Emotional Core Therapy

Book Description

Author shows readers how to gain emotional balance by learning to identify, process four authentic feelings of joy, grief, fear, and relief. Emotional Core Therapy is one of the most important discoveries in the history of the field of psychology and mental health. With ECT we have discovered the root cause of psychological stress. ECT is also the only psychological approach that can effectively treat the root cause of relationship stress. There exists a cause and effect relationship with stress. The ECT Flowchart depicts how the natural state of stress occurs. For every relationship stress a person encounters on a daily basis, one thing happens for sure. One of the four true feelings, joy, grief, fear, and relief, will arise for sure. These four true feelings will alter/affect the central nervous system thus causing humans stress. ECT is the simplest and most effective psychology approach to treat all current psychological disorders and relationship stress that people face on a daily basis. The only exceptions are some cases where permanent physical or psychological damage has occurred. ECT can help almost any human being, even those without a psychological diagnosis. Why? ECT is the simplest and most effective psychology approach to teach people inner peace and happiness. A goal of nearly all humans. Once you learn and apply ECT, you can handle almost any human relationship stress. Why? The ECT process teaches you how to learn to have a relaxed lifestyle and identify and process relationship stress. Stress come to nearly all humans hourly and daily through the four true feelings. Drugs, alcohol, etc can't change your relationships for you. They can just numb or alter your perceptions and feelings. Why not learn from them. ECT is the most inclusive therapy approach in psychology circles as any psychology technique (such as art therapy, EMDR, hypnosis, biofeedback, Gestalt Therapy, can all be incorporated into ECT. Even common relaxation techniques like Yoga, Pilates, etc can easily be incorporated into ECT. "Emotional Core Therapy" by Robert A. Moylan, LCPC, demonstrates the power of understanding feelings to keep the body and mind emotionally healthy. The book demonstrates how five to six psychological steps are used to gain a balanced mind. Robert A. Moylan takes readers on a therapeutic journey in his new book, "Emotional Core Therapy" His goal is to help them understand the root cause of relationship stress. Moylan's book gives various examples where "Emotional Core Therapy" is used to alleviate debilitating feelings of fear, grief and anger. Moylan states that many of his clients complain of having emotional problems that result from relationship issues like divorce, job loss or financial strain. In a step-by-step process, the author teaches the reader how to properly release these toxic feelings. Helping his clients realize that readily available solutions exist to fight common emotional issues is a very enlightening process. This book keeps the reader glued to the book by keeping the concepts simple and easy to read. The goal of "Emotional Core Therapy" is to reach anyone who desires to live a life of vitality and vigor while honoring their relationships. "If you want to live life to its fullest without any regrets, one of the best ways to do this is to get the most out of each day you live," Moylan states. Flow charts, storytelling and much more are contained in Moylan's book to adequately help readers who desire to change their life. He believes the contents and main message of "Emotional Core Therapy" will help the reader live a life free of regrets and full of meaning. About the Author: Robert A. Moylan has a bachelor's from Northwestern University, a master's from Northeastern Illinois University and many certifications from several universities in a variety of subjects. Website: www.robertmoylan.com

Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents

Book Description

Emotional Core Therapy for Adolescents is a book that was written to help teens gain emotional power and balance. This book is unique in that it utilizes five easy steps to learn how to stay emotionally balanced. The book helps teens identify and process the four authentic feelings of joy, grief,fear,and relief. The book uses teen friendly language and scenes to help them learn how to process debilitating feelings of fear and loss. Anger, addiction, and teen romance are topics covered in this book.

