Encounters with God in Augustine's Confessions

Book Description

This book continues Carl G. Vaught's thoroughgoing reinterpretation of Augustine's Confessions—one that rejects the view that Augustine is simply a Neoplatonist and argues that he is also a definitively Christian thinker. As a companion volume to the earlier Journey toward God in Augustine's Confessions: Books I–VI, it can be read in sequence with or independently of it. This work covers the middle portion of the Confessions, Books VII–IX. Opening in Augustine's youthful maturity, Books VII–IX focus on the three pivotal experiences that transform his life: the Neoplatonic vision that causes him to abandon materialism; his conversion to Christianity that leads him beyond Neoplatonism to a Christian attitude toward the world and his place in it; and the mystical experience he shares with his mother a few days before her death, which points to the importance of the Christian community. Vaught argues that time, space, and eternity intersect to provide a framework in which these three experiences occur and which give Augustine a three-fold access to God.

The Journey toward God in Augustine's Confessions

Book Description

This detailed discussion of Augustine's journey toward God, as it is described in the first six books of the Confessions, begins with infancy, moves through childhood and adolescence, and culminates in youthful maturity. In the first stage, Augustine deals with the problems of original innocence and sin; in the second, he addresses a pear-stealing episode that recapitulates the theft of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and confronts the problem of sexuality with which he wrestles until his conversion; and in the third, he turns toward philosophy, only to be captivated successively by dualism, skepticism, and Catholicism. Augustine's journey exhibits temporal, spatial, and eternal dimensions and combines his head and his heart in equal proportions. Vaught shows that the Confessions should be interpreted as an attempt to address the person as a whole rather than through our intellectual or volitional dimensions exclusively. The passion with which Augustine describes the end of his journey is reflected best in a sentence found in the opening chapter of the text—"You have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it rests in you." Interpreting this statement, Carl G. Vaught presents a more emphatically Christian Augustine than is usually found in contemporary scholarship. Refusing to view Augustine in an exclusively Neoplatonic framework, Vaught holds that Augustine baptizes Plotinus just as successfully as Aquinas baptizes Aristotle. It cannot be denied that Ancient philosophy influences Augustine decisively. Nevertheless, he holds the experiential and the theoretical dimensions of his journey toward God together as a distinctive expression of the Christian tradition.

Access to God in Augustine's Confessions

Book Description

This is the final volume in Carl G. Vaught's groundbreaking trilogy reappraising Augustine's Confessions, a cornerstone of Western philosophy and one of the most influential works in the Christian tradition. Vaught offers a new interpretation of the philosopher as less Neoplatonic and more distinctively Christian than most interpreters have thought. In this book, he focuses on the most philosophical section of the Confessions and on how it relates to the previous, more autobiographical sections. A companion to the previous two volumes, which dealt with Books I–IX, this book can be read either in sequence with or independently of the others. Books X–XIII of the Confessions begin after Augustine has become Bishop of Hippo and they are separated by more than ten years from the episodes recorded in the previous nine books of the text. This establishes the narrative in the present and speaks to the "believing sons of men." Augustine explores how memory, time, and creation make the journey toward God and the encounter with God possible. Vaught analyzes these conditions in order to unlock Augustine's solutions to familiar philosophical and theological problems. He also tackles the frequently discussed problem of the alleged disconnection between the earlier books and the last four books by showing how Augustine binds experience and reflection together.

The Confessions

Book Description

Presents an English translation of Saint Augustine's "Confessions" in which the fourth-century bishop reflects on his faith and reveals his sins

