Engineering Secure Two-Party Computation Protocols

Book Description

Secure two-party computation, called secure function evaluation (SFE), enables two mutually mistrusting parties, the client and server, to evaluate an arbitrary function on their respective private inputs while revealing nothing but the result. Originally the technique was considered to be too inefficient for practical privacy-preserving applications, but in recent years rapid speed-up in computers and communication networks, algorithmic improvements, automatic generation, and optimizations have enabled their application in many scenarios. The author offers an extensive overview of the most practical and efficient modern techniques used in the design and implementation of secure computation and related protocols. After an introduction that sets secure computation in its larger context of other privacy-enhancing technologies such as secure channels and trusted computing, he covers the basics of practically efficient secure function evaluation, circuit optimizations and constructions, hardware-assisted garbled circuit protocols, and the modular design of efficient SFE protocols. The goal of the author's research is to use algorithm engineering methods to engineer efficient secure protocols, both as a generic tool and for solving practical applications, and he achieves an excellent balance between the theory and applicability. The book is essential for researchers, students and practitioners in the area of applied cryptography and information security who aim to construct practical cryptographic protocols for privacy-preserving real-world applications.

Secure Two-Party Computation Protocols

Book Description

Secure two-party computation, called secure function evaluation (SFE), enables two mutually mistrusting parties, the client and server, to evaluate an arbitrary function on their respective private inputs while revealing nothing but the result. Originally the technique was considered to be too inefficient for practical privacy-preserving applications, but in recent years rapid speed-up in computers and communication networks, algorithmic improvements, automatic generation, and optimizations have enabled their application in many scenarios. The author offers an extensive overview of the most practical and efficient modern techniques used in the design and implementation of secure computation and related protocols. After an introduction that sets secure computation in its larger context of other privacy-enhancing technologies such as secure channels and trusted computing, he covers the basics of practically efficient secure function evaluation, circuit optimizations and constructions, hardware-assisted garbled circuit protocols, and the modular design of efficient SFE protocols. The goal of the author's research is to use algorithm engineering methods to engineer efficient secure protocols, both as a generic tool and for solving practical applications, and he achieves an excellent balance between the theory and applicability. The book is essential for researchers, students and practitioners in the area of applied cryptography and information security who aim to construct practical cryptographic protocols for privacy-preserving real-world applications.

Efficient Secure Two-Party Protocols

Book Description

In the setting of multiparty computation, sets of two or more parties with p- vate inputs wish to jointly compute some (predetermined) function of their inputs. The computation should be such that the outputs received by the parties are correctly distributed, and furthermore, that the privacy of each party’s input is preserved as much as possible, even in the presence of - versarial behavior. This encompasses any distributed computing task and includes computations as simple as coin-tossing and broadcast, and as c- plex as electronic voting, electronic auctions, electronic cash schemes and anonymous transactions. The feasibility (and infeasibility) of multiparty c- putation has been extensively studied, resulting in a rather comprehensive understanding of what can and cannot be securely computed, and under what assumptions. The theory of cryptography in general, and secure multiparty computation in particular, is rich and elegant. Indeed, the mere fact that it is possible to actually achieve the aforementioned task is both surprising and intriguing.

A Pragmatic Introduction to Secure Multi-Party Computation

Book Description

Practitioners and researchers seeking a concise, accessible introduction to secure multi-party computation which quickly enables them to build practical systems or conduct further research will find this essential reading.

Applications of Secure Multiparty Computation

Book Description

We generate and gather a lot of data about ourselves and others, some of it highly confidential. The collection, storage and use of this data is strictly regulated by laws, but restricting the use of data often limits the benefits which could be obtained from its analysis. Secure multi-party computation (SMC), a cryptographic technology, makes it possible to execute specific programs on confidential data while ensuring that no other sensitive information from the data is leaked. SMC has been the subject of academic study for more than 30 years, but first attempts to use it for actual computations in the early 2000s – although theoretically efficient – were initially not practicable. However, improvements in the situation have made possible the secure solving of even relatively large computational tasks. This book describes how many different computational tasks can be solved securely, yet efficiently. It describes how protocols can be combined to larger applications, and how the security-efficiency trade-offs of different components of an SMC application should be chosen. Many of the results described in this book were achieved as part of the project Usable and Efficient Secure Multi-party Computation (UaESMC), which was funded by the European Commission. The book will be of interest to all those whose work involves the secure analysis of confidential data.