Teen Spirituality with Emotional Core Therapy

Book Description

In my new book for teens on spirituality I demonstrate how many of the leading religions (Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, along with secular/agnostic people) can incorporate the most effective, scientifically proven psychology approach available worldwide to treat relationship stress. EMOTIONAL CORE THERAPY AND THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD As you begin the journey to understand the Emotional Core Therapy process please keep in mind the scientific method. The scientific method is a process for creating models of the natural world that can be verified experimentally. The scientific method requires making observations, recording data, and analyzing data in a form that can be duplicated by other scientists. The subject of a scientific experiment has to be observable and reproducible. Observations may be made with the unaided eye or any other apparatus suitable for detecting the desired phenomenon. The apparatus for making a scientific observation has to be comprised of well-known scientific principles. The scientific method requires that theories be testable. If a theory cannot be tested, it cannot be a scientific theory. The scientific method requires and relies on direct evidence. This means evidence that can be directly observed and tested. Scientific experiments are designed to be repeated by other scientists and to demonstrate unequivocally the point they are trying to prove by controlling all the factors that could influence the results. Source (Scientificpsychic.com/Scientific Method) Here are the four steps to the scientific method and the Emotional Core Therapy process. 1). Observation made both visually and with scientific equipment Stress affects both the mind and body. There exists a cause and effect relationship with stress. Oftentimes this stress can be uncomfortable for humans. 2) Formulation of a hypothesis to explain the phenomenon in the form of a causal mechanism/method/approach. Many psychology methods (REBT, CBT, ACT, DBT, etc.), religious approaches (Buddhism, 12 steps, etc.), and educational programs (Smart Recovery) have attempted to fully and completely explain via a model, how this cause and effect relationship with stress occurs. Up until this point in time, we have not had a model in the world that can successfully depict how this stress occurs each and every time. To their credit, many of these methods partially work and have contributed greatly to humanity. See Wiki.com for information on all the psychology methods and techniques mentioned in this book. With the invention/discovery of Emotional Core Therapy (ECT) we now have a psychology method that accurately can depict this causal relationship between stress and humans through my Eight Step Emotional Core Therapy Flowchart. With ECT, we now have a psychology approach that identifies and treats the root cause of psychological stress. The root cause is the temporary arousal of one of the four true emotions (joy, grief, fear, and relief). ECT also shares and borrows many psychological techniques from the aforementioned approaches. 3) Test the hypothesis. I have tested the Eight Step Flowchart thousands of times in many venues including my clinical practice as well as training other professionals. The ECT process works accurately to depict the situational stress affecting humans. Anytime someone experiences psychological stress, aspects of each of the eight steps of the Emotional Core Therapy Flowchart will be utilized and affected. Why does this phenomenon happen when one experiences stress? The Emotional Core Therapy process highlights and identifies the key components of the root cause of stress. Anyone can test the model which is utilized extensively in this book. 4) Establish a theory based on repeated verification of the results. Billions of people suffering relationship stress can be helped by Emotional Core Therapy. Every effort needs to be made to ensure people plagued by stress have access to this model.

Spiritual Inner Peace and Happiness with Emotional Core Therapy

Book Description

Want to free your mind from stress and discover inner peace? Psychotherapist Robert A. Moylan, LCPC, gives you the answers in his new book, Spiritual Inner Peace and Happiness with Emotional Core Therapy. Moylan's psychological self-help book teaches you how to make the most of every day you live. Compatible with any faith and equally as valuable if you are not religious, emotional core therapy (ECT) can guide you on your quest for tranquility. By focusing on the four true feelings of joy, grief, fear, and relief, ECT teaches you how to honor and learn from your emotions rather than run away from them. Emotional core therapy may be used on its own or with other techniques such as meditation, yoga, or art therapy. Moylan teaches his strategy to medical and mental health professionals and is now offering it to the public through his book. Don't let your inner stress demons win. Master your mind by following Moylan's ECT flowchart. This comprehensive guide is the path to inner peace that you've been craving so you can successfully release your emotions and relieve your stress.

