Battles of the Elohim

Book Description

In this riveting book, the author explores the history of the "Elohim," the titans or giants birthed through the union of fallen angels with human women (as recorded in Genesis), and the "bull spirit" behind them. Using both the Bible and many other ancient writings, the author carefully outlines evidence that these beings existed and explains the agenda behind their cruel reign upon the earth-- to corrupt Adam's race through whom the Savior was promised to come and to offer alternative "heroes" to save humanity. The book explores how this agenda and the gods associated with it affected biblical history-- with a look also at present and end-times implications.

Elohim Phenomenon

Book Description

This book is a mathematical and scientific portrayal of the creation of the physical universe. We examine all the details of forming a neutron, the atoms, the earth, and the galaxies as related to the Torah. Unlike most creational science books that biologically attack evolution or focus in on the flood or the big bang theory, we build the entire universe from scratch, namely nothing. After building the microcosm, we build the macrocosm and the earth. We only touch biology from the standpoint of transition from before and after the fall. After structuring the initial universe and earth, we examine all the cataclysmic activity that formulates the world as we know it today. Truly, the reverence for Elohim is the beginning of knowledge and the Torah a light to follow for understanding. The reverence for Elohim is like deciding to look at the map for directions. The Torah is like the images on the map. The Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) gives us the ability to understand the images that we see on the map. Have you ever wondered how plants survive after Elohim created them before there was a sun to divide day from night? Or did you just decide that the whole idea is impossible?

Allah and Elohim

Book Description

Have you ever wondered why, following 9/11, world leaders, including President George W. Bush, were so quick to say that the three major world religions—Christianity, Islam, and Judaism—all worship the same God? Christians were especially vocal in espousing a tolerant worldview toward Muslims, stating that Allah and Jehovah God were the same deity, ostensibly to avert violence directed against Muslims. Having studied the major world religions, Michael J. Oldham simply could not accept the premise that Christians could believe that the God of the Bible could be the same God as the Qur'an's Allah. This fascinating read takes an in-depth look at each religion's descriptions of God, providing clear support with verses from the Bible and the Qur'an. Dr. Michael J. Oldham provides readers with a comprehensive study of Allah and Elohim, what they claim to be, what their followers believe, and the message of each. Allah and Elohim is thoroughly researched and its conclusions are drawn from the works of many Christian and Muslim scholars. While founded on much research, this book is easily read, and no matter your religion, you will find the book's conclusions compelling. This book outlines the truths about Islam and Christianity and clarifies the major attributes of each God and why they do not correspond. Ground yourself in a thorough understanding of Allah and Elohim so you can competently appreciate the tenets of each.

The Lost Data on the Chariots of the Elohim

Book Description

Hebrew data on the Elohim in the Bible, the Zarathustrian Magi who followed the star as it moved across the sky, Zarathustra in the Rig Veda, murders (including Joshu/Jesus) committed by the Levite animal sacrifice cult of scribes who transcribed the Old Testament, lost continents and the Great flood; the Shemsu Hor and the winged disk of the Egyptians; the sons of the Elohim who took wives from the daughters of the Adam; mention of the little people in the bible; and the Rh negative bloodline, lacking in the earthling primate rhesus gene. and much more research.

ELOHIM Mighty God

Book Description

I in writing this book that I do not consider for a Christian, but a sinner. Once, I also walked with the devil down a crooked road full of lies and betrayal for many years. It was a road of drunks, whores, whoremongers, money, greed, selfishness, and the likes—until I heard a knock, saw a bright light, and I hid behind the door, giving my eyes a chance to adjust. Jesus wanted to come in, but I said no. I was wicked, and my house was filthy with all these porno magazines, and such devious things etc. He replied, “I know all things.” The book of sixty topics with a few stories will say, “God is Elohim, Mighty God.”

Elohim II: Ascension of the King

Book Description

This book is the sequel to ""Elohim: Ancient Science Fiction or Biblical God?"" It explores what may have been and offers a glimpse at those who could soon be returning to Earth in our very near future. At the core of the facts presented within these chapters, lies a conundrum. There once existed an author who claimed to be the creator of the human race, and he wrote down his memoirs over 5,000 years ago. His tale evolved into many ancient religions. The question is, was he actually an alien being who came to Earth from another planet and wrote a truthful autobiography, or was his book a science fiction novel written by a mere mortal? Either scenario reveals a compelling reality: an ancient, pre-historic society once thrived on our planet that either rivaled or exceeded our modern achievements in science and space technology.

The Gospel of Elohim

Book Description

The title The Gospel of Elohim was given to Maurice by God in the year 2020. Talking to God started at a very young age, about six years old. At that time, God introduced Himself to Maurice but never told him His name nor did any church he attended make any mention that God had a name. As his relationship grew with God, he always knew something was missing but was never quite sure what he was looking for. As his friends began to develop and be released in their gifts with God, Maurice was sure that God would release him so that he could begin to share the things God was sharing with him. Not true. Instead, God kept showing him more and more thing but never releasing him to share his knowledge. One day in his thirties, he heard a song singing the different names of God names he had never heard before. Though he now knew God had different names, no one really talked about these names. As Maurice visited different churches, he saw these names on many walls but no one explained these names. God was not through with him yet. He took him through many more trials and reveal more things but still had not revealed His name. One day, Maurice was now in his sixties, God spoke to Maurice and told him he had to learn Hebrew, but with no teacher. Maurice went about the slow process of putting the pieces together, learning Hebrew. One day, after many months of learning the alphabets of the Hebrew language, Maurice opened a Bible and, for the first time, read the first verse of Genesis 1, and there it was, in the beginning created Elohim, the first name mention of God in the Bible. Now through the book of Elohim, in these last days, Elohim wanted to introduce His church the name of their God Elohi