The Confessions of Saint Augustine

Book Description

The Confessions of Saint Augustine is an autobiographical work that chronicles the spiritual journey of one of the most influential figures in the history of Christianity. Written in the early 5th century by Saint Augustine, a Bishop of Hippo in North Africa, this book is considered a classic of Christian literature and a cornerstone of Western philosophy. The book is divided into 13 books, each representing a different phase in Augustine's life and spiritual development. It is written in the form of a prayer, with Augustine addressing his confessions to God, seeking forgiveness and understanding. Through his honest and introspective writing, Augustine reveals his inner struggles, doubts, and triumphs, providing readers with a rare glimpse into the mind of a saint. The first nine books focus on Augustine's early life, starting with his childhood in North Africa and his education in rhetoric and philosophy. He describes his search for truth and meaning in life, which leads him down a path of worldly desires, including a long-term relationship with a woman and his involvement in the Manichean religion. These experiences ultimately leave him feeling unfulfilled and questioning the purpose of life. In the tenth book, Augustine recounts his conversion to Christianity, which marks a turning point in his life and the beginning of his spiritual journey. He describes his encounter with God through a vision of a child, which inspires him to abandon his previous lifestyle and embrace a life of devotion to God. The remaining books focus on Augustine's struggles to overcome his human desires and achieve spiritual enlightenment, including his struggles with the concept of time, his understanding of the nature of God, and his interpretation of the Bible. Throughout the text, Augustine reflects on the philosophical and theological questions that have troubled him, such as the origin of evil and the relationship between faith and reason. He also shares his profound insights into human nature, morality, and the human desire for God. His writing is marked by a deep sense of humility, as he openly admits his flaws and sins and seeks forgiveness from God. The Confessions of Saint Augustine is not only a spiritual autobiography but also a profound theological and philosophical work. It is a testament to the power of divine grace and the transformative nature of faith. By sharing his personal journey, Augustine invites readers to reflect on their own lives and their relationship with God. This book continues to resonate with readers of all backgrounds and beliefs, making it a timeless masterpiece of literature.


Book Description

"Spirituality involves taking our personal experience seriously as raw material for redemption and holiness, examining the material of our daily lives with as much rigor as we do Scripture and doctrine. Confessions is the landmark work in this exercise." Eugene Peterson Saint Augustine wasn't always a saint. He led a turbulent and licentious youth, and belonged to the fourth century equivalent of a street gang. At the age of 29, he met a young man, Ambrose, whose intelligence, kindness and strong faith fascinated and puzzled Augustine. Then at the age of thirty-two, under Ambrose's tutelage, Augustine converted to Christianity and went on to be one of the most influential Christians throughout history. Written in 400 AD, less than a decade after his ordination to the priesthood, a mere four years after becoming bishop of Hippo, he wrote Confessions in his forties. He was a man looking back and looking forward, an apt simile perhaps for the role Augustine played in the history of the Church, that of a bridge between two distinct eras. Confessions traces a pilgrimage of unbounded grace, passionately wrestling with the spiritual questions that have engaged thoughtful minds since time began. It is Augustine's utter candor about his own sin and his struggle to reconcile his mind and soul to God's holy character that made Confessions the classic that it has been for fifteen centuries and compelling to readers still today. Companion volume to HP's trade paper edition of Augustine's City of God Classic text, edited by Albert Cook Outler Larger, easy-to-read edition Competitively priced "It is difficult to find a theologian - from any age - who has not been influenced by the teachings of St. Augustine." Richard Foster, Devotional Classics.

The Journey Toward God in Augustine's Confessions

Book Description

A new interpretation of the first six books of Augustine's Confessions, emphasizing the importance of Christianity rather than Neoplatonism.

"You Made Us for Yourself"

Book Description

Augustine’s Confessions is probably the most commented upon text of early Christianity. Yet, there is a general consensus that this justly famous work is neither well composed nor structurally unified. “You Made Us for Yourself” aims to challenge this common notion by approaching the Confessions in light of what Augustine himself would have considered most fundamental: creation, understood in a broad sense. Creation, for Augustine, is an epiphany, a light that reveals who God is and who human beings are. It is not merely one doctrine or theme among others, but is the foundational context which illumines all doctrines and all themes. Moreover, creation, for Augustine, is dynamically ordered toward the church, toward the deified destiny the body of Christ both is and brings about. Thus, the Confessions itself can be understood as Augustine’s prayer of praise in thanksgiving for the unmerited gift of creation (and re-creation). It is his self-gift back to God—a kind of eucharistic offering intended to take up and bring about the same in his readers. Augustine’s rich understanding of creation, then, can account for the often despaired of meaning, structure, and unity of the Confessions.

The Works of Saint Augustine

Book Description

"In this work, traditionally translated as On Christian Doctrine, Augustine combines the pedagogical methods he learned from Greek and Roman writings with the content of the Christian faith to help preachers present biblical teachings in an effective manner. This new translation is lively and accessible." Library Journal


Book Description

"This narrative of the first half of Augustine's life conjures the intellectual and social milieu of the late Roman Empire with a Proustian relish for detail." -- New York Times In Augustine, celebrated historian Robin Lane Fox follows Augustine of Hippo on his journey to the writing of his Confessions. Unbaptized, Augustine indulged in a life of lust before finally confessing and converting. Lane Fox recounts Augustine's sexual sins, his time in an outlawed heretical sect, and his gradual return to spirituality. Magisterial and beautifully written, Augustine is the authoritative portrait of this colossal figure at his most thoughtful, vulnerable, and profound.