Employment alongside Bachelor’s Studies in Germany

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This study seeks to examine the implications of student employment for the studies, the entry into the labour market, and social inequalities in higher education. The main argument is that both the quantity and quality of work alongside studies can affect relevant academic and labour market outcomes. On the one hand, high amounts of work may prolong the studies and decrease academic achievement. Side-jobs during studies may also distract away students from continuing on in education. On the other hand, jobs of better quality—such that provide experience and skills that are important for the future career—may enhance the transition from education to work. Most important, student employment may generate inequalities in the higher education system if the advantages and disadvantages of working are unequally shared among social groups. The study investigates these issues by using rich longitudinal data on the education and employment history of Bachelor’s students in Germany, by looking at various facets of students’ jobs, and by applying methods that aim at proving causality.

Management Careers Made in Germany

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This book reveals how to provide the leaders of tomorrow with the right education for a management career Made in Germany. It explains how private universities in Germany are helping to maintain the country’s respected educational standards, while also enriching them with exemplary services for international students. The book is intended as a practical guide, addressing any concerns students may have when considering studying at a private German university: admissions, visa, teaching quality and formats, tuition, degrees, subjects, housing, food, security, industry connections, and international job placement and leadership. It provides concrete strategies on how students can unlock their personal earning potential and how to find a top job at a national or multinational company. The authors demonstrate that a German university degree will generate rapid return on investment. Real-life success stories show how a degree from a private German university can pave the way for international professional success.

Employability and Mobility of Bachelor Graduates in Europe

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A decade after the Bologna Declaration has called for the establishment of a cycle system of study programmes and degrees all over Europe the changes actually having occurred in this reform process can be measured and assessed. To what extent did the bachelor students gained international experiences during or after their study program? What is the proportion of bachelor degree holders who are employed about one year after graduation? What are the labor market experiences of those bachelor graduates who started to work? Was it difficult to gain relevant employment? What are the employment conditions for bachelor graduates in terms of income, position, working time, unlimited term contracts compared to traditional graduates? To what extent are bachelor graduates working in areas with close relation to their field of study (horizontal match)? Is their level of education needed for their work tasks (vertical match)? These are the key questions which will be answered in this volume based on surveys of graduates from institutions of higher education recently undertaken in ten European countries (Austria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, and United Kingdom). The bachelor-master-structure actually implemented varies substantially between the countries and also the consequences of these reforms differ strikingly. In some countries, more students spend a period of study abroad than the goal set for the year 2020 in the Bologna Process; in other countries, not yet a quarter of the expected rate is achieved. Also the frequency of bachelor graduates differs by country who opt for further study, transfer to employment or are both employed and students. The comparative study also provides a wealth of information about the employment and work situation of bachelor graduates as compared to other graduates from institutions of higher education. The book provides relevant information for students and teaching staff at institutions of higher education, employers and politicians and administrative staff dealing with higher education issues.

Business Intelligence Demystified

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Clear your doubts about Business Intelligence and start your new journey KEY FEATURES ● Includes successful methods and innovative ideas to achieve success with BI. ● Vendor-neutral, unbiased, and based on experience. ● Highlights practical challenges in BI journeys. ● Covers financial aspects along with technical aspects. ● Showcases multiple BI organization models and the structure of BI teams. DESCRIPTION The book demystifies misconceptions and misinformation about BI. It provides clarity to almost everything related to BI in a simplified and unbiased way. It covers topics right from the definition of BI, terms used in the BI definition, coinage of BI, details of the different main uses of BI, processes that support the main uses, side benefits, and the level of importance of BI, various types of BI based on various parameters, main phases in the BI journey and the challenges faced in each of the phases in the BI journey. It clarifies myths about self-service BI and real-time BI. The book covers the structure of a typical internal BI team, BI organizational models, and the main roles in BI. It also clarifies the doubts around roles in BI. It explores the different components that add to the cost of BI and explains how to calculate the total cost of the ownership of BI and ROI for BI. It covers several ideas, including unconventional ideas to achieve BI success and also learn about IBI. It explains the different types of BI architectures, commonly used technologies, tools, and concepts in BI and provides clarity about the boundary of BI w.r.t technologies, tools, and concepts. The book helps you lay a very strong foundation and provides the right perspective about BI. It enables you to start or restart your journey with BI. WHAT YOU WILL LEARN ● Builds a strong conceptual foundation in BI. ● Gives the right perspective and clarity on BI uses, challenges, and architectures. ● Enables you to make the right decisions on the BI structure, organization model, and budget. ● Explains which type of BI solution is required for your business. ● Applies successful BI ideas. WHO THIS BOOK IS FOR This book is a must-read for business managers, BI aspirants, CxOs, and all those who want to drive the business value with data-driven insights. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. What is Business Intelligence? 2. Why do Businesses need BI? 3. Types of Business Intelligence 4. Challenges in Business Intelligence 5. Roles in Business Intelligence 6. Financials of Business Intelligence 7. Ideas for Success with BI 8. Introduction to IBI 9. BI Architectures 10. Demystify Tech, Tools, and Concepts in BI

Social Work at the Level of International Comparison

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The book presents a theoretical and practical approach to international social work. It uses examples from Germany with a long tradition of social work and focuses on the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, which is in a pioneering phase in teaching social work while at the same time experiencing a highly explosive situation in global politics. Socio-political challenges such as violence, traumatization, (religious) fundamentalism, ethnicization, changing gender relations, flight and migration call for a professional examination of social work as a human rights profession in international comparison.

