The Gift of the Gab

Book Description

We all know eloquence when we hear it. But what exactly is it? And how might we gain more of it for ourselves? This entertaining and, yes, eloquent book illuminates the power of language from a linguistic point of view and provides fascinating insights into the way we use words. David Crystal, a world-renowned expert on the history and usage of the English language, probes the intricate workings of eloquence. His lively analysis encompasses everyday situations (wedding speeches, business presentations, storytelling) as well as the oratory of great public gatherings. Crystal focuses on the here and now of eloquent speaking—from pitch, pace, and prosody to jokes, appropriateness, and how to wield a microphone. He explains what is going on moment by moment and examines each facet of eloquence. He also investigates topics such as the way current technologies help or hinder our verbal powers, the psychological effects of verbal excellence, and why certain places or peoples are thought to be more eloquent than others. In the core analysis of the book, Crystal offers an extended and close dissection of Barack Obama’s electrifying “Yes we can” speech of 2008, in which the president demonstrated full mastery of virtually every element of eloquence—from the simple use of parallelism and an awareness of what not to say, to his brilliant conclusion constructed around two powerful words: dreams and answers.

On Eloquence

Book Description

On Eloquence questions the common assumption that eloquence is merely a subset of rhetoric, a means toward a rhetorical end. Denis Donoghue, an eminent and prolific critic of the English language, holds that this assumption is erroneous. In this book, Donoghue maintains that eloquence should be examined independent of mere rhetoric and that it has its own intrinsic value.

Provocative Eloquence

Book Description

Shows how theater was essential to the anti-slavery movement's consideration of forceful resistance

Rule the Room

Book Description

Rule the Room is the product of Jason Teteak’s twenty-year experience as a trainer and coach. His thoroughly tested advice covers every presenter’s concerns, from hooking the audience immediately to entertaining them, and from overcoming your fears to handling questions. He covers every base—content creation, delivery, audience management— with an overview plus step-by-step instructions, review exercises, and scores of specific and practical tips. Whether you want to persuade, motivate, teach, or inspire, Rule the Room can be your guide.


Book Description

Why do people ignore our ideas or support them? Agree with our positions or undermine them? Tune out when we speak or give us undivided attention? Why do most of us fail to persuade others? Fail to formulate convincing arguments? Fail to speak with confidence and fail to get our way? And why do some lawyers and legal professionals quickly soar above the competition, their words carrying immense weight, while others struggle to communicate effectively? 53 little-known, cutting-edge, and revolutionary (but practically unheard-of) scientific studies present a virtually unknown answer based on irrefutable empirical evidence... The answer? If you can't speak with eloquence, your words don't count. This undermines your professional image and stagnates your career, holding you back and sabotaging your ideas. Eloquent words outperform their weak counterparts. Eloquent words convince. They compel. They captivate. They persuade. They move hearts and minds. And they can change the world. What are the hidden secrets of words that change the world? This concise new release by an Amazon best-selling author dissects the little-known "eloquence secrets" of two of the most impactful messages in the history of American political persuasion. These messages defined the ethos of both major parties, shaped the political discussions we have decades later, and redefined the very meaning of America. Eloquence breaks down the 61 techniques hidden in these two messages, revealing simple, repeatable, step-by-step strategies for eloquent speaking that allow you to: ✓ Inspire, impact, and influence people ✓ Gain an edge in any discussion ✓ Captivate listeners ✓ Avoid people tuning out ✓ Speak with more eloquence than many world-leaders ✓ Grab undivided attention ✓ Persuade people to your point of view ✓ Master the ancient art of rhetoric ✓ Appeal to human emotion for massive influence ✓ Achieve instant eloquence ✓ Attract support to your ideas ✓ Win any argument ✓ Avoid ineffectual and boring communication ✓ Build rapport and form connections ✓ Make your ideas seem drastically and dramatically better ✓ Earn trust and portray credibility ✓ Appear like an expert and visionary worth listening to ✓ Know exactly what to say ✓ Earn instant respect for yourself and your ideas ✓ Gain an unfair competitive advantage in your career What free bonuses do you get in the limited-edition version of Eloquence? The strategy workbook. Use the proven secrets revealed in the book, applying them to your communication for instant eloquence. The eloquence on demand service. Send the author your message and he will personally work with you to guarantee it achieves unparalleled eloquence. The 219-point speech-writing checklist. Unlock the checklist top CEOs use to guarantee their message always impacts, inspires, and influences their audience. The speech-feedback on demand service. Send the author your speech and he will personally run through the 219-point checklist, giving you feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Choosing Powerful Words

Book Description

Dr. Carpenter's relevant research and careful scholarship about how to pick the best words and arrange them in the best orders will help speakers become stylists and slogan-makers whose sentences may become sound bites on the evening news or quoted in newspaper accounts after the speech has been made.