Electronic Monitoring for Control on Fishing Vessels

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This study evaluates the potential of Electronic Monitoring (EM) to monitor compliance in the Dutch bottom trawl fishery, which, eventually, can be used as a guideline for further preparation of an EM pilot in Dutch fisheries. Within this context the feasibility of EM to monitor compliance of the landing obligation (LO) in Dutch bottom trawl fisheries is analysed considering technical, practical and financial requirements for control purposes and the ability of EM to completely document the catch, including discards, as stated on under the LO. In addition, the social aspects around the implementation of EM are described: the negative perception of EM by many fishers and the options that facilitate its uptake by the fishing industry. A detailed review of the technical standards as described by the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and comparison with EM setups used during scientific trails points out that several technical standards can be considered as control specific. Technical applications on remote access, data back- up, data storage and transfer, camera positioning system diagnostics, drafting vessel monitoring plans and data exchange formats should be considered when implementing EM for LO control purposes. The estimated total budget needed for fleetwide implementation for EM on the current Dutch beam trawler fleet, approximately 105 vessels, is estimated at 1.2 million euro to set up an EM programme and 1.9 million euro for annual running costs. The efficiency of EM to register catch very much depends on the type of fishery and catch, e.g. species and catch composition. EM preforms better when catches are processed in such a manner that it is easy to detect individual fish on video footage. This depends on the type of fisheries, e.g. hook and line fisheries, or the monitoring objectives, i.e. specimens of a particular species, are easily spotted in the catch. Results of previous studies showed that EM is less efficient in detecting smaller specimens, e.g. undersized and discarded fish. Occlusions of fish and other organic material on the sorting belt were the main reason for structural underestimation of the discarded catch. Manual review of EM video data is perceived as a highly labour intensive and time consuming task. Implementation of protocols to increase visibility of discards improves efficiency of EM, but it comes with a cost. The estimated extra time needed to conduct a protocol to better display discarded catch in front of the cameras would exceed 12 hours per fishing trip. Computer vision technology will reduce time and manual labour currently needed for EM video review and decreases the level of dependency in discard recording of fishers for control purposes. In order to successfully implement EM, it is important that the fishing industry supports and accepts the tool as beneficial. Currently there is a sense of distrust and resistance on behalf of a large part of the fishing fleet. The incentives offered for fishers to participate in previous, more scientific orientated, EM trials were direct and consisted of individual quota uplifts, direct payments, increased days at sea, access to closed areas and increased flexibility in gear choice. However, in order to roll out EM over the entire Dutch (and European) fleet, a more intrinsic motivation is required. This can be fuelled by indirect incentives, such as increased market access though eco-labelling, but also by experiencing the advantages in terms of better fishing opportunities or healthy fisheries, because, EM provides better data for improved fisheries management. A first step in creating support is to involve the fishers in the process of planning and implementation. Managers, fishers, scientists, IT specialists and other relevant parties need to discuss the concerns of the parties involved, such as privacy, data security, data ownership, and information provision. The discussions are also an opportunity to manage expectations and to help build trust and confidence. The establishment of a multi-stakeholder group including industry representatives and experts could facilitate this process. Implementation of EM on a large scale requires a substantial investment. EM generates a significant amount of (video) data, and needs an infrastructure that supports data transfer, storage, and review facilities. Development of computer vision technology to support the EM implementation process is recommended, the technology reduces time, costs and manual review needed and enhances the recording of discards under the LO.

Electronic monitoring in tuna fisheries

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Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a serious threat to sustainable fisheries, marine ecosystems and the livelihoods of legitimate fishers globally. To address it, the Common Oceans ABNJ Tuna Project is exploring ways to strengthen and harmonize the use of monitoring, control and surveillance tools, and combat IUU fishing in tuna fisheries across the marine areas beyond national jurisdiction.One tool is the use of electronic monitoring systems to monitor individual vessel operations at sea. In a typical electronic monitoring application, cameras, recording video or still images, are deployed at key points on the vessel to allow a view of the fishing operation. The video footage is stored on hard drives that government officials can use to review compliance with regulations, as well as record detailed data on catch and effort. It was envisaged that industry would have access to these data for its own operational purposes.To test the best way to incorporate this technology as complementary compliance tool, two pilot trials were set up: one in Ghana to cover the domestic tuna purse seine fleet fishing; and one in Fiji to cover the domestic longline fisheries. Close collaboration was established between national governments and industry for implementation.The overall aim of the pilots was to develop an effective implementation process at the national level, so that the information could be properly utilized for compliance purposes. This report documents the successful completion of these trials, and the lessons learned that could benefit electronic monitoring programmes elsewhere.

The European Landing Obligation

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This open access book provides a comprehensive examination of the European Landing Obligation policy from many relevant perspectives. It includes evaluations of its impacts at economical, socio-cultural, ecological and institutional levels. It also discusses the feasibility and benefits of several potential mitigation strategies. The book was timely published, exactly at the time where the Landing Obligation was planned to be fully implemented. This book is of significant interest to all stakeholders involved, but also to the general public of Europe and to other jurisdictions throughout the world that are also searching for ways to deal with by-catch and discard issues.

