Free Ideal Rings and Localization in General Rings

Book Description

Proving that a polynomial ring in one variable over a field is a principal ideal domain can be done by means of the Euclidean algorithm, but this does not extend to more variables. However, if the variables are not allowed to commute, giving a free associative algebra, then there is a generalization, the weak algorithm, which can be used to prove that all one-sided ideals are free. This book presents the theory of free ideal rings (firs) in detail. Particular emphasis is placed on rings with a weak algorithm, exemplified by free associative algebras. There is also a full account of localization which is treated for general rings but the features arising in firs are given special attention. Each section has a number of exercises, including some open problems, and each chapter ends in a historical note.

Skew Fields

Book Description

Non-commutative fields (also called skew fields or division rings) have not been studied as thoroughly as their commutative counterparts and most accounts have hitherto been confined to division algebras, that is skew fields finite-dimensional over their centre. Based on the author's LMS lecture note volume Skew Field Constructions, the present work offers a comprehensive account of skew fields. The axiomatic foundation and a precise description of the embedding problem are followed by an account of algebraic and topological construction methods, in particular, the author's general embedding theory is presented with full proofs, leading to the construction of skew fields. The powerful coproduct theorems of G. M. Bergman are proved here as well as the properties of the matrix reduction functor, a useful but little-known construction providing a source of examples and counter-examples. The construction and basic properties of existentially closed skew fields are given, leading to an example of a model class with an infinite forcing companion which is not axiomatizable. The treatment of equations over skew fields has been simplified and extended by the use of matrix methods, and the beginnings of non-commutative algebraic geometry are presented, with a precise account of the problems that need to be overcome for a satisfactory theory. A separate chapter describes valuations and orderings on skew fields, with a construction applicable to free fields. Numerous exercises test the reader's understanding, presenting further aspects and open problems in concise form, and notes and comments at the ends of chapters provide historical background.

Model Theoretic Algebra With Particular Emphasis on Fields, Rings, Modules

Book Description

This volume highlights the links between model theory and algebra. The work contains a definitive account of algebraically compact modules, a topic of central importance for both module and model theory. Using concrete examples, particular emphasis is given to model theoretic concepts, such as axiomizability. Pure mathematicians, especially algebraists, ring theorists, logicians, model theorists and representation theorists, should find this an absorbing and stimulating book.

Skew Field Constructions

Book Description

"These notes describe methods of constructing skew fields, in particular the coproduct coconstruction discovered by the author, and trace out some of the consequences using the powerful coproduct theorems of G.M. Bergman, which are proved here."- publisher

Three Papers on Algebras and Their Representations

Book Description

This book contains the doctoral dissertations of three students from Novosibirsk who participated in the seminar of L. A. Bokut'. The dissertation of Gerasimov focuses on Cohn's theory of noncommutative matrix localizations. Gerasimov presents a construction of matrix localization that is not directly related to (prime) matrix ideals of Cohn, but rather deals with localizations of arbitrary subsets of matrices over a ring. The work of Valitskas applies ideas and constructions of Gerasimov to embeddings of rings into radical rings (in the sense of Jacobson) to develop a theory essentially parallel to Cohn's theory of embeddings of rings into skew fields. Nesterenko's dissertation solves some important problems of Anan'in and Bergman about representations of (infinite-dimensional) algebras and categories in (triangular) matrices over commutative rings.

Representations of Rings Over Skew Fields

Book Description

A study of representations of rings over skew fields.