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Modern Spanish readings

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Fonética y fonología descriptivas de la lengua española

Book Description

The most up-to-date and comprehensive description of the Spanish language's phonetic and phonological system Though there has been considerable research in Spanish phonology, until now, no in-depth and complete descriptive reference work has existed. Fonética y fonología descriptivas de la lengua española Volumes 1 and 2 is a comprehensive reference, written in Spanish, describing the phonetics and phonology of Spanish. Edited by Juana Gil Fernandez and Joaquim Llisterri, this set provides a comprehensive overview for understanding segmental and suprasegmental topics in Spanish phonology, making clear what further research is needed. The international set of contributors in this essential reference present evidence never before analyzed, introduce new theoretical concepts and issues not considered previously, extend the scope of the case studies, and organize its many subtopics, as well as suggest new topics for future research. A descriptive reference with copious figures and tables, this book is the key to the field's assumptions and a presentation of accepted research on which future scholarship is based. With state-of-the-art information on all topics related to the sounds of Spanish, Fonética y fonología descriptivas de la lengua española will be a valuable resource for researchers, students, and scholars of Spanish linguistics who wish to deepen their understanding of the phonetic and phonological characteristics of all the varieties in the Spanish language.

Repensar la sostenibilidad

Book Description

La sostenibilidad, cualidad de lo sostenible, hace referencia a un proceso que puede alargarse en el tiempo. Cuando este proceso lo referimos a cuestiones socio-ecológicas, comprobamos cómo, desde hace ya largo tiempo, no son pocas las voces acreditadas que han puesto sobre aviso del progresivo deterioro ecológico y sus consecuencias perjudiciales para la vida humana. Nuestra obra parte de estas negatividades para repensar la idea de sostenibilidad en sus justos términos, y así dar cabida a una variedad de aportaciones que ayuden a restituimos dentro de los límites ecosistémicos.

Para la historia de Cuba

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Acta Conventus Neo-Latini Upsaliensis

Book Description

Since 1971, the International Congress for Neo-Latin Studies has been organised every three years in various cities in Europe and North America. In August 2009, Uppsala in Sweden was the venue of the fourteenth Neo-Latin conference, held by the International Association for Neo-Latin Studies. The proceedings of the Uppsala conference have been collected in this volume under the motto Litteras et artes nobis traditas excolere Reception and Innovation. Ninety-nine individual and five plenary papers spanning the period from the Renaissance to the present offer a variety of themes covering a range of genres such as history, literature, philology, art history, and religion. The contributions will be of relevance not only for scholarly readers, but also for an interested non-professional audience.

Economía política desde Estambul a Potosí

Book Description

En l'actualitat, els economistes i els historiadors debaten sobre el paper exercit per les institucions i els estats en el desenvolupament econòmic a llarg termini durant l'Època Moderna. En general, s'assumeix que únicament als països de l'Atlàntic nord, l'estat i els drets de propietat es van configurar de tal manera que serien capaces de generar creixement econòmic a gran escala. De fet, l'aplicació d'aquesta perspectiva ha accentuat el tòpic d'una certa ineficàcia de les institucions del món mediterrani i ofereix una visió estereotipada del paper de l'estat. Aquest llibre pretén ser una contribució crítica que estableixi sinergies amb els economistes actuals i coadjuvi a la comprensió de la història econòmica en les societats preindustrials del sud d'Europa.

From Iberia to Diaspora

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This rich, interdisciplinary collection of articles offers fascinating new insights into the history and culture of Sephardic Jewry both in pre-Expulsion Iberia and throughout the far-flung diaspora.

Reactive scattering for H- + H2 and H+ + H2 and its isotopologues

Book Description

The reactive scattering for H- + H2 and H+ + H2 and its isotopologues were investigated using different methods. The studies aimed at providing insights into elementary reactions, and go beyond these to more complexchemical reactions. By comparison of the reaction probabilities of H+ + H2 using adiabatic and non-adiabatic methods, it was found that, at low collision energies, the reaction preferentially occurs adiabatically, but at higher collision energies non-adiabatic effects should be taken into account. For H- + H2 and its isotopologues, we can see that, at low collision energies, the reaction probabilities and reaction cross section using SM-PES and AY-PES are very similar but different from PS-PES. The reaction cross sections investigated with quasi-classical trajectoriesare higher than those calculated with quantum wavepackets. For the collision H- and D- with HD, the main reaction path ways are different with the different collision energies.

A Prosopography to Martial’s Epigrams

Book Description

A Prosopography to Martial’s Epigrams is the first dictionary of all the characters and personal names found in the work of Marcus Valerius Martialis, containing nearly 1,000 comprehensive entries. Each of them compiles and analyses all the relevant information regarding the characters themselves, as well as the literary implications of their presence in Martial’s poems. Unlike other works of this kind, the book encompasses not only real people, whose positive existence is beyond doubt, but also fictional characters invented by the poet or inherited from the cultural and literary tradition. Its entries provide the passages of the epigrams where the respective characters appear; the general category to which they belong; the full name (in the case of historical characters); onomastic information, especially about frequency, meaning, and etymology; other literary or epigraphical sources; a prosopographical sketch; a discussion of relevant manuscript variants; and a bibliography. Much attention is paid to the literary portrayal of each character and the poetic usages of their names. This reference work is a much needed tool and is intended as a stimulus for further research.