Encountering Images of Spiritual Transformation

Book Description

Humans are lovers, and yet a good deal of pedagogical theory, Christian or otherwise, assumes an anthropology at odds with human nature, fixed in a model of humans as "thinking things." Turning to Augustine, or at least Augustine in conversation with Aquinas, Martin Heidegger, the overlooked Jesuit thinker Bernard Lonergan, and the important contemporary Charles Taylor, this book provides a normative vision for Christian higher education. A phenomenological reappropriation of human subjectivity reveals an authentic order to love, even when damaged by sin, and loves, made authentic by grace, allow the intellectually, morally, and religiously converted person to attain an integral unity. Properly understanding the integral relation between love and the fullness of human life overcomes the split between intellectual and moral formation, allowing transformed subjects--authentic lovers--to live, seek, and work towards the values of a certain kind of cosmopolitanism. Christian universities exist to make cosmopolitans, properly understood, namely, those persons capable of living authentically. In other words, this text gives a full-orbed account of human flourishing, rooted in a phenomenological account of the human as basis for the mission of the university.

Encountering Images of Spiritual Transformation

Book Description

Luke-Acts is an impressive two-volume narrative seeking to convince and engage readers regarding the spiritual impact of Jesus of Nazareth on the Jewish people and other nations. To this end, Luke employs an impressive arsenal of literary and narrative techniques. This book focuses on a motif and its performance, the thoroughfare motif, which includes those figurative and concrete expressions involving ways, roads, city streets, and country paths. This study traces this motif's performance within the unfolding plot asking what difference the motif makes--progressively and cumulatively--to the reader's encounter with the story's emphasis on salvation. For example, why does Luke take pleasure in describing transformational events on or in relation to thoroughfares? What are the connections between expressions like "the way of peace," "the way of salvation," and "the way of God/Lord"? Why does Luke use such an unusual expression like "the Way" to describe Jesus' followers? How do such expressions contribute to the spiritual landscape of Luke-Acts, the intermingling of concrete and figurative uses of physical imagery? Like an instrument in an orchestra, the thoroughfare motif works together with other motifs and themes to create a captivating exploration of spiritual transformation, received and opposed.

The Spirit of Jesus Unleashed on the Church

Book Description

The Spirit of Jesus Unleashed on the Church is the third book in a series concerning the restoration of Jesus' people in a world where the marginalized classes longed for reconciliation to God. After Jesus' ascension the early Christians fulfilled Luke's epic theme of restoration in their new empire, inclusion of outcasts, and endurance during the resistance. As Jesus journeyed to Jerusalem, so Paul and the mission of God followed the journey to the capital of the Roman world. God's people today are likewise empowered by the Spirit to boldly live their mission for Jesus through love, compassion, and endurance in cultures that marginalize those who need God's reconciliation.

Engaging Early Christian History

Book Description

This book extends scholarly debate beyond the analysis of pure historical debates and concerns to focus on the associations between Acts and the diverse contemporaneous texts, writers, and broader cultural phenomena in the second-century world of Christians, Romans, Greeks, and Jews.

The Collected Papers of J. L. Moles - Volume 1

Book Description

J. L. Moles (1949–2015) made fundamental contributions to the fields of ancient (especially Cynic) philosophy, Greek and Roman historiography and biography, Latin poetry, and New Testament studies. These two volumes gather together all of his major articles and reviews, along with six previously unpublished papers. The papers display Moles’ individual and sometimes iconoclastic approach, his impressive range in both Classical and New Testament texts, and his unrivalled abilities in close reading. This is volume 1.

The Priest and Levite as Temple Representatives

Book Description

The parable of the good Samaritan is well-known, yet scholarship has not plumbed the depths of its meaning within its first-century Palestinian context. For the majority of Christian history, the parable has suffered either from extreme allegorical treatments or from unimaginative readings limiting the parable to a single-point example story of virtue. A creative reading employing social and historical methods generates a refreshing telling of the story, within Jesus’s context, whereby each variable, from the Samaritan to the priest and even the innkeeper, takes on representative forms, not only indicative of widespread concerns from Jesus’s audience, but also becoming symbols of the eschatological age when the new temple supplants the old.

Invitation to Retreat

Book Description

When we choose retreat we make a generous investment in our friendship with Christ. Seasoned spiritual director Ruth Haley Barton gently and eloquently leads us into an exploration of retreat as a key practice that opens us to God, guiding us through seven invitations to retreat. You will discover how to say yes to God's winsome invitation to greater freedom and surrender.

The Gospel of Luke as Masterpiece

Book Description

This volume offers fifteen studies on the Gospel of Luke by Nico Riemersma, who specialized in this gospel. It contains both articles in which special pericopes from the Gospel of Luke are central (Mary’s visit to Elizabeth in Luke 1,39-56; the twelve-year-old Jesus in de temple, in Luke 2,40-52; the baptism of Jesus in 3,21-23 and his testing in 4,1-13; the Fernheilung of a centurion’s slave in 7,1-10 and the raising of a young man at Naïn in 7,11-17) and studies on details (καθεξῆς in Luke 1,3; ἐν τοῖς τοῦ πατρός μου in Luke 2,49; ἐγέρθητι in 7,14 and ὁ ἐρχόμενος in 7,19.20). In addition, there are thematic studies (the parallelism between John and Jesus, Elijah in relationship with John and Jesus; the travelling motif in Luke-Acts) and articles with an eye for the structure (of the overture, 1,5-2,52 and of the whole book, 1,1-24,53). Through ‘close reading’, the book reveals Luke’s high-quality literary form and rich theological content. This meticulous way of reading allows for a deeper understanding of the text, giving this gospel extra shine. This method is extremely helpful in solving text problems that the reader(s) will face.

Feminist Mysticism and Images of God

Book Description

Feminist theologians often claim that "women's experience" is their starting point. However, most feminist theology is remarkably void of analysis of particular women's experiences of imaging God. In this book, Knight provides practical recommendations to help people transform images in the context of religious practices. What difference does it make whether we picture God as an elderly white grandfather, a nurturing African American mother, or a stranger on the bus? Jennie Knight says our image of God affects how we see ourselves, how we worship, how we treat one another, how (or whether) we work for justice, and a host of other life practices. But after years of knowing intellectually that God transcends a specific human type, Knight still struggles to make an emotional connection with God in different forms. She suspects that that struggle is why many seminarians who wrote papers about thea/theology abandon nontraditional God images once they hit parish ministry, perpetuating the practice of seeing God as a European male on a throne and all the accompanying problems that such imagery creates. Knight believes that personal and critical reflection in the context of a supportive learning community, combined with experiences of diverse images for the divine in worship, can lead to profound changes in self-image, relationship with the divine, and agency in the world. This book aims to demonstrate why and how this transformation is both possible and necessary. The popularity of The Shack, The Secret Life of Bees, Joan of Arcadia, and other works with nontraditional God-figures reveals a culture ready to embrace God in many forms. Knight examines how the church can do the same.

Lectio Divina--The Sacred Art

Book Description

Break open this ancient contemplative practice of listening deeply for God's voice in sacred texts. Drawing on her own experience as a monk in the world, Christine Valters Paintner introduces the foundations for a practice of lectio divina. She closely examines each of the four movements of lectio divina as well as the rhythm they create when practiced as a process.