English as an Additional Language in Research Publication and Communication

Book Description

This book brings together a collection of selected empirical studies by researchers and English for Academic Purposes professionals working with scholars who use English as an additional language and who face barriers to publication when communicating the results of their research in the international context. The contributions have their origins in papers and workshops presented at the conference «Publishing and Presenting Research Internationally: Issues for Speakers of English as an Additional Language» (PRISEAL), which took place at the University of La Laguna (Spain) from 11 to 13 January 2007. The various issues which are addressed in this volume are grouped into three main themes: 1. Descriptive studies of linguistic and rhetorical features of written and spoken academic genres. 2. Contrastive studies of academic discourse with a focus on rhetorical preferences of members of scientific communities across cultures, disciplines and genres. 3. Studies which evaluate English for Academic Purposes courses and materials in terms of how successfully they develop the scholar's ability to communicate more effectively in English.

Publishing Research in English as an Additional Language

Book Description

Many universities worldwide now require established and novice scholars, as well as PhD students, to publish in English in international journals. This growing trend gives rise to multiple interrelated questions, which this volume seeks to address through the perspectives of a group of researchers and practitioners who met in Coimbra, Portugal in 2015 for the PRISEAL and MET conferences. The volume offers truly global coverage, with chapters focusing on vastly different geo-social areas, and disciplines from the humanities to the hard sciences. It will be of interest to applied linguists, particularly those working in the area of English for Research Publication Purposes, and to language professionals working in research writing support, research supervision and academic publishing, as well as to journal editors and managers.

English as an Additional Language

Book Description

Do you have EAL students in your class? Would you like guidance on teaching your subject to EAL students? With linguistic diversity on the increase, teachers from all subject areas and levels of school education are working with students for whom English is an additional language, helping them to develop their English for learning purposes. This book provides an invaluable and accessible resource for working with EAL students. It brings together the international experiences and expertise of a team of distinguished language educators who explore a range of teaching approaches and provide professionally-grounded practical advice. The chapters cover themes, references and pedagogic concerns common to teachers across the globe. This book will be of use to individual teachers who want to extend their knowledge and practice, and also as a set text for professional development programmes. Professor Constant Leung is Deputy Head of Department of Education and Professional Studies at King's College London. Angela Creese is Professor of Educational Linguistics in the School of Education at the University of Birmingham

English for Research Publication Purposes

Book Description

Scholars who use English as an additional language confront challenges when disseminating their research in the global market of knowledge production dominated by English. English for Research Publication Purposes analyses the experiences and practices of these scholars across the globe and presents "critical plurilingual pedagogies" as a theoretically and empirically informed means of supporting them. This book: • Draws on an empirical study of a Latin American university’s effort to mount a course that provides support to emerging and established scholars who use English as an additional language; • Brings theoretically informed discussions of critical pedagogies, plurilingualism and identity affirmation to better serve plurilingual scholars who seek to publish their research in English-language journals; • Provides examples of classroom activities that can be adapted and adopted to local contexts and realities in a curriculum based on critical plurilingual pedagogies; • Proposes future directions for research into the internationally urgent, growing concerns of global scholars who produce English-medium academic knowledge for the world stage. Incisive and cutting-edge, English for Research Publication Purposes will be key reading for academics and upper-level students working in the areas of ESP, EAP, ERPP, and Applied Linguistics.

Aviation English

Book Description

Aviation English investigates the key issues related to the use of English for the purpose of communication in aviation and analyses the current research on language training, testing and assessment in the area of Aviation English. Based on a series of recent empirical studies in aviation communication and taking an interdisciplinary approach, this book: provides a description of Aviation English from a linguistic perspective lays the foundation for increased focus in the area of Aviation English and its assessment in the form of English Language Proficiency (ELP) tests critically assesses recent empirical research in the domain. This book makes an important contribution to the development of the field of Aviation English and will be of interest to researchers in the areas of applied linguistics, TESOL and English for Specific Purposes.

Speaking English as a Second Language

Book Description

This book focuses on understanding the process of problem construction in oral communication in foreign language contexts, examining how speakers of English as a second language approach issues in oral communication, as well as the strategies they employ to overcome these difficulties. Using theories of general communication, and in particular current approaches to L2 oral communication and strategies in interactional discourse, the authors construct a theoretical framework for defining, identifying and classifying learners’ problems and coping strategies when speaking English as a second or foreign language. The book offers a coherent process-oriented description of the complex and multidimensional nature and typology of oral interaction problems in EFL contexts, and it will be of interest to practitioners, teachers, researchers, students, and curriculum designers in Applied Linguistics and TESOL.