Embracing Christian Spirituality with Emotional Core Therapy

Book Description

In my new book on spirituality I demonstrate how Christians can incorporate the most effective, scientifically proven psychology approach available worldwide to treat relationship stress, gain peace, happiness, and stay spiritually centered. What can we do every day to stay spiritually centered with Christ? Learn to release stress. See below. EMOTIONAL CORE THERAPY AND THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD As you begin the journey to understand the Emotional Core Therapy process please keep in mind the scientific method. The scientific method is a process for creating models of the natural world that can be verified experimentally. The scientific method requires making observations, recording data, and analyzing data in a form that can be duplicated by other scientists. The subject of a scientific experiment has to be observable and reproducible. Observations may be made with the unaided eye or any other apparatus suitable for detecting the desired phenomenon. The apparatus for making a scientific observation has to be comprised of well-known scientific principles. The scientific method requires that theories be testable. If a theory cannot be tested, it cannot be a scientific theory. The scientific method requires and relies on direct evidence. This means evidence that can be directly observed and tested. Scientific experiments are designed to be repeated by other scientists and to demonstrate unequivocally the point they are trying to prove by controlling all the factors that could influence the results. Source (Scientificpsychic.com/Scientific Method) Here are the four steps to the scientific method and the Emotional Core Therapy process. 1). Observation made both visually and with scientific equipment Stress affects both the mind and body. There exists a cause and effect relationship with stress. Oftentimes this stress can be uncomfortable for humans. 2) Formulation of a hypothesis to explain the phenomenon in the form of a causal mechanism/method/approach. Many psychology methods (REBT, CBT, ACT, DBT, etc.), religious approaches (Buddhism, 12 steps, etc.), and educational programs (Smart Recovery) have attempted to fully and completely explain via a model, how this cause and effect relationship with stress occurs. Up until this point in time, we have not had a model in the world that can successfully depict how this stress occurs each and every time. To their credit, many of these methods partially work and have contributed greatly to humanity. See Wiki.com for information on all the psychology methods and techniques mentioned in this book. With the invention/discovery of Emotional Core Therapy (ECT) we now have a psychology method that accurately can depict this causal relationship between stress and humans through my Eight Step Emotional Core Therapy Flowchart. With ECT, we now have a psychology approach that identifies and treats the root cause of psychological stress. The root cause is the temporary arousal of one of the four true emotions (joy, grief, fear, and relief). ECT also shares and borrows many psychological techniques from the aforementioned approaches. 3) Test the hypothesis. I have tested the Eight Step Flowchart thousands of times in many venues including my clinical practice as well as training other professionals. The ECT process works accurately to depict the situational stress affecting humans. Anytime someone experiences psychological stress, aspects of each of the eight steps of the Emotional Core Therapy Flowchart will be utilized and affected. Why does this phenomenon happen when one experiences stress? The Emotional Core Therapy process highlights and identifies the key components of the root cause of stress. Anyone can test the model which is utilized extensively in this book. 4) Establish a theory based on repeated verification of the results. Billions of people suffering relationship stress can be helped by Emotional Core Therapy. Learn to love Jesus and release stress with this new book.

Mastering the Psychology of Golf with Emotional Core Therapy

Book Description

We often look to sports as a way to escape the frustrations of our lives, but as any golfer knows, your worries follow you onto the greens. Over the years, people have attempted to apply numerous psychological techniques to help golfers improve their mental game to varied levels of success. But now, with the easy-to-follow method of emotional core therapy (ECT), you can simply and effectively identify, process, and release the situational stress that is holding you back on and off the golf course. In his latest book on ECT, sports psychology counselor Robert A. Moylan, LCPC, presents his eight-step ECT flowchart and breaks down how you can repeatedly use this flexible tool to address whatever is throwing you off-balance in your personal life or on the golf course. As you learn to identify your authentic feelings, you can begin to navigate your way back to mental equilibrium and physical stability. Whether you're a golfer trying to get your head back in the game or a golf psychologist searching for a better way to help your clients, "Mastering the Psychology of Golf with Emotional Core Therapy" has the answers you need to step confidently back on the course.