Inquiry-Based Learning - Undergraduate Research

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This open access book provides a systematic overview of experiences with Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL) and undergraduate research (UR) in German universities, covering both research universities (Universitäten) and universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen). Divided into three parts, the book starts with the principles and common practices of IBL/UR at all universities. Part Two discusses the implementation of IBL/UR for twenty-one individual disciplines, ranging from architecture to theology. Part Three discusses the potential of IBL/UR in relation to several topics including diversity, digitalisation, different forms of universities, and the national job market. The book summarises the project of the German network of UR, comprising approximately 50 universities, and results of a national initiative called Qualitätspakt Lehre which is intended to improve teaching at German universities. Today IBL and UR are essential parts of high-impact education strategies for universities around the world. In his university reform plans of the early 19th century, Wilhelm von Humboldt introduced Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning as the core principle of the modern research university in Germany, as well as worldwide. IBL was re-discovered in the German university reform initiatives of the 1960s. Since then, IBL has been applied in teachers' education in German universities. The book presents IBL/UR experience as complementary to what is usually presented in English-speaking academia. In Germany, IBL/UR is applied broadly throughout the social sciences and planning, but not in the core sciences, whereas in the US undergraduate research is common in the sciences but less so in the social sciences. Moreover, in Germany, IBL/UR is often linked to applied and community-oriented research — something that is just emerging in the US.

Asian Students in Germany

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For decades Germany has been one of the major host countries for international students; at the wake of the 21st century the vast majority comes from Asian countries. With increasing international competition the students, their countries of origin as well as Germany are confronted with specific challenges associated with sometimes conflicting plans, expectations, and apprehensions, amplified by uncertainties. While the students try to adapt to the conditions in Germany to make the best of their stay, their countries of origin ask whether the resources spent on the studies abroad of their nationals are well-invested, and how they might re-attract those who are graduates. As a partaker in the “global race for talents” Germany, finally, questions how it might retain those qualified in highly demanded subjects after their graduation. By contributing to answering these questions, this volume is relevant for all of these stakeholders. Beatrice Knerr is a professor at the University of Kassel (Germany) where she heads the Department of´Development Economics, Migration and Agricultural Policy (DEMAP). She holds a PhD degree from Kiel University and received her habilitation from the University of Stuttgart/Hohenheim. Among her publications are ten monographs and edited and co-edited books, and around fifty articles and book chapters on labor migration and mobility. Among the co-authors are Zhao Xi, Tingting Ma, Rebecca Tlatlik, Sudeh Dehnavi, Robert Sibarani, Wildan Syafitri, Ranjita Nepal and Sadaf Mahmood who were all PhD students at DEMAP at the time of the survey activities. Most of them have graduated since then and have returned to their home countries; others have opted to stay in Germany or to move on to a third country.

Redefining Tertiary Education

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Higher levels of participation at the tertiary level, driven strongly by demands reflecting the diverse interests of students, employers, and society are creating challenges to higher education. This book explores these challenges.

Undergraduate Catalog

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Dual Bachelor'a Study Courses with Integral Attainment of a Bachelor's Degree and Vocational Master Qualification

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There is a strong and growing shortage of qualified entrepreneurs and managers in the SME sector, and this is the main factor hampering further development in all European countries. To meet these challenges, there is an urgent need to raise the qualification level of master craftsman training (German Meisterausbildung) as effective entrepreneurship training according to the needs of entrepreneurial activity and to introduce entrepreneurship education at academic level. The aim of the "Bachelor & Meister" project, which ran from September 2017 to August 2020, was to develop an innovative learning approach in the form of a dual integrated degree programme combining the advantages of master craftsman training and university studies. During the 3-year project duration, 2 different models of the dual integral study courses were developed: the dual integral study course "Civil Engineering" and "Electrical Engineering". The testing of the dual integral study course "Civil Engineering" in Germany was initiated. This publication contains the relevant information like curricula, examination regulations or experiences as results of the project Bachelor & Meister with the following partners: Hanse Parlament (DE), hochschule 21 (DE), Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (FI), Poznan University of Life Sciences (PL), Wielkopolska Crafts Chamber in Poznan (PL) and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (LT).