Enforcing Obligations Erga Omnes in International Law

Book Description

The concept of obligations erga omnes - obligations to the international community as a whole - has fascinated international lawyers for decades, yet its precise implications remain unclear. This book assesses how this concept affects the enforcement of international law. It shows that all States are entitled to invoke obligations erga omnes in proceedings before the International Court of Justice, and to take countermeasures in response to serious erga omnes breaches. In addition, it suggests ways of identifying obligations that qualify as erga omnes. In order to sustain these results, the book conducts a thorough examination of international practice and jurisprudence as well as the recent work of the UN International Law Commission in the field of State responsibility. By so doing, it demonstrates that the erga omnes concept is solidly grounded in modern international law, and clarifies one of the central aspects of the international regime of law enforcement.

Enforcing Obligations Erga Omnes in International Law

Book Description

The concept of obligations erga omnes - obligations to the international community as a whole - has fascinated international lawyers for decades. This book shows how this highly controversial concept has become part of modern-day international law, and how it will enhance human rights in the future.

The Sources of International Law

Book Description

Because of its unique nature, the sources of international law are not always easy to identify and interpret. This book provides an ideal introduction to these sources for anyone needing to better understand where international law comes from. As well as looking at treaties and custom, the book will look at more modern and controversial sources.

Third-Party Countermeasures in International Law

Book Description

This book examines an important unresolved question of current international law: the legal position of third-party countermeasures.

The Right of Actio Popularis before International Courts and Tribunals

Book Description

Actio Popularis before International Courts and Tribunals examines actio popularis in the context of the symbiotic relationship between procedural and substantive normativity in international law. Actio popularis is an important procedural tool devised to address the challenges posed by the relativization of substantive normativity and recognition of norms established to protect collective interests in international law. Farid Ahmadov’s analysis underlines the ineffectiveness of bipolar litigation in enforcement of collective obligations in international law and the importance of introducing new procedural mechanisms to address the challenges posed by the transition from bilateralist to multilateralist normativity. The volume highlights the subtle link between interpretation of standing rules and the ways in which judicial policy concerns inform decisions of international courts and tribunals on admissibility of actio popularis.

Obligations Erga Omnes and International Crimes

Book Description

This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the law of State responsibility. It addresses fundamental questions such as: which subjects of international law are entitled to invoke the responsibility of the author state; the forms of reparation demands which may be made; and the means and counter-measures (including the use and level of force) which may be employed to enforce demands. "Audience: " Academics and researchers in international law.

Shared Obligations in International Law

Book Description

There are various situations in which multiple states or international organizations are bound to an international obligation in the context of cooperative activities and the pursuit of common goals. This book puts forward a concept of shared obligations that enables scholars and practitioners to tackle questions raised by this phenomenon.

Peremptory Norms of General International Law (Jus Cogens)

Book Description

Peremptory Norms of General International Law (Jus Cogens): Disquisitions and Dispositions is a collection of contributions on various aspects of jus cogens in international law.

Complicity and the Law of State Responsibility

Book Description

This systematic analysis of State complicity in international law focuses on the rules of State responsibility. Combining a theoretical perspective on complicity based on the concept of the international rule of law with a thorough analysis of international practice, Helmut Philipp Aust establishes what forms of support for wrongful conduct entail responsibility of complicit States and sheds light on the consequences of complicity in terms of reparation and implementation. Furthermore, he highlights how international law provides for varying degrees of responsibility in cases of complicity, depending on whether peremptory norms have been violated or special subject areas such as the law of collective security are involved. The book shows that the concept of State complicity is firmly grounded in international law, and that the international rule of law may serve as a conceptual paradigm for today's international legal order.

The Oxford Handbook on the Sources of International Law

Book Description

This Oxford Handbook examines the sources of international law, how the understanding of sources changed throughout the history of international law; how the main legal theories understood sources; the relationship between sources and the legitimacy of international law; and how sources differ across the various sub-areas of international law.