En_clave de calidad. La dirección escolar

Book Description

Recoge las intervenciones y el desarrollo del Congreso: "En clave de calid@d: la dirección escolar", organizado por el Instituto Superior de Formación del Profesorado.

Multidimensional Perspectives on Principal Leadership Effectiveness

Book Description

Exceptional management skills are crucial to success in educational environments. As school leaders, principals are expected to effectively supervise the school system while facing a multitude of issues and demands. Multidimensional Perspectives on Principal Leadership Effectiveness combines best practices and the latest approaches in school administration and management. Exploring the challenges faced by principals, as well as the impact of new managerial tactics being employed, this book is a comprehensive reference publication for policymakers, academicians, researchers, students, school practitioners, and government officials seeking current and emerging research on administrative leadership in educational settings.

All about teaching english

Book Description

Esta obra colectiva está elaborada por profesores de Didáctica del Inglés de varias universidades españolas. Este manual compendia los principales aspectos relacionados con la Didáctica de la Lengua Inglesa en Primaria y Secundaria, por lo que resulta muy práctico para utilizar en la diplomatura de Magisterio (Especialidad Lengua Extranjera), así como los cursos de capacitación pedagógica y especialización didáctica para profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria.

Procesos creativos en investigación cualitativa I

Book Description

La investigación es preguntar y saber lo que pregunto... no es esperar respuestas, sino adquirir conocimiento. Este libro surge de la necesidad de presentar a docentes y estudiantes de Maestrías y Doctorados, ejemplos de lineamientos básicos investigativos de enfoque cualitativo. Considerando que la investigación es creación, propuesta, desafío, nunca la verdad, se muestran cuatro tesis doctorales realizadas en los últimos años en tres países y contextos académicos distintos. Hay elementos que se repiten en cada tesis -son los fundamentos de la investigación cualitativa que, de una u otra manera, deben estar presentes en todo el enfoque. Y, al mismo tiempo, hay diferencias en la manera como cada autor abordó su proyecto. Ahí está la riqueza de este trabajo.


Book Description

"The Peruvian health sector has recovered rapidly after collapsing in the late 1980s and early 1990s as a result of hyperinflation and terrorism. Total public and private spending on health rose by over 50% in real terms in the three years after 1994. The supply of health services increased sharply,... Health outcomes have also improved rapidly in recent years..."Several reforms were attempted during the health sector's recuperative years. Some were successful, others failed. To increase the chances for success in the future, policymakers in Peru must face three key challenges: • continue to reduce the large gap between the health status of the poor and that of the nonpoor; • increase the resources assigned to provide care for the poor; • increase the efficiency in the use of these resources. This report is meant to help the Government continue to develop its agenda to improve health care for the poor. Its focus is on poverty, and particularly on ways to improve the Ministry of Health's primary health subprogram, rather than on sector-wide reforms, to increase efficiency. The report emphasizes that there is much to be gained by sustaining and deepening the reforms directed toward improving health care for the poor while using the shift in focus and responding to the key challenges. The executive summary and introduction are provided in both English and Spanish.

Journal of Educational, Cultural and Psychological Studies (ECPS Journal) 12 - December 2015

Book Description

CONTENTS: Un paradosso italiano e una importante riforma della scuola - The Measurement of Socially Responsible Leadership: Considerations in Establishing Psychometric Rigor - The Evidence Base for School Inspection Frameworks - Una ruta hacia un sistema de aseguramiento de la calidad en Educación Superior: el proyecto TRALL - Good Practice in Teaching and the Risk of Educational Exclusion in Compulsory Secondary Education - Le dimensioni motivazionali dell'apprendimento scolastico: uno studio correlazionale sul concetto di sé e gli stili di attribuzione - Conditions, Standards and Practices of Inclusion for Children with Disabilities in Italian Infant School - Il linguaggio audiovisivo, gli studi di genere e la critica dei modelli culturali occidentali: il caso della serie televisiva «Top of the Lake» - The Development and Psychometric Properties of the «Self-Regulated Knowledge Scale - University» - La formación integral del estudiante y la formación continua de los profesores en la Educación Superior cubana: el papel de la Responsabilidad Social Universitaria en su consecución - Relación dialógica entre el profesorado senior y el profesorado novel universitario