Electron Momentum Spectroscopy

Book Description

This book gives a complete account of electron momentum spectroscopy to date. It describes in detail the construction of spectrometers and the acquisition and reduction of cross-section data, explaining the quantum theory of the reaction and giving experimental verification.

Coincidence Studies of Electron and Photon Impact Ionization

Book Description

The great advantage of coincidence measurements is that by suitable choice of the kinematical and geometrical arrangement one may probe delicate physical effects which would be swamped in less differential experiments. The measurement of the triple dif ferential and higher-order cross sections presents enormous technical difficulties, but refined experiments of this type provide an insight into the subtleties of the scattering process and offer a welcome, if severe, test of the available theoretical models. The last few years have been an exciting time to work in the field and much has been learned. Profound insights have been gleaned into the basic Coulomb few body problem in atomic physics: the experimental study of the fundamental (e,2e) processes on hydrogen and helium targets continues to add to our knowledge and indeed to challenge the best of our theoretical models; significant advances have been made in the understanding of the "double excitation problem," that is the study of ionization processes with two active target electrons: important measurements of (e,3e), (,),,2e), excitation-ionization and excitation autoionization have been reported and strides have been made in their theoretical description; the longstanding discrepancies between theory and experiment for relativistic (e,2e) processes were resolved, spin dependent effects predicted and ob served and the first successful coincidence experiments on surfaces and thin films were announced. Theory and experiment have advanced in close consort. The papers pre sented here cover the whole gambit of research in the field. Much has been achieved but much remains to be done.

Many-Particle Spectroscopy of Atoms, Molecules, Clusters, and Surfaces

Book Description

Since the early days of modem physics spectroscopic techniques have been employed as a powerful tool to assess existing theoretical models and to uncover novel phenomena that promote the development of new concepts. Conventionally, the system to be probed is prepared in a well-defined state. Upon a controlled perturbation one measures then the spectrum of a single particle (electron, photon, etc.) emitted from the probe. The analysis of this single particle spectrum yields a wealth of important information on the properties of the system, such as optical and magnetic behaviour. Therefore, such analysis is nowadays a standard tool to investigate and characterize a variety of materials. However, it was clear at a very early stage that real physical compounds consist of many coupled particles that may be excited simultaneously in response to an external perturbation. Yet, the simultaneous (coincident) detection of two or more excited species proved to be a serious technical obstacle, in particular for extended electronic systems such as surfaces. In recent years, however, coincidence techniques have progressed so far as to image the multi-particle excitation spectrum in an impressive detail. Correspondingly, many-body theoretical concepts have been put forward to interpret the experimental findings and to direct future experimental research. This book gives a snapshot of the present status of multi-particle coincidence studies both from a theoretical and an experimental point of view. It also includes selected topical review articles that highlight the achievements and the power of coincident techniques.

Electronic Density Functional Theory

Book Description

This book is an outcome of the International Workshop on Electronic Density Functional Theory, held at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, in July 1996. Density functional theory, standing as it does at the boundary between the disciplines of physics, chemistry, and materials science, is a great mixer. Invited experts from North America, Europe, and Australia mingled with students from several disciplines, rapidly taking up the informal style for which Australia is famous. A list of participants is given at the end of the book. Density functional theory (DFT) is a subtle approach to the very difficult problem of predicting the behavior of many interacting particles. A major application is the study of many-electron systems. This was the workshop theme, embracing inter alia computational chemistry and condensed matter physics. DFT circumvents the more conceptually straightforward (but more computationally intensive) approach in which one solves the many-body Schrodinger equation. It relies instead on rather delicate considerations involving the electron number density. For many years the pioneering work of Kohn and Sham (the Local Density Ap proximation of 1965 and immediate extensions) represented the state of the art in DFT. This approach was widely used for its appealing simplicity and computability, but gave rather modest accuracy. In the last few years there has been a renaissance of interest, quite largely due to the remarkable success of the new generation of gradient functionals whose initiators include invitees to the workshop (Perdew, Parr, Yang).

Electron Scattering and Related Spectroscopies

Book Description

The main purpose of this book is to provide an overview of all phenomena which can be categorized under the general label of ?electron scattering?, and to give a comprehensive description of all spectroscopical techniques related to electron scattering phenomena. Various classes of events are examined (electron in-electron out, photon in-electron out, electron in-two electron out, electron diffraction), together with the corresponding experimental techniques. A description of the underlying physics of various electron scattering phenomena is provided. For each spectroscopy, the general principles, the main fields of application, and some selected representative cases are discussed. The use of relatively low-cost electron sources is emphasized with respect to photon sources. The book is directed to PhD students and researchers not necessarily yet expert in the field.

X-Ray and Inner Shell-Processes

Book Description

Contains papers, lectures, and reports from the September 1996 conference on recent advances in both experimental and theoretical X-ray and inner-shell processes and their applications, with sections on radiation sources, highly charged ions, instrumentation and methods, nuclear scattering, electron

(e,2e) & Related Processes

Book Description

An (e,2e) experiment is the measurement of an electron impact ionization process where both the exiting electrons are detected in coincidence. Such measurements are almost at the limit of what can be known, in quantum mechanical terms, and its description presents a substantial theoretical challenge. There are at least two very good reasons for studying (e,2e) and related processes. In the first place we are now only beginning to understand the dynamics of the collision process. The range and sophistication of present experiments allow us to identify kinematic regimes where delicate and subtle effects can be observed, stretching current theories to their limit. Secondly, the multiple coincident technique offers us the possibility of an analytical tool that could be used to probe the structure of the target, be it atom, molecule, thin film or surface. Measurements are now being performed at threshold on H, on the inner shell levels of Au and Ag using projectiles at relativistic energies, with spin-polarized electrons on Li, on a myriad of molecules in symmetric, noncoplanar kinematics, and on He in a multitude of different geometries. The technique has recently been extended to excitation ionization (e,3e) and (gamma,2e) experiments. Major theoretical advances have also been made, but much still remains to be done. This volume contains the invited papers that were presented at the Workshop on (e,2e) and related processes which took place in September/October 1992 in Cambridge, UK. The three major review papers which it contains together form an excellent introduction to this new and rapidly expanding area of physics and set the scene for the wide range of research contributions, both experimental and theoretical, from the leading scientists in the field.