Employee Educational Programs

Book Description

Current types of industry-sponsored educational programs, training facilities, and teaching and evaluation methods are described. The history of education and training within the corporate world and the roles of government and unions are traced. Factors that have limited college and industrial cooperation in employee education are also identified. Four types of employee educational programs are covered: (1) job and company-specific training offered in-house; (2) trade seminars and professional meetings; (3) tuition aid programs; and (4) credit courses and degree programs offered by businesses either independently or in cooperation with colleges. Philosophies of educating for work are discussed, as are competency studies conducted by three organizations. Benefits of collaboration for the two sectors are identified. For colleges, industry provides a source of students and an opportunity for faculty to better understand technological changes and skills needed by employees. For industry, colleges offer facilities, faculty expertise, research findings, and structures for awarding credit and degrees. Issues that colleges and industry should consider in deciding whether to work together in educating employees are outlined, as well as ways to identify each other's needs and assets. (SW)

Employee Educational Programs

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Employers, Families, and Education

Book Description

Family involvement in education is good for business, critical to children's school achievement, and important in creating strong and vibrant communities. This report discusses the role of businesses and employers in helping partners and family members be more involved in children's learning. Throughout the report, programs at specific companies are highlighted. The introduction, "Better Education Is Everybody's Business," notes that President Clinton's "Call to Action for American Education in the 21st Century" provides a focus for needed changes in education, while encouraging local initiative and business involvement. The next chapter, "Business' Bottom Line," discusses how employers can support employees who need to balance the demands of work and home and the research indicating that parents have a powerful influence on students. The third chapter, "Integration of Work, Family and Education," discusses company policies that support family and employee involvement in education, including flextime, part-time work options, telecommuting, and time off for school activities. This chapter also discusses how companies support families through worksite and offsite programs, including child care programs, employer-sponsored seminars, parenting and training programs, family support and information groups, resource and referral services, newsletters and Web sites, and literacy training for adults. The fourth chapter, "Community Based Efforts," notes that employers are providing resources, funding special school projects, establishing volunteer/mentor programs at many schools, and initiating public awareness campaigns about the importance of education and parent involvement. The report concludes with a discussion of the Partnership for Family Involvement in Education, an initiative to promote children's learning through the development of family-school-community partnerships. A Statement of Commitment is included, which employers can fill out and mail to the Partnership for Family Involvement in Education. Contains 14 references and a resource list of organizations, programs, and companies. (LPP)

Employee Educational Programs

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Employee Education Assistance Programs

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