Endocrines and Osmoregulation

Book Description

From a review of the previous edition: "I strongly recommend it as an essential reading and reference book for younger and older workers alike". Nature

Endocrines and Osmoregulation

Book Description

From a review of the previous edition: "I strongly recommend it as an essential reading and reference book for younger and older workers alike". Nature

Regulation of Water and Electrolytes

Book Description

Vertebrate Endocrinology: Fundamentals and Biomedical Implications, Volume 2: Regulation of Water and Electrolytes provides information pertinent to vertebrate endocrine systems, which has significant contributions to basic biological and biomedical research. This book discusses the practical implications of the endocrinological studies. Organized into 13 chapters, this volume starts with an overview of the comprehensive aspects of endocrinology in mammalian and nonmammalian vertebrates, with emphasis on those systems that affect salt and water balance. This book then discusses the control of secretion as well as the function and biomedical implications of knowledge of secretion and function. Other chapters discuss several topics, including neurohypophysis, adrenal hormones, and pancreatic hormones. This text discusses as well the renin–angiotensin system. The final chapter deals with the changes that occur during vertebrate evolution in smaller peptide hormones, such as the neurohypophysial peptides and the angiotensins. Endocrinologists, biologists, graduate students, and researchers will find this book extremely useful.

Biology of the Arthropod Cuticle

Book Description

Mention the words 'arthropod cuticle' to most biologists and they usually provoke a glazed expression. This is because the cuticle is commonly regarded as an inert substance. It is hoped that this book will dispel this fallacy. The study of cuticle in its proper context now involves many of the wider aspects of biology which are currently in vogue (e. g. how a hormone like ecdyson induces a specific enzyme like dopa decarboxylase; the unsolved major problem of cell gradient and polarity; the involvement of cyclic AMP in hormonal mechanisms; the extra cellular control of cuticular enzymes, of the mechanical proper ties of cuticle structural proteins, and of the orientation of fibrous molecules; and the relation of chromosome puffing to the synthesis of specific proteins). Studies on cuticle demand a variety of techniques, and examples of the following are illustrated in this book (fluorescence, phase contrast, polariza tion and Nomarski interference microscopy; infrared absorp tion; transmission and scanning electron microscopy; autora diography analyzed by electron microscopy; negative staining in the electron microscope; optical diffraction, high angle X-ray diffraction, low angle X -ray diffraction and selected area electron diffraction). I am well aware that the biophysical parts of this book are less incomplete than other aspects. A developmental biologist or a biochemist would have further elaborated other parts ofthe subject matter. Only one previous author, RICHARDS (1951)hasdevoted a book to arthropod cuticle.

The Significance of Zoochromes

Book Description

As the title indicates, the theme of this book is the functions of biochromes in animals. Recent works on zoochromes, such as those of D. L. Fox (1953), H. M. Fox and VEVERS (1960) and VUILLAUME (1969), have been concerned primarily with the chemical nature and the taxonomic distribution of these materials, and although function has been considered where relevant this has not been the centre of interest and certainly not the basis for the arrangement of the subject matter. Functional significance is a profitable focus of interest, since it is the one theme which can make biochromatology a discrete and integral subject, and because it is the main interest in all biological fields. At present chromatology seems to be a particularly schizoid subject since it is clear that in metabolic functions biochromes are acting in a chemical capacity whereas integumental pigments function mainly biophysically, in neurological and behavioural contexts. It is profitable to attempt an integration by studying the functions of as many chromes as possible, from all aspects.

Nonmammalian Animal Models for Biomedical Research

Book Description

This book provides essential knowledge and informa-tion required to adequately assess useful alternatives from among the lower vertebrates and the invertebrates. This volume highlights unfamiliar and underde-veloped organisms that have the potential to become very satisfactory surrogates for biomedical research. A practical guide aimed at disseminating information to researchers about new models, this work provides compara-tive biomedical studies at many levels of the phyloge-netic ladder.

Effects of Temperature on Ectothermic Organisms

Book Description

The study of thermoregulation in endotherms has contributed much to the emergence of the concept of control theory in biology. By the same token, the study of tempera ture adjustment in ectotherms is likely to have a far-reaching influence on ideas on the regulation of metabolism in general. The reason for this is that ectotherms, in adapting to the vagaries of a thermally unstable environment, deploy a range of subtle molecular and organismic strategies. Thus the experimenter, using temperature changes as a tool, is well equipped to analyze some of these strategies. This approach has enabled some important mechanisms of temperature-induced adaptation to be elucidated; the most striking of these are the effects on metabolism of changes in the conformation of enzymes and the transfer properties of membranes. Furthermore, there is a vague but persistent feeling among those working in this field that changes in the nervous system will ultimately prove to be the agency by which many of the molecular mechanisms of temperature adaptation are controlled. Should this indeed be the case, a new phase would soon begin in our understanding of the interactions between the systemic and the cellular levels of organization. However, it is not only questions about the causes of temperature adaptation that can provide answers of potential importance to the general biologist; of equal significance are questions as to the meaning of temperature adaptation in a particular organism.

Osmoregulation in Birds

Book Description

The approach of this treatise is physiological throughout. In the eyes of the author it answers the rhetorical question raised by Maurice B. Visscher at the Physiology Congress in Washington D. C. in 1968: Does physiology exist? What he meant by this question was whether the fields of cellular physiology and physiology of the various organ systems had become so large that physiology as such had vanished. The firm answer is that physiology does indeed exist. Although it is important to study physiological problems at the subcellular level, it is importan- and equally difficult - to study organ regulation at the cellular level, organ interaction, and integration into the whole organism. An account of avian osmoregulation from an integrated point of view is attempted in this book. Since reading Homer W. Smith's From Fish to Philosopher and August Krogh's Osmoregulation in Aquatic Animals verte brate osmoregulation has been in the center of the author's interest. The focus was set on avian osmoregulation after personal contact with the School of Krogh when working in the laboratory of Bodil M. Schmidt-Nielsen. The fundamental concepts and isotope techniques introduced by Hans H. Ussing have been of constant inspiration. An excellent example for the study of osmoregulation at the cellular level was given by the late Jean Maetz. The writing of this book was suggested by Donald S. Farner who is thanked for thorough editorial assistance, and especially with help in the subtle semantic peculiarities of the English language.