Energy Politics In Colombia

Book Description

This book, covering the period since 1920, attempts to answer Colombia's failure to properly utilize its vast reserves of coal, hydroelectricity, and petroleum. It examines Colombia's policies concerning a broad range of representative energy development projects.

Energy Politics in Colombia

Book Description

This book, covering the period since 1920, attempts to answer Colombia's failure to properly utilize its vast reserves of coal, hydroelectricity, and petroleum. It examines Colombia's policies concerning a broad range of representative energy development projects.

Wind Energy in Colombia

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The wind regime in Colombia has been rated among the best in South America. However, under the current circumstances, and on its own, the interconnected system would not likely promote wind power. This report is targeted to analysts, planners, operators, generators and decision makers in Colombia and other countries in the region and provides a set of policy options to promote the use of wind power. The potential instruments assessed in this study include financial instruments, government fiscal mechanisms, and adjustments to the regulatory system. The single most effective policy instrument to promote wind power in Colombia consists on valuing the firm energy offered by wind, its potential complementarity to the hydrological regime and enabling wind power an access to reliability payments.


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The objectives of the Energy Sector Technical Assistance Loan are to: 1) implement regulatory reforms for the power and gas sub-sectors; 2) implement strategies specifically designed for the energy sector, respecting environmental concerns and constraints and attracting private investment in the sector; and 3) develop a demand-side management strategy and assist in its implementation. The project includes the following components: 1) overall regulation, pricing and energy policy; 2) specific power sector assistance which includes engineering and investment banking assistance and privatization exports to help mobilize private capital for new power generation and distribution projects; divestment of existing public-sector controlled power plants; corporatization and privatization of utilities; and creation of the new grid company to facilitate competition between electricity generators; 3) specific gas sector assistance in developing a new industry structure and regulations for the natural gas market incorporating private sector participation and competition; 4) assistance in executing sectoral environmental assessments together with project environmental assessments, formulating energy sector environmental regulations and guidelines; and 5) energy demand management and safety enhancement by developing a demand side management strategy for efficient energy use.

A Just Energy Transition

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This paper explores the concept of a just transition using a case study of Colombia. Colombia has a prominent coal mining industry and many communities are both harmed by but rely on the industry for their livelihoods. A transition to a renewable energy system is absolutely fundamental to address the dangerously increasing climate change. The purpose is to analyze the political, social, and economic factors that have been hindering a transition in Colombia. An essential component to achieving support to an energy transition is to ensure that the most vulnerable communities are put in the forefront which includes communities which are dependent on the coal industry. The ultimate goal is to create a framework for a just transition that addresses the political, economic, and social implications to transitioning to a new energy system. The concluding finding is that there needs to be a focus on garnering public support for an energy transition through the use of social programs to ensure a just transition for the most coal dependent communities.


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This paper on Colombia focuses on reforming energy pricing. Rising fiscal challenges in Colombia can risk derailing the government from their commitment to meet both its headline deficit target of 2.4 percent in 2019 and its structural deficit target by 2022, under the existing fiscal rule. The government is committed to embark on a reform strategy that aims at safeguarding the fiscal framework. Energy subsidy reform is one element of the government’s strategy to address fiscal pressures. Carefully designed reforms entail a gradual phasing out of subsidies in the case of fuel products and, in the case of electricity, an improvement in the targeting over the medium term. Illustrative simulations presented in this report highlight the fiscal and distributional impacts of different reform options. Simulations show that net fiscal gains could be achieved both for electricity and fuel products, while reducing distortions. The mission identified reform options to reduce energy subsidies while at the same time improve their targeting. The approach differs across sectors.