Employability and Mobility of Bachelor Graduates in Europe

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A decade after the Bologna Declaration has called for the establishment of a cycle system of study programmes and degrees all over Europe the changes actually having occurred in this reform process can be measured and assessed. To what extent did the bachelor students gained international experiences during or after their study program? What is the proportion of bachelor degree holders who are employed about one year after graduation? What are the labor market experiences of those bachelor graduates who started to work? Was it difficult to gain relevant employment? What are the employment conditions for bachelor graduates in terms of income, position, working time, unlimited term contracts compared to traditional graduates? To what extent are bachelor graduates working in areas with close relation to their field of study (horizontal match)? Is their level of education needed for their work tasks (vertical match)? These are the key questions which will be answered in this volume based on surveys of graduates from institutions of higher education recently undertaken in ten European countries (Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, and United Kingdom). The bachelor-master-structure actually implemented varies substantially between the countries and also the consequences of these reforms differ strikingly. In some countries, more students spend a period of study abroad than the goal set for the year 2020 in the Bologna Process; in other countries, not yet a quarter of the expected rate is achieved. Also the frequency of bachelor graduates differs by country who opt for further study, transfer to employment or are both employed and students. The comparative study also provides a wealth of information about the employment and work situation of bachelor graduates as compared to other graduates from institutions of higher education. The book provides relevant information for students and teaching staff at institutions of higher education, employers and politicians and administrative staff dealing with higher education issues.

Higher Education and Graduate Employment in Europe

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This book explores a noteworthy variety among economically advanced countries in the competences fostered by higher education, and the emphasis placed either on laying a broad basis of knowledge or direct preparation for professional tasks. In some countries, universities are closely involved in ensuring a rapid transition from student to employee; in others, students typically face a long period after graduation for the search of a suitable career.

Mobility, Education and Employability in the European Union

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This book takes an in-depth look at the European Commission’s Erasmus programme. In its current Erasmus+ format, the programme supports international exchange visits among students, trainees, volunteers and academic members of staff with a view to enhancing employability and encouraging intercultural understanding. Against the backdrop of the 30th anniversary of Erasmus, the authors explore the successes of the programme, most prominently the undergraduate exchange programme, as well as areas of on-going development, including the incorporation of short duration mobility projects focused on specific social issues into the initiative. Through integrating perspectives from authors in a number of European countries, all of whom have knowledge regarding various aspects of Erasmus, the book provides insight into the challenges facing the programme as it moves into its fourth decade. Mobility, Education and Employability in the European Union: Inside Erasmus will be of interest to students and scholars from a range of disciplines, including geography, sociology and European politics.

Effects of mobility on the skills and employability of students and the internationalisation of higher education institutions

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Young people who study or train abroad not only gain knowledge in specific disciplines, but also strengthen key transversal skills which are highly valued by employers. A new study on the impact of the European Union's Erasmus student exchange programme shows that graduates with international experience fare much better on the job market. They are half as likely to experience long-term unemployment compared with those who have not studied or trained abroad and, five years after graduation, their unemployment rate is 23% lower. The study, compiled by independent experts, is the largest of its kind and received feedback from nearly 80 000 respondents including students and businesses.

European Policy Implementation and Higher Education

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This book presents a critical analysis of the implementation of the Bologna Process, its achievements and consequences, as well as its failures and lack of convergence problems. Over the last decade the implementation of the Bologna Process, an ambitious reform of European higher education systems, has attracted attention from politicians, academics, students and scholars in higher education policy. Taking Portugal as a case study, the book includes an analysis of the perceptions and the practices, formed at the institutional level in respect of the key objectives laid down at the European level, namely employability, mobility and attractiveness.

Management and Information Technology: New Challenges

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This fifteen-chapter monograph edited by Joanna Paliszkiewicz is an interesting read that focuses on light to moderate topics in the areas of management and information technology. The topics are from cryptocurrencies and their online exchanges in Poland to using the concept of blockchain in agribusiness, using virtual reality, creating knowledge and innovation in family businesses, the importance of social media in education, risk analysis, security and forensic science, and effective communication in enterprises. The monograph continues with topics of CRM/ERP implementation in SMEs in Poland, big data/agri-food industry and innovative solution for knowledge management, the impact of digital technologies on competences, digitization in agriculture, and the impact of merchandising on consumer behaviour. Although there is little connection in terms of reading structure form one chapter to the next, each chapter uniquely stands alone to offer insights into the topic it examines in a very simple and understandable manner.

University Adaptation in Difficult Economic Times

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Financial sustainability is one of the key challenges confronting Europe's universities today. Despite the fact that universities are at the centre of knowledge creation and development, which itself is seen as one of the main engines of economic growth, public funding of higher education in most countries is not increasing or at least not increasing enough in real terms. "Democratisation of higher education" has led to the fact that the higher education budgets per student are relatively low in most European countries compared to Europe's competitors. Despite declarations of intent to increase spending on higher education and research, it is not very likely that public expenditure will grow significantly on average in Europe and therefore be able to keep up with rapidly inflating costs in the years to come. One of the reasons for this is that higher education and research have to compete with other priorities in public budgets (e.g., security, health, etc.). Furthermore, the recent economic downturn has contributed to the decision in many European countries to decrease the levels of investment in higher education and research. Such trends are particularly worrisome for universities across Europe, whose continuing dependence on public funding puts their future sustainability under pressure. New funding schemes and incentives have been discussed and introduced in many European higher education systems, including competitive funding schemes for research under the name of "excellence" policies. Despite the different national institutional configurations in Europe, higher education systems face similar demands of promoting sustainable funding models, maintaining high academic standards, and equality. Thus, financial sustainability is not an end in itself; it aims to ensure that the public university's goals are reached by guaranteeing that the institution produces sufficient income to enable it to invest in high quality education and produce equitable outcomes. For these reasons, this book analyses funding reforms from a multidimensional approach.

Social interaction, identity and language learning during residence abroad

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Study and residence abroad are important for adult second language learning, promoting oral skills, fluency and sociopragmatic competence in particular, alongside broader intercultural competence. However learner achievements during residence abroad are variable and cannot be fully understood without attention to the social settings in which learners engage, and the social networks they develop. This edited collection explores the relationship between sociocultural experience, identity and language learning among student sojourners abroad. Three broad themes are identified: the contribution of different settings (host families, student exchanges, work placements etc) to language learning opportunity; the role of social networks in sojourners' language practices and learning success; and their evolving social identities. The book is relevant for a readership interested in informal second language learning, as well as for managers of residence abroad programmes.

Employment alongside Bachelor’s Studies in Germany

Book Description

This study seeks to examine the implications of student employment for the studies, the entry into the labour market, and social inequalities in higher education. The main argument is that both the quantity and quality of work alongside studies can affect relevant academic and labour market outcomes. On the one hand, high amounts of work may prolong the studies and decrease academic achievement. Side-jobs during studies may also distract away students from continuing on in education. On the other hand, jobs of better quality—such that provide experience and skills that are important for the future career—may enhance the transition from education to work. Most important, student employment may generate inequalities in the higher education system if the advantages and disadvantages of working are unequally shared among social groups. The study investigates these issues by using rich longitudinal data on the education and employment history of Bachelor’s students in Germany, by looking at various facets of students’ jobs, and by applying methods that aim at proving causality.