Eliminating the Worst Forms of Child Labour

Book Description

This handbook offers an educational approach to Convention No. 182, the cornerstone of international action to combat the worst forms of child labor. It provides examples of best practices and gives an overview of what parliamentarians can do to help eradicate the various forms of abuse to which child workers are exposed. It also proposes model instruments and reference material as aids designed to facilitate the work of legislators.--Publisher's description.

First Things First in Child Labour

Book Description

The ever-present threat to some children posed by hazardous work remains a critical but often-forgotten issue of our times. Children can best be protected from serious work hazards by action which forms part of a broader commitment to reducing child labour.; The authors present an action-oriented overview which, as well as being of interest to the general public, can also provide policy-makers with useful material drawn from personal experience. This is particularly valuable in an area where documentary data are scarce. Such experiential data necessarily rely on the use of numerous case exampl.

Child Labour

Book Description

A Future Without Child Labour

Book Description

Child labour in fishing

Child Labour (Print)

Book Description

Approaches to Reducing the Use of Forced or Child Labor

Book Description

Globally, child labor and forced labor are widespread and complex problems. They are conceptually different phenomena, requiring different policy responses, though they may also overlap in practice. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 (TVPA) was designed to reduce the use of child and forced labor in the production of goods consumed in the United States. The Act was reauthorized in 2003, 2005, and 2008. In response to provisions of TVPA, the the Bureau of International Labor Affairs requested that the National Research Council organize a two-day workshop. The workshop, summarized in this volume, discusses methods for identifying and organizing a standard set of practices that will reduce the likelihood that persons will use forced labor or child labor to produce goods, with a focus on business and governmental practices.