Secure Multi-party Computation

Book Description

Secure Multi-Party Computation MPC is one of the most powerful tools developed by modern cryptography it facilitates collaboration among mutually distrusting parties by implementing a virtual trusted party. Despite the remarkable potential of such a tool, and decades of active research in the theoretical cryptography community, it remains a relatively inaccessible and lesser-known concept outside of this field. Only a handful of resources are available to students and researchers wishing to learn more about MPC. The editors of this book have assembled a comprehensive body of basic and advanced material on MPC, authored by

Secure Multiparty Computation

Book Description

This book provides information on theoretically secure multiparty computation (MPC) and secret sharing, and the fascinating relationship between the two concepts.

Secure Two-party Computation and Communication

Book Description

In this dissertation, we address several issues that arise in protecting communication between parties, as well as in the area of secure function evaluation. Intuitively, the notion of secure function evaluation is clear and natural: several parties wish to compute some function of their inputs without revealing any information about the inputs, other than what is implied by the value of the function. Research included in this dissertation follows three main directions, briefly described below.The first direction (Chapters 3 and 4) is the design of efficient protocols for concrete functions of interest. Specifically, we present new, more efficient protocols for securely computing the Greater Than (GT) function on the inputs of two parties. Secure evaluation of GT is frequently needed in financial transactions. We introduce new primitives, which are convenient building blocks for more complex tasks, and generalize our GT solutions to satisfy them. Based on this, we construct secure auction protocols, protocols for determining whether an integer lies on an interval, and others.The third direction (Chapter 6) is research on key exchange (KE). In contrast with the previous two directions, here the goal is for two parties to protect their communication against eavesdropping and active interference of an external attacker. KE is a basic procedure, frequently used to establish secure channels between parties. It is a prerequisite to a large number of protocols, including those of the above two directions. We demonstrate a subtle flaw in a previous family of KE protocols and give new KE definitions for the following practical "bank" setting. Here, a server wishes to exchange a key with a client. They have a shared password, and the client carries a "bank card", capable of storing several cryptographic keys. Finally, we present new, more efficient KE protocols for this setting, and prove their security.The second direction (Chapter 5) is a fundamental approach to secure evaluation of any function, given as a boolean circuit. We present a very efficient information-theoretic (IT) reduction from the problem of secure evaluation of a polysize formula (or, equivalently, a log-depth boolean circuit) to Oblivious Transfer (a fundamental well-researched cryptographic primitive). Our cost of evaluating each gate of the formula is quadratic in its depth, while in previous reductions it was exponential. Our constructions imply efficient one-round protocols for evaluation of polysize formulas on the players' inputs. We extend our solutions to evaluation of polysize circuits, at the cost of having only computational security.

Algorithmic Strategies for Solving Complex Problems in Cryptography

Book Description

Cryptography is a field that is constantly advancing, due to exponential growth in new technologies within the past few decades. Applying strategic algorithms to cryptic issues can help save time and energy in solving the expanding problems within this field. Algorithmic Strategies for Solving Complex Problems in Cryptography is an essential reference source that discusses the evolution and current trends in cryptology, and it offers new insight into how to use strategic algorithms to aid in solving intricate difficulties within this domain. Featuring relevant topics such as hash functions, homomorphic encryption schemes, two party computation, and integer factoring, this publication is ideal for academicians, graduate students, engineers, professionals, and researchers interested in expanding their knowledge of current trends and techniques within the cryptology field.

Compilation Techniques for Actively Secure Mixed Mode Two Party Computation

Book Description

Secure multiparty computation allows two or more parties to compute a function without leaking unnecessary information about their inputs to other parties. In traditional secure multiparty computation protocols, the function is represented as a circuit and each gate of the circuit is securely computed. The mixed mode model is a generalization where only some gates are computed securely, and other gates are computed in a local, unsecured manner. There are computations where mixed mode protocols are known to be just as secure and much more efficient, and so it is natural to ask if it is possible to automatically construct optimized mixed mode secure protocols for a given function. Previous results describe powerful compilation techniques to transform circuits into efficient mixed mode protocols, but the results are only secure against very restricted (passive) adversaries. These passively secure protocols can be secured against active adversaries using extensions of classic secure multiparty computation compilation techniques. However, this comes with a significant loss of concrete efficiency, which negates the mixed mode efficiency advantages. In this thesis, we describe novel techniques that can efficiently compile mixed mode two party protocols from passive to active security. The techniques exploit structural properties of the underlying circuits to reduce the overhead of compilation without compromising the security. The gain in efficiency varies based on the circuit that is being compiled, and although for some circuits the techniques will yield no gains, for others the resulting secure protocols have exponentially lower computation and communication cost.