Radiative Corrections

Book Description

The Workshop on Radiative Corrections: Results and Perspectives was held at the University of Sussex in fine weather between July 9 and 14 1989. The Workshop was weIl timed: the day after its concluding session the first beam at LEP was circulated. The Original aims of the Workshop were twofold: first to review the existing theoretical work on electroweak radiative corrections in the light of the initial experiments at SLC and LEP, and to attempt to obtain a consensus on the best means of carrying out the calculations of the various processes. This aim became Working Group A on Renormalisation Schemes tor Electroweak Radiative Corrections. The second aim was to review the experimental implementation of radiative corrections and this became Working Group B. Here the problem was to obtain a consensus on the use of Monte Carlo event generators. At the time (March 1987) when Friedrich Dydak wrote to one of us (ND) to suggest a Workshop on the subject of electroweak radiative corrections to take place just before experiments at LEP were to begin, the main theoretical problem was that there was no agreement among theorists on the use of a specific renormalization scheme. Similarly, it was already becoming clear that it was going to be very difficult to compare the experimental results of different groups because they would use different event generators and experimental cuts of their data.

Precision Tests Of The Standard Electroweak Model

Book Description

High precision measurements of weak neutral current and charged current processes and of the properties of the Z and W bosons have established the standard electroweak model as correct down to a distance scale of 10-16 cm, and are a sensitive probe of possible underlying physics. In this book, all aspects of the program are considered in detail, including the structure of the standard model, radiative corrections, high precision experiments, and their implications. The major classes of experiments are surveyed, covering the experiments themselves, the data analysis, results, and prospects.This volume is a detailed reference for theoretical and experimental researchers, as well as an introductory text for advanced students.

Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and New Physics at the TeV Scale

Book Description

This is an expanded version of the report by the Electroweak Symmetry Breaking and Beyond the Standard Model Working Group which was contributed to Particle Physics ? Perspectives and Opportunities, a report of the Division of Particles and Fields Committee for Long Term Planning. One of the Working Group's primary goals was to study the phenomenology of electroweak symmetry breaking and attempt to quantify the ?physics reach? of present and future colliders. Their investigations encompassed the Standard Model ? with one doublet of Higgs scalars ? and approaches to physics beyond the Standard Model. These include models of low-energy supersymmetry, dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, and a variety of extensions of the Standard Model with new particles and interactions. The Working Group also considered signals of new physics in precision measurements arising from virtual processes and examined experimental issues associated with the study of electroweak symmetry breaking and the search for new physics at present and future hadron and lepton colliders.This volume represents an important contribution to the efforts being made to advance the frontiers of particle physics.

Electroweak Effects at High Energies

Book Description

The first Europhysics Study Conference on Electroweak Effects at High Energies was held at the "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture in Erice, Sicily from February 1 -12, 1983. The conference was attended by 61 physicists from 11 countries. The conference was sponsored by the European Physical Society, the Italian Ministry of Public Education, the Italian Ministry of Technological Research, the Sicilian Regional Government and the California Institute of Technology. CONFERENCE FORMAT The Study Conference followed a new intensive format in which the state of our knowledge of the electroweak interaction, and the relation of the electroweak sector to Grand Unified and Superunified Theories was reviewed in some depth. During the two week conference, 54 experimental and theoretical talks were presented, and four evening discussion sessions were held. The Erice surroundings, the wide-ranging conference program, and the fact that nearly all of the participants were directly involved in recent major experimental or theoretical developments, led to animated and very friendly discussions. Participants had the rare opportunity to view most of the major trends in high energy physics in a short interval of time, and to discuss and contemplate the trends in the uniquely peaceful yet stimulating atmosphere which is an Erice tradition.