Empowerment of Rural Women Through Self Help Groups

Book Description

All over the world there is a realization that the best way to tackle poverty and enable the community to improve its quality of life is through social mobilization of poor, especially women into Self Help Groups. Ever since Independence a number of innovative schemes have been launched for the upliftment of women in our country. Indian Government has taken lot of initiatives to strengthen the institutional rural credit system and development programmes. Viewing it in the welfare programmes of Ninth Five Year Plan (1997-2002) and shifting the concept of Development to Empowerment. The Indian Government adopted the approach of Self Help Groups (SHGs) to uplift the rural women. The empowerment of women through Self Help Groups (SHGs) would lead to benefits not only to the individual woman and women groups but also the families and community as a whole through collective action for development. The book will be highly useful to students of social studies especially Women Studies, Social Work, Sociology, Economics and also to the students and research scholars specialising in Human Development and NGO s and also other functionaries dealing with women.

Empowering Rural Women

Book Description

Women Self-Help Groups Are Increasingly Being Used As Tool For Various Developmental Interventions. Credit And Its Delivery Through Self-Help Groups Have Also Been Taken As A Means For Empowerment Of Rural Women.This Integrated Approach, Whereby, Credit Is Only An Entry Point, And An Instrument To Operationalise Other Aspects Of Group Dynamics And Management, Also Caters To The Need For Social Intermediation Of These Groups. A Self-Help Group Is Conceived As A Sustainable People S Institution That Provides The Poor Rural Women With Space And Support Necessary For Them To Take Effective Steps Towards Achieving Greater Control Of Their Lives.It Is With This Perspective That This Book Has Been Attempted.This Work Seeks To Elucidate And Simplify The Approach To Women S Empowerment Through Credit-Based Self-Help Groups, By Both Providing The Theoretical Perspective As Well As Practical Guidance And Tips To Operationalise The Same. This Book Is Meant Primarily As A First Level Reader For Middle Level Functionaries In The Development Sector.

Empowering The Rural Women

Book Description

To address the goal 5 (Gender Equality) of Sustainable Development, it is deemed vital that we first understand the gender inequalities and the contribution of the second gender, i.e. women. We need to bring women into the mainstream to bring both genders at par. Since most of our population lives in villages, we need to have an in-depth knowledge of rural women's role in the development and understand the means and ways to empower them holistically, be it in terms of education, social, technological, political, legal etc. Today's environment calls for a need for women in rural areas to go in for bringing the various drudgery-reducing technologies into practice as well as empower themselves economically through Self Help Groups (SHGs). Rural women must understand the coping strategies associated with climate change which is again a challenge, and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to be more informed and empowered citizens for the welfare of their families, communities, societies and the nation at large. To attain the national goal of doubling the farmers' income by 2022, rural women's economic contribution must be increased through entrepreneurship. To make this dream come true, rural women need to be educated, malnutrition in rural areas; especially among women, needs to be removed, they will have to be technologically empowered, and rural women need to break the shackles of traditional hiccups and be aware of the latest information related to government programmes and schemes along with legal literacy concerning them to be able to understand the various provisions made available by the government for them and to enable them to enforce the same. This book encapsulated all the required dimensions of rural women empowerment: education, health & nutrition, technological empowerment, political empowerment instruments like the Panchayati Raj system, economic empowerment through entrepreneurship, etc. It covers the health challenges of women labourers, hill women, drudgery issues of brick layering women, women and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and constriants to women's empowerment. A few case studies and success stories of women entrepreneurs find their place in this book. The book also provides solutions to the issues of rural women, such as knowledge about those government schemes and programmes that empower women and provides women strength with the golden rays of constitutional mandates to make them sabla from abla. In a nutshell, this book provides conceptual clarity regarding the concept of women empowerment, the different dimensions of empowerment, issues and strategies to cope with the same in one place.

Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups

Book Description

The book is an in-depth study of Empowerment of Women Through Self Help Groups. It covers the problems and perspectives of Self Help Groups and suggest several measures. The study has evaluated the implementation of several schemes in Anantapur District in particular and in Andhra Pradesh in general such as rearing goats, dairying, petty business activities, making of soft toys and so on. The findings are very much encouraging, such as Women are now managing their families, Panchayat Raj Institutions, are able to concentrate on their children s education and health. Contents include: Introduction, Public Policy Theoretical Perspectives, Evaluation, Aims and Objectctives of Self Help Groups in Anantapur District, Socio-Economic Background of the Sample Study, Problems and perspectives of Self Help Groups, Performance of Self Help Groups and Conclusion. This outstanding Text-cum-Reference book will be of great use to Scholars, Administrators, Planners, Policy-makers, Statesmen and Students of Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Commerce and Women Studites.

