction; polar operations; polar design; environmental protection; (4) underwater technologies: AUV/ROV design; AUV/ROV hydrodynamics; maneuvering and control; and underwater-specific communicating and sensing systems for AUV/ROVs. It summarizes the A–Z of the background and application knowledge of ocean engineering for use by ocean scientists and ocean engineers as well as nonspecialists such as engineers and scientists from all disciplines, economists, students, and politicians. Ocean engineering theories, ocean devices and equipment, ocean design and operation technologies are described by international experts, many from industry and each entry offers an introduction and references for further study, making current technology and operating practices available for future generations to learn from. The book also furthers our understanding of the current state of the art, leading to new and more efficient technologies with breakthroughs from new theory and materials. As the land resources approach the exploitation limit, ocean resources are becoming the next choice for the sustainable development. As such, ocean engineering is vital in the 21st century.

Électrographies de fond de mer – une révolution dans la prospection pétrolière ?

Book Description

L’électrographie de fond de mer (EFM) regroupe les méthodes électromagnétiques d’exploration du sous-sol marin et plus spécifiquement celles dédiées à la prospection des hydrocarbures en mer. Apparues commercialement en 2000, ces techniques, avec plus de 500 opérations industrielles, présentent après 10 ans de succès commerciaux un taux record de découverte de près de 90 %, et semblent aujourd’hui bouleverser la donne en matière de recherche pétrolière offshore. En proposant un indice de présence d’hydrocarbures sérieux, l’EFM couplée à la sismique réflexion est probablement la première méthode fiable de détection directe des hydrocarbures. Complétant les concepts structuralistes de la prospection indirecte en vigueur depuis les années 1920, l’EFM modifie aujourd’hui radicalement l’approche et les philosophies d’exploration, en particulier celles incluant en aval les activités de forages et de diagraphies de fond de trou. S’appuyant sur les lois de l’électromagnétisme (équations de Maxwell), Électrographies de fond de mer décrit et analyse en détail les principes physiques, les méthodes, les techniques et les technologies mis en œuvre ou en voie de l’être. De plus, une note historique montrant l’évolution des idées, des concepts et des matériels depuis les années 1930, dates des premières tentatives, complète chaque chapitre. Synthèse unique, cet ouvrage abondamment illustré constitue un véritable outil de réflexion sur l’utilisation en prospection de l’énergie électromagnétique en milieu conducteur (eau de mer) fixant ainsi les limites théoriques et pratiques de ces investigations pour les développements à venir. Destiné aux géophysiciens et géologues du pétrole, il sera également utile aux physiciens du globe, aux ingénieurs réservoir, aux diagraphistes, aux log analysts, ainsi qu’à tous les étudiants en géosciences.

Computational Methods in Geophysical Electromagnetics

Book Description

This monograph provides a framework for students and practitioners who are working on the solution of electromagnetic imaging in geophysics. Bridging the gap between theory and practical applied material (for example, inverse and forward problems), it provides a simple explanation of finite volume discretization, basic concepts in solving inverse problems through optimization, a summary of applied electromagnetics methods, and MATLAB??code for efficient computation.

Introduction to Petroleum Seismology

Book Description

Providing theoretical and practical background, the book's first part covers fundamental physics principles to elastodynamic wave propagation. The second part discusses modern developments such as multicomponent data, multiple elimination, AVO, anisotropy, linear anelasticity, Fourier and wavelet representations, and higher-order statistics.

Nanosynthesis and Nanodevice

Book Description

Selected, peer reviewed papers from the International Conference on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 2011 (NANO-SciTech 2011), March 2–3, 2011, Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Theoretical, Modelling and Numerical Simulations Toward Industry 4.0

Book Description

This book presents theoretical modeling and numerical simulations applied to drive several applications towards Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). The topics discussed range from theoretical parts to extensive simulations involving many efficient algorithms as well as various statistical techniques. This book is suitable for postgraduate students, researchers as well as other scientists who are working in mathematics, statistics and numerical modeling and simulation.

Design and Analysis of Materials and Engineering Structures

Book Description

The idea of this monograph is to present the latest results related to design and analysis of materials and engineering structures. The contributions cover the field of mechanical and civil engineering, ranging from automotive to dam design, transmission towers and up to machine design and exmaples taken from oil industry. Well known experts present their research on damage and fracture of material and structures, materials modelling and evaluation up to image processing and visualization for advanced analyses and evaluation

Optimization Techniques in Engineering

Book Description

OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES IN ENGINEERING The book describes the basic components of an optimization problem along with the formulation of design problems as mathematical programming problems using an objective function that expresses the main aim of the model, and how it is to be either minimized or maximized; subsequently, the concept of optimization and its relevance towards an optimal solution in engineering applications, is explained. This book aims to present some of the recent developments in the area of optimization theory, methods, and applications in engineering. It focuses on the metaphor of the inspired system and how to configure and apply the various algorithms. The book comprises 30 chapters and is organized into two parts: Part I — Soft Computing and Evolutionary-Based Optimization; and Part II — Decision Science and Simulation-Based Optimization, which contains application-based chapters. Readers and users will find in the book: An overview and brief background of optimization methods which are used very popularly in almost all applications of science, engineering, technology, and mathematics; An in-depth treatment of contributions to optimal learning and optimizing engineering systems; Maps out the relations between optimization and other mathematical topics and disciplines; A problem-solving approach and a large number of illustrative examples, leading to a step-by-step formulation and solving of optimization problems. Audience Researchers, industry professionals, academicians, and doctoral scholars in major domains of engineering, production, thermal, electrical, industrial, materials, design, computer engineering, and natural sciences. The book is also suitable for researchers and postgraduate students in mathematics, applied mathematics, and industrial mathematics.