Emma and Mommy Talk to God

Book Description

Because Mommy teaches Emma that God is present in everyone in the world, Emma learns not to be afraid and even asks God to help Peter.

Emma Talks to God

Book Description

This little kindergartener, after seeing her mother constantly crying during the news, is driven to talk to God and see if He can explain her mothers sorrow. She is a precocious child for her years; her parents are going through a divorce and Emma is questioning life in general. Children are close to nature and consequently close to God; they are innocent and then, as they grow, they must make choices about their lifes paths. Finally God opens up Emmas heart by making her realize that life is a spot of joy, that each moment must be lived to the fullest. Emma thanks God for what He has given her in life and intends to live her life following Christs Path.

The Little Soul and the Sun

Book Description

The Little Soul and the Sun is a simple and powerful story that brings children a profound truth: there is no absolute good or bad, only love. The Little Soul and the Sun gracefully explains spiritual concepts to children and shares a story that helps readers remember the angel within us all. Your child will discover a God that she or he can love, because God is love, as are all the Little Souls who are a part of God. And perhaps parents, too, will rediscover who they really are. A little soul discusses at length with God how he can learn to experience who he really is and which “part of special” he wants to be. The little soul decides he wants to be forgiving; thus another little soul soon obliges by offering to do something “not-so-nice”, so that the first little soul can experience forgiveness. Such messages as “everybody is special, each in their own way” and “it is special to be kind; it is special to be creative” are important for all children to hear, regardless of their faith.

A Course In Weight Loss

Book Description

For so many people, whether your addiction is to a substance or merely to a certain way of thinking or acting, a profound humbling occurs when you realize that your problem is bigger than you are. The terror of realizing, even dimly, that you have no control over a self-destructive pattern of behavior that as much as you would want to, you simply cannot stop can mark a crucial turning point in your life. At that point, you go in one of two directions: either way, way down, or way, way up. . . . This book is for you if you know in your heart that you are an addict, and that you are powerless before your addictive behavior. As the title promises, Marianne Williamson looks at weight loss from a spiritual perspective, bringing you 30 lessons that can be done separately or in conjunction with any other serious spiritual path. These 30 lessons are completely separate from anything related to diet or exercise they will retrain your consciousness in the area of weight in order to break the cycle of overeating, dieting, and shame that rules so many lives. Finally, Marianne has brought you what you've been waiting for: help to heal your addiction once and for all!

Everyday Grace

Book Description

From activist, spiritual leader, New York Times-bestselling author, and 2020 presidential candidate Marianne Williamson comes a book about everyday peace, everyday hope, and everyday grace In these pages, author Marianne Williamson acts as a guide back to the spiritual source, exploring the ways to nurture a thriving soul in a harsh world. The large and small difficulties of our days challenge us to open our hearts and minds. With an attitude of hope, a call to forgive, and a celebration of miracles, Williamson helps readers to find sacred footing on ordinary ground. For no matter what, there is always an opportunity to be happy. Everyone is entitled to the pleasures of everyday grace.

Mommy, Teach Me How to Pray

Book Description

There is one answer to these questions...the Word of God. In her first children's book, Mommy, Teach Me How to Pray, author Laillah M. Guice shares with the world the simplistic but effective way to teach children how to pray the Word of God. The author has taken the Lord's Prayer from the Gospel of Matthew and incorporated it into a children's book. Why a children's book? In order to develop a spiritual foundation, children should be taught at an early age the importance of prayer. Mommy, Teach Me How to Pray is a wonderful teaching tool for anyone involved in a life of a child.

The Age of Miracles

Book Description

As seen on OWN’s Super Soul Sunday! The need for change as we get older—an emotional pressure for one phase of our lives to transition into another—is a human phenomenon, neither male nor female. There simply comes a time in our lives—not fundamentally different from the way puberty separates childhood from adulthood—when it’s time for one part of ourselves to die and for something new to be born. The purpose of this book by best-selling author and lecturer Marianne Williamson is to psychologically and spiritually reframe this transition so that it leads to a wonderful sense of joy and awakening. In our ability to rethink our lives lies our greatest power to change them. What we have called "middle age" need not be seen as a turning point toward death. It can be viewed as a magical turning point toward life as we’ve never known it, if we allow ourselves the power of an independent imagination, utilizing thought-forms that don’t simply flow in a perfunctory manner from ancient assumptions handed down to us, but rather flower into new archetypal images of a humanity just getting started at 45 or 50. What we’ve learned by that time, from both our failures as well as our successes, tends to have humbled us into purity. When we were young, we had energy but were clueless about what to do with it. Today, we have less energy, perhaps, but we have far more understanding of what each breath of life is for. And now at last, we have a destiny to fulfill—not a destiny of a life that’s simply over, but rather a destiny of a life that is finally truly lived. Midlife is not a crisis; it’s a time of rebirth. It’s not a time to accept your death; it’s a time to accept your life—and to finally, truly live it, as you and you alone know deep in your heart it was meant to be lived.

Healing the Soul of America

Book Description

Healing That Reaches Beyond the Self In this landmark work, Marianne Williamson reminds us that there is a point in everyone's spiritual journey where the search for self-awareness can turn into self-preoccupation. All of us are better off when contemplation of holy principles is at the center of our lives. But it is in applying those principles in our lives that we forge the true marriage between heaven and earth. In the compassionate but clear-eyed prose that has won her so many avid readers, Williamson shows us that the principles which apply to our personal healing also apply to the healing of the larger world. Calling on Americans to turn the compassion in our hearts into a powerful force for social good, Williamson shows us how to transform spiritual activism into a social activism that will in turn transform America into a nation seriously invested in the hope of every child and in the potential of every adult.

The Power of Character

Book Description

Essays about character from 41 of the country's most distinguished, interesting and accomplished citizens, including CBS's Dan Rather; Harvard's Alan M. Dershowitz; radio host Dr. Laura Schlessinger; best selling author Daniel Goleman; spiritual leader Marianne Williamson, and many more.

The Good Son

Book Description

Selected by Publishers Weekly as one of the Best Books of 1999, The Good Son is the definitive guide to the moral and emotional development of our boys and young men. Within its pages, Michael Gurian widely credited as the founder of today's "boys movement" takes readers through a complete parenting program, showing how to instill virtues in boys at each stage of life. For parents and teachers who fear that our child-rearing systems have lost much of their ethical underpinnings and that our boys are becoming emotionally closed-off, The Good Son serves as a welcome guidepost. It is one of today's premier books on parenting and male development.