Women Empowerment Through Self-help Groups (SHGs)

Book Description

In India, the advancement and empowerment of women has been a leading objective of state policy ever since the attainment of independence in 1947. Institutions of different types - central, state, and local governments; non-governmental organizations; civil society; and other bodies - are active to ensure gender equality as laid down in the Constitution of India. India's Eleventh Five Year Plan (2007-2012) recognizes women for the first time not just as equal citizens, but as agents of economic and social growth. The Plan's approach to gender equity is based on the recognition that interventions in favor of women must be multi-pronged and that they must be provided with basic entitlements. Self-help Groups (SHGs) have emerged as an effective instrument to promote entrepreneurship and self-confidence among women, particularly in rural areas. This book provides a vivid account of the various measures taken by the government of India for the economic, social, and political empowerment of women. More importantly, it examines the role of SHGs in women's development, thereby envisaging a synthesis of the formal financial system and informal sector.

Empowerment of Rural Women

Book Description

With special reference to Dindigul District in Tamil Nadu, India.

Economic Empowerment of Rural Women by Self Help Group Through Micro Credit

Book Description

Empowerment in the context of women's development is a way of defining, challenging and overcoming barriers in a woman's life through which she increases her ability to shape her life and environment. It is an active, multidimensional process which should enable women to realize their full identity and power in all spheres of life. The rural poor with the assistance from NGOs and various microfinance institutions have demonstrated their potential for self-help group to secure economic and financial strength. Various case studies prove that the credit availability has impact on women's empowerment. Thrift is a very important indicator of a group's success because consistent growth in thrift is a clear indication of the growing confidence of the members in the group. Collection of thrift is a major activity of the SHGs. The poor who need money for purchase of various consumption goods quite often meet their contingencies by borrowing from professional money-lenders and others at high rates of interest. SHGs have been extremely effective in creating the habit of savings among the rural poor and mobilizing it for common good. Government and NGOs should look beyond credit and follow the 'credit with social development' approach. Policy implications and programme attributes are to be framed to achieve better results in reducing poverty and empowering women.

Self Help Group and Comprehensive Empowerment of Women in Rural Area

Book Description

Women population constitutes nearly 49% of the total population of India. Empowerment of rural woman is necessary for the development of each and every society & country. Author has focused on ‘Self Help Group and Comprehensive Empowerment of Women in Rural Area, because it is very significant for development of women in rural area. Present subject is related to commerce, Economic, Sociology, Human Science, Human Rights, and Social Welfare also. Present book is useful to study the Empowerment of women and performance of SHGs in Maharashtra and all over country. Women are indivisible or integral part of society. Without women society is incomplete. Investigation of working process of SHGs is useful to Government Implementing agencies /Institutions and member of Self Help Groups in deciding their policy and implementing it for Socio Economic development. This book is designed to Provide guidance to the student, research scholars, social workers, women and government at large. It is the humble desire of the author that the students, researchers, women and social workers will make it convenient to study this boon on empowerment of rural women. The book has been designed with a multidimensional approach towards the significance, implementation procedure, drawbacks, socio-economic analysis and ways for improving SHGs Schemes of the Government. The book consists valuable data collected from various agencies implementing the schemes of the Government. Various statistical methods have been used to reach the result. So, the book will be useful & helpful to all the relevant people working on rural development, socio-economic planning &development.

Women Empowerment Through Self Help Groups in Rural Areas

Book Description

A life of dignity is the right of every citizen and poverty is an obstruction to a dignified life. Of the 1.3 billion people who live in absolute poverty around the globe, about 55% are women. For these women, poverty doesn't just mean scarcity and want, rather, rights denied, opportunities curtailed and voices silenced. Women, who represent half of the human resource are often not recognized and regarded so, due to their inferior positioning in the society. Empowerment' is a continuous process by which powerless people become conscious of their situation, organize collectively to improve it and access opportunities, as an outcome of which they take control over their own lives, set their own agenda, gain skills, solve problems and develop self-reliance. Personal empowerment can lead to changes in existing institutions and norms, however, without the collective empowerment the personal empowerment and choices are limited, as Sen explains. The nature of empowerment can be diverse, depending upon the parameters that define the lack of power within the institutional framework in operation. In India, Micro finance intervention have brought tremendous change in the life of women.