Energy and Water Production Trends in the Powder River Basin

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Energy extraction and water are intrinsically linked. Quantifying this relationship is critical to develop effective management strategies that minimize adverse environmental impacts and potentially reduce production costs. The objective of this study was to assess the spatiotemporal variability in water use and water production through hydrocarbon extraction from conventional and unconventional reservoirs using data from the Powder River Basin in Wyoming as a case study. Field level and detailed well-by-well analyses were conducted to quantify the spatiotemporal variability of oil and gas volumes and the corresponding co-produced water from conventional oil reservoirs and coal bed methane (CBM) reservoirs, and additional water used for hydraulic fracturing in unconventional shale reservoirs. Results show that conventional oil and CBM gas production has markedly declined along with produced water. The water demands of unconventional oil and gas development in the last decade have increased with increasing unconventional oil production, however water use per unit of energy produced has increased. Produced water from unconventional oil wells does not meet hydraulic fracturing water demands. CBM wells in proximity to new unconventional well development may be a source of water needing minimal treatment for growing hydraulic fracturing water demands

Geochemical Analysis of the Powder River, Wyoming/Montana and an Assessment of the Impacts of Coalbed Natural Gas Co-produced Water

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In the past decade, the coalbed natural gas (CBNG) industry in the Powder River Basin of northeastern Wyoming has experienced pronounced growth. However, production of natural gas has been accompanied by concerns regarding the disposal of groundwater produced with the gas. In response, the Montana Department of Environmental Quality approved numeric standards to be applied to several rivers entering the state from Wyoming, including the Powder River, limiting electrical conductivity (EC) and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) in these streams. This research assesses the natural variability of water quality in the Powder River and the effects of CBNG co-produced water by comparing historic data to modern data collected from 2006 to 2008. Oxygen, hydrogen and carbon isotopes are evaluated as tools for identification of the source of water in the Powder River. [delta]13C proves to be a good indicator of the presence of CBNG water, which has a value distinct from that of surface water. The quality of water in the river, as it relates to the Montana standards, depends strongly on the flow of the river. At high flow, the EC and SAR of the river are within Montana standards. At low flow, most samples exceed these limits, including samples collected in Montana from streams which do not receive discharge of produced water. Some CBNG water is present in the Powder River. However, the current Montana standards are not well-suited to identify this component because they do not account for the natural seasonal variability of water quality in the Powder River.

Energy Development and Water Options in the Yellowstone River Basin

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Using a mixed-integer programming model, the impacts of institutional constraints on the marginal capacity for energy development in the Yellowstone River Basin and consequent hydrologic changes were examined. Under average annual flow conditions, energy outputs in the Yellowstone Basin can increase roughly nine times by 1985 and 12 to 18 times by 2000. In contrast, water availability is limiting energy development in the Tongue and Powder River Basins in Wyoming. Variability in hydrologic regime causes model solutions to change drastically. If flows decrease to 80 and 60% of average annual levels, the energy production is decreased by 17 and 95%, respectively. If development strategies in the basin are followed on the basis of 80% average annual flows, the Buffalo Bill enlargement (271,300 acre-ft), Tongue River Modification (58,000 acre-ft), and the two reservoirs at Sweetgrass Creek (each 27,000 acre-ft) will be necessary, in addition to several small storage facilities, to best meet the instream flow needs in Montana and to deliver the waters apportioned by compact between Wyoming and Montana. Furthermore, the results indicate that relaxing the instream flow requirements from recommended levels by 10% could increase regional energy output by 19% in 1985 and 35% in 2000. This model illustrates that modifications in institutional restrictions to achieve greater water mobility between users in a given state, as well as flexible practices for transferring water between states, can assist economic growth. Thus, the probability for restricted energy development at this juncture appears to be affected to a greater degree by institutional constraints than by water availability constraints.

Management and Effects of Coalbed Methane Produced Water in the Western United States

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In some coalbeds, naturally occurring water pressure holds methane-the main component of natural gas-fixed to coal surfaces and within the coal. In a coalbed methane (CBM) well, pumping water from the coalbeds lowers this pressure, facilitating the release of methane from the coal for extraction and use as an energy source. Water pumped from coalbeds during this process-CBM 'produced water'-is managed through some combination of treatment, disposal, storage, or use, subject to compliance with federal and state regulations. CBM produced water management can be challenging for regulatory agencies, CBM well operators, water treatment companies, policy makers, landowners, and the public because of differences in the quality and quantity of produced water; available infrastructure; costs to treat, store, and transport produced water; and states' legal consideration of water and produced water. Some states consider produced water as waste, whereas others consider it a beneficial byproduct of methane production. Thus, although current technologies allow CBM produced water to be treated to any desired water quality, the majority of CBM produced water is presently being disposed of at least cost rather than put to beneficial use. This book specifically examines the Powder River, San Juan, Raton, Piceance, and Uinta CBM basins in the states of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. The conclusions and recommendations identify gaps in data and information, potential beneficial uses of CBM produced water and associated costs, and challenges in the existing regulatory framework.

Assessment of Potential Effects of Water Produced from Coalbed Natural Gas Development on Macroinvertebrate and Algal Communities in the Powder River and Tongue River, Wyoming and Montana, 2010

Book Description

Development of energy and mineral resources in the Powder River structural basin in northeastern Wyoming and southeastern Montana (fig. 1) includes coalbed natural gas, conventional oil and gas, and coal mining. A common byproduct of coalbed natural gas (CBNG) development is discharge of groundwater that commonly is saline or unsuitable for irrigation of crops and has unknown effects on the aquatic communities inhabiting streams that receive the water (Bureau of Land Management, 2009).