The Embouchure Builder

Book Description

This book has been designed as a supplementary study to be used along with any standard instruction book. The studies contained herein are excellent for use in the warm-up period prior to each daily session of practice. The technicality of the fingerings and slide positions (trombone slide positions appear above the notes; baritone fingerings appear below the notes wherever considered helpful) are comparatively simple and the studies can be used to advantage by a young student with only a few weeks of formal study. This book contains much valuable material essential to successful performance not found within standard instructional material.

Catalog of Copyright Entries

Book Description

Cimera - Hovey Method for Trombone and Baritone

Book Description

It has been the aim of the writers to develop a method in which the material is arranged logically from the standpoint of (a) rhythmic development, (b) gradual extension of the range, and (c) development of finger dexterity. An effort has been made to keep the amount of explanatory material at a minimum, leaving the method of presentation to the instructor, who, through frequent contact with the individual pupil, is best qualified to determine the most efficient procedure. This has also allowed a greater amount of space for tunes and musical exercises.

The Embouchure Builder

Book Description

This book has been designed as a supplementary study to be used along with any standard method book. The studies contained herein are excellent for use in the warm-up period prior to each daily practice or performance session. The technicality of the fingerings is comparatively simple and the studies can be used to advantage by the young student with only a few weeks of formal study. This book contains much valuable material essential to successful performance not found within standard instructional material.

Catalog of Copyright Entries

Book Description

Technical Studies for the Cornet

Book Description

There are many books written for the Piano, Violin, etc., entirely devoted to Technic. This Work is especially written to enable the Student, by practice and application, to overcome any obstacle which may occur in musical passages written for the Cornet. By controlling the Wind Power to play these Exercises as written, in one breath, the Student will acquire ENDURANCE without strain or injury. Train the Muscles which control the Lips, to make them elastic and strong, as only a slight pressure is necessary, and not brute force. The highest as well as the lowest notes can be played with equal tone quality if practiced according to the instructions that precede each Study. Every Cornet Player should have reached a degree of excellence before attempting to play these Exercises. To become an Expert on the Cornet, one should be familiar with as many Cornet Methods as possible, and so gain the experience of each. Every Exercise in this Book is possible, and not so very difficult if practiced slowly at first, and not too long at a time. I have used them for my daily practice for years, and they have been the means of my reaching the highest notes after playing a two-hour Concert, also of preserving my lips so that they never tire, and what has been a help to me is surely good for other Cornet Players. You cannot expect to attain the highest point of excellence without hard work and perseverance. Never be perfectly satisfied with yourself. Try to make some improvement each day, feeling that it is a pleasure to have conquered that which seemed an impossibility at first. Do not neglect to correct immediately the least fault you make. Bad habits are easily formed, but are difficult to remedy. There are few Celebrated Cornet Soloists, although thousands play the instrument. Most players abuse their practicing by not knowing the proper way, and neglecting to pay more attention to the elementary work. These Studies have been found to be excellent for Clarinet Players as well as Cornet Players. The Clarinet being a Wind Instrument also, all these Exercises will appeal to the Player of that Instrument by following the same instructions.


Book Description