English Medium Instruction

Book Description

Ernesto Macaro brings together a wealth of research on the rapidly expanding phenomenon of English Medium Instruction. Against a backdrop of theory, policy documents, and examples of practice, he weaves together research in both secondary and tertiary education, with a particular focus on the key stakeholders involved in EMI: the teachers and the students. Whilst acknowledging that the momentum of EMI is unlikely to be diminished, and identifying its potential benefits, the author raises questions about the ways it has been introduced and developed, and explores how we can arrive at a true cost–benefit analysis of its future impact. “This state-of-the-art monograph presents a wide-ranging, multi-perspectival yet coherent overview of research, policy, and practice of English Medium Instruction around the globe. It gives a thorough, in-depth, and thought-provoking treatment of an educational phenomenon that is spreading on an unprecedented scale.” Guangwei Hu, National Institute of Education, Singapore Additional online resources are available at www.oup.com/elt/teacher/emi Ernesto Macaro is Professor of Applied Linguistics at the University of Oxford and is the founding Director of the Centre for Research and Development on English Medium Instruction at the university. Oxford Applied Linguistics Series Advisers: Anne Burns and Diane Larsen-Freeman

English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing

Book Description

English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing is the first ever book of its kind specifically written for researchers of all disciplines whose first language is not English. With easy-to-follow rules and tips, and with authentic examples taken from real emails, referee's reports and cover letters, you will learn how to: • use strategies for understanding native speakers of English • significantly improve your listening skills • organize one-to-one meetings • feel confident at social events • manage and participate in a successful conversation • write effective emails • review other people's manuscripts - formally and informally • reply effectively and constructively to referees' reports • write cover letters to editors • use the telephone and Skype • participate in (video) conference calls • exploit standard English phrases Other books in the series: English for Presentations at International Conferences English for Writing Research Papers English for Research: Usage, Style, and Grammar English for Academic Research: Grammar Exercises English for Academic Research: Vocabulary Exercises English for Academic Research: Writing Exercises

English for Research Publication Purposes and Crosscultural Academic Discourse Analysis

Book Description

La publicación de este volumen representa un caso relativamente insólito. Un pequeño grupo de jóvenes investigadores de menos de treinta años convence a un grupo mucho más numeroso de la misma edad para celebrar en Salamanca la First Conference of Young Researchers on Anglophone Studies. El resultado es deslumbrante. No solo demuestran una gran capacidad organizativa, sino que los resultados individuales de las aportaciones científicas son sobresalientes. Este volumen, Current Trends in Anglophone Studies, recoge una selección revisada de las propuestas presentadas en el Encuentro y gira en torno a una estructuración tripartita clásica: estudios culturales, lingüísticos y literarios. En ella caben todos aquellos que se mueven en el campo de los estudios anglófonos. Cada uno de estos campos podría haber sido suficiente para celebrar un congreso, pero parece razonable que en este tipo de encuentros tengan cabida todos. De ese modo, este volumen se convierte en un ejemplo de aproximación interdisciplinar a los estudios anglófonos. Desde un punto de vista cuantitativo, los estudios culturales ocupan sin duda un espacio menor. Sin embargo, sobresale la variedad de temas tratados, así como la internacionalización de los autores, dentro de este apartado. Estudiantes españoles e italianos acometen estudios relacionados con la música, la pintura, el cine, la traducción, la marginalidad social o el impacto de las nuevas tecnologías en la producción artística. Si no pareciera demasiado atrevido, podría decirse que estos jóvenes estudiosos irían más allá de lo que un día ya lejano pudieron imaginar Richard Hoggard o Raymond Williams. Los estudios aquí presentados reflejan, sin duda, la evolución que la propia sociedad ha experimentado en estos últimos cincuenta años y exploran la relación entre las prácticas culturales, la vida diaria, y los contextos económicos, políticos e históricos. No es de extrañar que una gran parte de las contribuciones presentadas en este volumen se centren en el estudio de la lengua, ya que la demanda del inglés se ha incrementado de forma considerable en los últimos años. Sobresalen los análisis puramente filológicos y sobre todo los relacionados con el aprendizaje del inglés como segunda lengua. Por eso, destacan estudios que contemplan rasgos morfológicos, léxicos o sintácticos. Sin embargo, el mayor número de participaciones hace referencia al ya citado aprendizaje del inglés como L2, tanto desde el análisis de materiales, como desde la práctica oral o escrita. Las contribuciones literarias ofrecen una evaluación teórica, formal e interpretativa de distintas tendencias desde perspectivas tanto interdisciplinares como interculturales. Cronológicamente los estudios abarcan textos desde el siglo XVIII hasta nuestros días, con un acento especial en los autores más contemporáneos y en el género narrativo. En general estos estudios se fijan en textos concretos y los analizan desde perspectivas culturales, sociológicas o psicológicas. Pero abundan menos las aproximaciones desde la teoría literaria, desde la técnica narrativa o, como tal vez cabría esperar al tratarse de estudiantes tan jóvenes, desde la aplicación de las nuevas tecnologías. Por el contrario, se repiten temas como los traumas heredados de la Guerra de Vietnam, las cicatrices del 11 de septiembre o los problemas de género. En definitiva, se trata de una selección de artículos claramente prometedora, que transmite la seguridad de que el futuro de la Filología Inglesa está en buenas manos y podrá experimentar una positiva evolución en los próximos años. Por todo ello, hay que felicitar a todos los participantes individuales y, sobre todo, a los organizadores del evento, y editores de este volumen, que han demostrado una enorme capacidad de trabajo y de saber hacer.