Nuclear Data for Science and Technology

Book Description

This book describes the Proceedings of the International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology held at Jillich in May 1991. The conference was in a series of application oriented nuclear data conferences organized in the past under the auspices of the Nuclear Energy Agency-Nuclear Data Committee (NEANDC) and with the support of the Nuclear Energy Agency-Committee on Reactor Physics (NEACRP). It was the fIrst international conference on nuclear data held in Germany, with the scientific responsibility entrusted to the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry of the Research Centre Jillich. The scientific programme was established by the International Programme Committee in consultation with the International Advisers, and the NEA and IAEA cooperated in the organization. A total of 328 persons from 37 countries and fIve international organizations participated. The scope of these Proceedings extends to a wide range of interdisciplinary topics dealing with measu rement, calculation, evaluation and application of nuclear data, with a major emphasis on numerical data. Both energy and non-energy related applications are considered and due attention is given to some fundamental aspects relevant to the understanding of nuclear data.

Nuclear Data for Science and Technology

Book Description

Proceedings of the International Conference, Antwerp, Belgium, September 6-10, 1982

Neutron Cross Sections

Book Description

Neutron Cross Sections, Volume 2: Neutron Cross Section Curves presents data for total reaction cross sections and related fission parameters as a function of incident-neutron energy. This book covers energy range from 0.01 eV to 200 MeV to exclude crystalline and magnetic effects for slow neutrons and relativistic effects for high energy neutrons. The data in this volume are grouped into sections corresponding to the element of the target nucleus in the neutron-induced reaction. These sections are ordered in increasing atomic number. Within a section, graphical data are presented for the natural element followed by the isotopes of that element in order of increasing atomic mass. A list of the reaction types is provided at the end of each section. This book also provides graphical section, wherein each graphical page is annotated on the outer edge with a symbol for an element or isotope followed by the list of the cross section data for that element or isotope. The data plotted in the graphical section are tagged by a mnemonic consisting of year, laboratory, and author's last name. This tag can be used to find the corresponding reference on the bibliographic pages.

Nuclear Data Evaluation Methodology - Proceedings Of The International Symposium

Book Description

The Symposium on Nuclear Data Evaluation Methodology provided a forum for the discussion of developments made over the past 12 years in the evaluation methods used for generating data files for applied technology. With a program that was prepared by an international committee of experts in this field, this set of proceedings gives a comprehensive overview of the development and progress of this field for the last 12 years. It serves as an important source of reference and historical update for those seeking an in-depth understanding of this study.

Nuclear Fusion

Book Description

Power production and its consumption and distribution are among the most urgent problems of mankind. Despite positive dynamics in introducing renewable sources of energy, nuclear power plants still remain the major source of carbon-free electric energy. Fusion can be an alternative to fission in the foreseeable future. Research in the field of controlled nuclear fusion has been ongoing for almost 100 years. Magnetic confinement systems are the most promising for effective implementation, and the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor is under construction in France. To accomplish nuclear fusion on Earth, we have to resolve a number of scientific and technological problems. This monograph includes selected chapters on nuclear physics and mechanical engineering within the scope of nuclear fusion.

NBS Special Publication

Book Description

Progress in Nuclear Energy

Book Description

Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 5 covers the significant advances in several aspects of nuclear energy field. This book is composed six chapters that describe the progress in nuclear and gas-cooled reactors. The introductory chapter deals with the development and evolution of decay heat estimates and decay heat Standards, and illustrates the use of these estimates through comparison of both the actinide and fission product decay heat levels from typical fuel samples in a variety of reactor systems. The succeeding chapters present different practical methods for handling resonance absorption problem in the case of thermal reactor lattices and review the physics of the different noise phenomena. These topics are followed by discussions of the developed methodology for the description of breeding, conversion, long-term fuel logistics, and related subjects derived from the detailed mathematical description of the fuel cycle. The concluding chapters consider the historical development of heat transfer surfaces for gas-cooled reactors. These chapters also provide a complete set of differential nuclear data on the three technologically important americium isotopes, 241Am, 242Am, and 243Am, suitable for incorporation into the computer-based U.K. Nuclear Data Library. This book will prove useful to nuclear physicists and nuclear energy scientists and researchers.