The Sunken Billions Revisited

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This report updates previous studies that measured in economic terms the extent of biological losses attributable to overfishing globally. The new estimates assess these 'sunken billions' at $83 billion annually. The report further shows that a clear path can lead to the recovery of these considerable losses, including through significant reduction in global fishing overcapacity. A breakdown between regions is also included, showing that the effort needed to achieve this reform will not be felt equally throughout the world. While the cost of such reform will likely be high, the expected benefits include an increase in biomass by a factor of 2.7, increase in annual harvests by 13 percent, and a 30-fold increase in annual net benefits accrued to the fisheries sector (from $3 billion to $86 billion annually). This urgent call for action is reinforced by the impacts of climate change on fish stocks and fisheries worldwide.

Recent Trends in Monitoring Control and Surveillance Systems for Capture Fisheries

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The paper has been designed as a handbook for fisheries administrators for use when establishing or enhancing, monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) systems in support of fisheries management initiatives. It updates the 1994 FAO Technical Paper No. 338, "An introduction to monitoring, control and surveillance systems for capture fisheries", through a review of recent international fisheries agreements and new MCS approaches involving participatory management, preventive and deterrent MCS strategies, and the importance of safety-at-sea for fishers.

An Introduction to Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Systems for Capture Fisheries

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The paper has been designed as a handbook for Fisheries Administrators (a term used to denote those fisheries authorities responsible for decisions regarding the fisheries of their country) for their consideration when establishing, or enhancing, monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) systems in support of fisheries management initiatives. The paper is divided into three main parts: definition and context of an MCS system; design considerations for MCS; and, MCS operational procedures. Annexes provide detailed examples of operational issues to be addressed in MCS system design and implementation.

Automatic Video Analysis for Electronic Monitoring of Fishery Activities

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Recently, automated imagery analysis techniques have drawn increasing attention in fishery science and industry. Compared to traditional human observing and monitoring, automated imagery analysis techniques are more scalable and deployable, and thus have been widely used in recent years for numerous fishery survey tasks, such as abundance estimation, species identification or length measurement. One of the emerging fishery survey tasks which can effectively take advantage of the automated imagery analysis is the electronic monitoring (EM) for fishery activities. The goal of EM is to monitor the fish catching on fishing vessels, either for scientific survey or legal purpose. For example, a fishing vessel may not retain fish catching if the length is below some threshold or exceeding the quota of the vessel for certain species. Therefore, accurate tracking, counting, measurement and species classification is required in the EM systems. There are, however, challenges from the inspected subjects and operation environments. Deformable objects, noise from the wild sea surface, and dynamic background, make conventional tracking, segmentation and classification methods unreliable. To overcome the challenges encountered in the electronic monitoring, this dissertation presents an online 3D tracking and segmentation system for stereo video based monitoring of rail fish catching on wild sea surface. Based on the result of a pre-trained image object (fish) detector, a Kalman filtering-based tracking system overcomes the issues of low detection scores of deformed objects and unreliable bounding boxes by rescoring multiple object proposals using spatial information in 3D. A clustering-and-scoring strategy is then applied on the depth map, so that a plane classification method can effectively segment the objects from the dynamic background without any prior modeling. The object segmentation is further refined using fully connected conditional random fields based on color and geometric features. With the segmentation results, we can measure the 3D lengths of objects and update the positions of bounding boxes to help tracking. Experimental results show that a reliable tracking and measurement performance under noisy and dynamic sea surface environment is achieved. Once fish are tracked and measured, one of the primary tasks in the electronic monitoring is to identify the species of fish. In the work of object classification, one challenge is that the feature generation needs to be robust with fish in any orientations and poses, which yield diverse visual features and large within-class variation. Other challenges include the high visual similarity among fish species. Therefore, in this dissertation, we utilize the deep metric learning to learn a feature representation which can separate visually similar species in the feature space. By adding more constraints based on the temporal order of image sequences, we can make the model to learn a more structured and compact feature space. Besides, by exploiting the clustering properties and temporal relationship in the feature space, the learning of the model can be further improved. Combining all the stages above, the proposed electronic monitoring system can automatically process input video data, and analyze the fishery activities. The monitoring results can be further used to perform fish abundance estimation for either regulatory or scientific research purposes.

Report of the Expert Consultation on the Use of Vessel Monitoring Systems and Satellites for Fisheries Monitoring, Control and Surveillance, Rome, 24-26 October 2006

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The meeting was convened to review and assess technical, legal and institutional aspects concerning the use of vessel monitoring systems (VMS) and satellites in monitoring, control and surveillance, in order to facilitate the wider co-operative use of this type of technology among States. The meeting furthered collaboration with the International Maritime Organization (IMO), as called for by the 2001 International Plan of Action to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) Fishing; with an inventory and assessment of the status of VMS and satellites in terms of the technology and equipment employed and legal and institutional considerations.

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Review of the State of World Marine Fishery Resources

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This document provides a review, commentary and tabulations of the main trends that have occurred in exploitation of fisheries resources since the 1970s, largely as they are reflected in the FAO database on fishery landings, supplemented with selected information from the fishery literature. Reviews were prepared separately for the 15 main areas into which FAO divides the world's oceans for statistical purposes. They are then compared from a global perspective to reveal relative trends by species and areas, which are highlighted. Several special topics are reviewed, including tuna and tuna-like species, whales and dolphins, and environmental issues in fisheries.