Transforming Emotional Pain in Psychotherapy

Book Description

Emotion-focused therapy is a research-informed psychological therapy that to date has mainly been studied in the context of depression, trauma and couple distress. The evidence suggests that this therapy has a lasting and transformative effect. Ladislav Timulak presents EFT as a particular therapeutic approach that addresses psychological human suffering, offering a view that puts more emphasis on attending to the distress, rather than avoiding or suppressing it. Focusing on the latest developments in EFT, Transforming Emotional Pain in Psychotherapy presents a theory of human suffering and a model of therapy that addresses that suffering. The model of suffering assumes that the experienced emotional pain is a response to an injury that prevents or violates the fulfilment of the basic human needs of being loved, safe, and acknowledged. This book focuses on a particular way of transforming emotional pain in psychotherapy through: helping the client to tolerate the pain; assisting the client to identify the core of the difficult emotional experiences; identifying the needs connected to the core pain which are unmet or being violated, and responding (with compassion and protective anger) to the underlying needs of the client that transforms the original pain. Transforming Emotional Pain in Psychotherapy provides an account of how emotional pain can be conceptualised and how it can be addressed in therapy. It provides practical tips for therapists working with emotional pain and shows how it can then be made more bearable and transformed allowing the client to be more sensitive to the pain of others, and to seek support when needed. This book will be essential reading for clinical and counselling psychologists, psychotherapists and counsellors in practice and training, as well as for fully qualified professionals undergoing further training in EFT.

Emotion-focused Therapy for Generalized Anxiety

Book Description

This practical guide walks mental health practitioners through the conception and treatment of generalized anxiety disorder from an emotion-focused therapy perspective. Foundational concepts and therapeutic exercises are described alongside illustrative case dialogues.

Mind and Emotions

Book Description

We all have our own ways of handling stressful situations without letting emotions get the best of us, but some ways of coping work better than others. Short-term fixes that help us avoid or numb our emotions may temporarily alleviate sadness and anger, but can also end up causing anxiety, depression, chronic anger, and even physical health problems. If you struggle with overwhelming emotions and feel trapped by unhealthy patterns, this workbook is your ticket out. Mind and Emotions is a revolutionary universal treatment program for all emotional disorders that helps you discover which of the seven problematic coping styles is keeping you trapped in a cycle of emotional pain. Instead of working on difficulties like anxiety, anger, shame, and depression one by one, you’ll treat the root of all your emotional suffering at once. Drawing on evidence-based skills from cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy, this workbook offers all the techniques you need to manage unwelcome feelings in effective and productive ways. Learn and practice the most effective coping skills: Clarifying and acting on your core values Mindfulness and acceptance Detaching from negative thoughts Self-soothing and relaxation exercises Assertiveness and interpersonal skills Gradually facing your strong emotions This book has been awarded The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Seal of Merit — an award bestowed on outstanding self-help books that are consistent with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles and that incorporate scientifically tested strategies for overcoming mental health difficulties.

A Primer for Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT)

Book Description

From best-selling author, Susan M. Johnson, with over 1 million books sold worldwide! This essential text from the leading authority on Emotionally Focused Therapy, Susan M. Johnson, and colleague, T. Leanne Campbell, applies the key interventions of EFT to work with individuals, providing an overview and clinical guide to treating clients with depression, anxiety, and traumatic stress. Designed for therapists at all levels of expertise, Johnson and Campbell focus on introducing clinicians to EFIT interventions, techniques, and change processes in a highly accessible and practical format. The book begins by summarizing attachment theory and science – the theoretical basis of this model – together with the experiential approach to change in psychotherapy. Chapters describe the three stages of EFIT, macro-interventions, such as the EFIT Tango, and various micro-interventions through clinical exercises, case studies, and transcripts to demonstrate this model in practice with individuals, highlighting the unique benefits of EFT as a cross-modality approach for treating emotional disorders. With exercises interwoven throughout the text, this book is built to accompany in-person and online training, helping the practicing clinician offer targeted and empirically tested interventions that not only alleviate symptoms of distress but expand the client’s emotional balance, agency, and sense of self. As the next major extension of the EFT approach, this book will appeal to therapists already working with couples and families as well as those just beginning their professional journey. Psychotherapists, psychologists, counselors, social workers, and mental health workers will also find this book invaluable.