Elit Tradisi dan Reformasi di Asia Tenggara

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Kumpulan esei Shaharuddin Maaruf ini merenungi hubung kait antara Tradisi, pemodenan dan perubahan sosial dalam dunia Melayu-Islam Asia Tenggara. Persoalan Tradisi yang sungguh kompleks ini diamati dalam aspek-aspek khusus seperti persoalan kesinambungan sejarah, nilai-nilai, jati diri dan peranan orientasi agama dalam menentukan sifat dan hala tuju perubahan sosial ini. Etos-etos sejarah yang penting, seperti feudalisme dan kolonialisme, dan kesinambungannya dikaji dalam mencoraki pandangan hidup Asia Tenggara kontemporari. Ada diandaikan salah satu faktor terpenting dalam membentuk dan mencoraki Tradisi ialah elit dan nilai-nilai mereka. Justeru esei-esei juga meninjau asal-usul dan latar belakang sosial pembentukan mereka. Sementara menentukan kesinambungan Tradisi-tradisi dan sistem nilai-nilai mereka, kumpulan-kumpulan elit ini sendiri ditentukan sifat dan pandangan hidup mereka oleh kesinambungan-kesinambungan sejarah dari zaman lampau hingga ke hari ini. Dalam memperkatakan permainan antara Tradisi dan pemodenan, sudah tentunya perbincangan mencerahkan juga rintangan-rintangan terhadap pemodenan dan perubahan sosial yang berkemajuan. Aspek-aspek ini memang sentiasa menarik prihatin dan renungan mendalam tokoh-tokoh intelektual dan reformasi dari Tradisi Asia Tenggara. Sehubungan ini karya-karya Ibn Khaldun, Multatuli, Jose Rizal, Pramoedya Ananta Toer dikaji dalam kerangka tema besar esei-esei.

Elit tradisi dan reformasi di Asia Tenggara

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Collection of essays of history, tradition and reform in Southeast Asia.

Celebrating Indonesia

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An Autobiography of a Rebel is the final biographical writing of Kassim Ahmad, completed shortly before his passing in October 2017. Within he tells the story of his transition from a leader of Parti Rakyat Malaysia to a scholar of the Quran and Hadith, and a member of UMNO. Brought up in rural Kedah, Kassim Ahmad became politically aware in the period of Malaya’s independence struggle. Participating in the University Socialist Club, he would go to make his name with a radical analysis of the figures of Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat in the Hikayat Hang Tuah. Yet by the 1980s he had become both a staunch critic of socialism, and an Islamic thinker who set out to challenge orthodoxy and reinterpret dominant interpretations, most notably in his Hadis – Satu Penilaian Semula, before later championing a political system based upon the Charter of Medina. Through a series of short reflective essays, An Autobiography of a Rebel tells the story of a man whose intellectual journey from socialism to Islam was rooted in his belief that philosophical inquiry was vital to the production of a better governed and more prosperous country. Autobiography of a Rebel forms then not only the final account of Kassim Ahmad’s life, but also his final intellectual statement.

How to Read Ethnography

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How to Read Ethnography is an essential guide to approaching anthropological texts. It helps students to cultivate the skills they need to critically examine and understand how ethnographies are built up, as well as to think anthropologically and develop an anthropological imagination of their own. The authors reveal how ethnographically-informed anthropology plays a distinctive and valuable role in comprehending the complexity of the world we live in. This fully revised second edition includes fresh excerpts from key texts for analysis and comparison along with lucid explanations. In addition to concerns with argument, authority, and the relationship between theory and data, the book engages with the purpose, value, and accountability of ethnographic texts, as well as with their reception and usage. A brand new chapter looks at the kinds of collaboration between informants/consultants and anthropologists that go into the making of ethnographic writing.

The Oldest Known Malay Manuscript

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Islam in Indonesia

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While Muslims in Indonesia have begun to turn towards a strict adherence to Islam, the reality of the socio-religious environment is much more complicated than a simple shift towards fundamentalism. In this volume, contributors explore the multifaceted role of Islam in Indonesia from a variety of different perspectives, drawing on carefully compiled case studies. Topics covered include religious education, the increasing number of Muslim feminists in Indonesia, the role of Indonesia in the greater Muslim world, social activism and the middle class, and the interaction between Muslim radio and religious identity.

Indonesian Cinema

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Indonesia's quasi-military dictatorship has sought since 1965 to mould Indonesian society into a male-oriented, capitalist, Javanese-dominated national framework. Cinema and television are the most closely-controlled mass media in Indonesia, and films for mass consumption have played an important role in the government's vast socio-political engineering project.Krishna Sen describes the background and present-day Indonesian film industry and explores how the country's society and history are represented in its film culture. From a critique of four films, she concludes that Indonesian cinema privileges the military against the civilian, the middle class against the popular classes, and men against women. Backed by careful documentation from cinema literature, this is a radical, in-depth perspective on film - its implications, its vulnerability to manipulation and its artistic and propagandist value.

Promised Land

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