Micro et nanosystèmes autonomes en énergie : des applications aux fonctions et technologies (Traité EGEM, série électronique et micro-électronique)

Book Description

Cet ouvrage propose un panorama détaillé des micro et nanosystèmes autonomes en énergie, couvrant à la fois les principes mis en oeuvre et les derniers développements. Une étude approfondie d'applications dans les domaines aéronautiques, médicaux et du contrôle des bâtiments permet de dresser les grandes spécifications de tels systèmes et de leurs sous-composants. Les techniques les plus récentes de récupération et conversion d'énergie d'origine photovoltaïque, thermique et mécanique sont présentées. Un état de l'art sur les interfaces capteurs, le traitement du signal numérique et les liaisons radiofréquence, ultra-basse consommation, complète ce panorama. Enfin, des techniques d'optimisation de l'énergie au niveau du microsystème/noeud de capteur et d'un réseau de capteurs sont introduites et discutées.

Interlaw Book on Renewables Energies

Book Description

The Interlaw book on Renewable Energy is a comprehensive overview of renewable energy policies and developments in the major countries active in the field. It addresses, in a practical and legal perspective, the main interrogations encountered by investors and policy makers on how to efficiently deploy renewable energy, particularly in terms of support schemes, grid connection costs, priority and congestion rules or permitting.


Book Description

Accurate, balanced AND imaginative.Jesse H. Anusubel, Director, Program for the Human Environment, The Rockefeller University

Ressources Mondiales en Énergie

Book Description

Diverse Energies

Book Description

A collection of dystopian short stories featuring diverse main characters and by authors of color.

The 7 Energies of the Soul

Book Description

David Gandelman has helped thousands of students look within to find their own answers to life’s big questions: Who am I? What am I here to do? How can I find happiness? Over the course of this journey, he began to notice that the overwhelming number of powerful life questions and conundrums his students encountered fell into seven categories, which he eventually realized were actually seven potent energies that existed within each individual soul. When any one or more of these energies is out of balance, our lives can become chaotic and unfulfilled. Now, in The Seven Energies of the Soul, Gandelman offers a detailed guide to each of these critical energies, as well as exercises and meditation practices that can help you evaluate your energetic strengths and weaknesses, and work toward spiritual and energetic balance. Spiritual masters throughout millennia have always taught that the answers to life’s most tangled questions lie within. In the pages of The Seven Energies of the Soul, that ancient path lies clearly before you. Read this book, and take your first step toward authentic, transformative awareness.

Report of the Session

Book Description

The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History

Book Description

New, updated, and revised to include new discoveries about the use of weapons in ancient China, upheavals in Lebanon, the winding down of the Soviet-Afghanistan war, the invasions of Grenada and Panama by U.S. forces, the war in the Persian Gulf, and the collapse of the Soviet and Eastern European Communist governments.