The Emblem in Early Modern Europe

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The emblem was big business in early-modern Europe, used extensively not only in printed books and broadsheets, but also to decorate pottery, metalware, furniture, glass and windows and numerous other domestic, devotional and political objects. At its most basic level simply a combination of symbolic visual image and texts, an emblem is a hybrid composed of words and picture. However, as this book demonstrates, understanding the precise and often multiple meaning, intention and message emblems conveyed can prove a remarkably slippery process. In this book, Peter Daly draws upon many years’ research to reflect upon the recent upsurge in scholarly interest in, and rediscovery of, emblems following years of relative neglect. Beginning by considering some of the seldom asked, but important, questions that the study of emblems raises, including the importance of the emblem, the truth value of emblems, and the transmission of knowledge through emblems, the book then moves on to investigate more closely-focussed aspects such as the role of mnemonics, mottoes and visual rhetoric. The volume concludes with a review of some perhaps inadequately considered issues such as the role of Jesuits (who had a role in the publication of about a quarter of all known emblem books), and questions such as how these hybrid constructs were actually read and interpreted. Drawing upon a database containing records of 6,514 books of emblems and imprese, this study suggests new ways for scholars to approach important questions that have not yet been satisfactorily broached in the standard works on emblems.

Literature in the Light of the Emblem

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The literature of the 16th and 17th centuries was informed by the symbolic thought embodied in the mixed art form of emblems. This study explores the relationship between the emblem and the literature of England and Germany during the period.


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The English Emblem Tradition: A theatre for worldlings

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The emblem, occupying a territory bordering literature and fine arts, was long unclaimed by scholars. But recently emblems have become the subject of resurgent interest as a key element in semiotics, communications theory, and the sociology of production and reception. his volume (the first of a series dealing with the English tradition) follows the two devoted to the emblems of Andreas Alciatus in Latin and in the main vernacular translations which comprise volume 1 of the Index Emblematicus. The books indexed in this volume are: Jan van der Noot's A Theatre for Voluptuous Worldlings (London 1569), The Worthy Tract of Paulus Jovius translated by Samuel Daniel and including Daniel's collection of 'certaine notable devises both militarie and amorous' from Domenichi (liondon 1585), and Geoffrey Whitney's A Choice of Emblemes and Other Devises (Leyden 1586). For each, Daly provides an introductory and bibliographic note; facsimilies of the emblems, and with each a description of pictures, translations of mottoes, a list of key words from the epigram, and information on dedicatee, bearer (of impresa), and references; and indexes to the various fields of information which make up each emblem or impresa as a whole. All key words are flagged. The object of this work is identification rather than interpretation. Together with those which will follow, it is an important step toward the establishment of an essential foundation on which to build emblem studies.

Companion to Emblem Studies

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Scholars in multiple disciplines now recognize the emblem as a significant expression of the cultural life of the Renaissance and the Baroque, reflecting a panoply of interests ranging from war to love, from religion to philosophy to politics, from the sciences to the occult, from social mores to encyclopedic knowledge, and from serious speculation to entertainment. Following Andrea Alciato's publication of the first emblem book in 1531, the form enjoyed its heyday in the seventeenth-century, appearing in speeches, sermons, and printed texts, but also in wall and ceiling decorations, jewelry, carvings, paintings, and other material expressions. Beyond this early boom, the emblem was again present in eighteenth-century title pages and frontispieces, and experienced twentieth-century manifestations during the ideological battles of both world wars and Quebec's attempt at secession from Canada. The Companion to Emblem Studies introduces the multiple forms that the emblem has taken through nearly five centuries of production, and offers an interdisciplinary and international assessment of the long history of this pervasive symbolic device. use those vernacular languages; on Alciato, the father and prince of emblems; on bibliography and theory; on the Jesuit and Neo Latin emblems, which cut across national groupings; on flags and tournaments; and on emblems in recent material culture, logos, and advertisements. The Companion features 130 illustrations and concludes with a Selective Bibliography for Further Reading, which includes works written in western European languages and expands the volume's usefulness for researchers and students in the field.


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The European Emblem

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Emblems—pictorial designs with accompanying mottoes and epigrams— helped to shape virtually every form of verbal and visual communication in the West during the sixteenth and seventh centuries. A recent re-awakening of scholarly interest in the emblem has brought to light the difficulty of locating and consulting the unorganized mass of available material. Recognizing the need for a large-scale systematic index to the emblem, the editor organized a symposium at McGill University to discuss the possibilities of preparing such an index. The resulting papers by six symposium participants— Barbara Becker-Cantarino, Peter M. Daly, Peter Erb, G. Richard Dimler, Lorelei Robins, and Alan Young—contribute to our knowledge of the emblems of Peacham and Corrozet, the Dutch love emblems, the Jesuit emblem, and emblems used in books of mediation. The essays also discuss the problems and procedures involved in preparing an Index Emblematicus, a work which would serve scholars working in the fields of literature, art, culture, religion, history, and the languages. The volume is richly illustrated with over forty emblem reproductions.

The Painted Closet of Lady Anne Bacon Drury

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Lady Anne Bacon Drury (1572-1624) was the granddaughter and niece of two of England's Lord Keepers of the Great Seal, Sir Nicholas Bacon and Sir Francis Bacon. Lady Anne was also the friend and patroness of John Donne and Joseph Hall; however, she deserves to be remembered in her own right. Within her massive country house, Lady Anne created a tiny painted room that she seems to have used as a kind of three-dimensional book. The walls consisted of panels of pictures and mottoes, grouped under Latin sentences. These panels can still be viewed in a Suffolk museum: Christchurch Mansion in Ipswich. Some panels point to classical and Biblical sources, and to popular emblem books. The sources of other panels are more recondite, while still others are original compositions by Lady Anne. The panels exhibit a contemptus mundi theme and reflect a struggle with ambition, pride, and even despair. Some panels also appear to register carefully veiled but pointed critiques of political and religious events and figures. Lady Anne's painted closet or 'architext' is thus relevant to a wide range of early modern scholarship in various disciplines but is as yet largely unappreciated. For the first time in four hundred years, this book fully describes the closet and places it in its personal, social, intellectual, and aesthetic contexts. It argues for the painted closet's importance for understanding early modern conceptualizations of private and public spaces, and for illuminating fundamental early modern habits of seeing and reading (especially combinations of text and image). Finally, this book explores the closet as an example of the ingenious ways in which female subjectivity found ways to express itself even within the constraints of early modern patriarchal society in England.