Enjeux géostratégiques et conflits politiques en Afrique noire

Book Description

Au-delà des analyses juridico-institutionnelles, anthropologiques, ethnologiques et socio-historiques des conflits politiques qui transforment le développement dans de nombreux pays africains en mythe de Sisyphe, cet ouvrage démontre que les conditions dans lesquelles les pays africains ont obtenu leur indépendance les exposaient aux violences actuelles. La politique interne des pays tout comme leur sécurité dépendent des rivalités géostratégiques entre grandes puissances et entre multinationales à visée stratégique.

Routledge Handbook of Military Ethics

Book Description

The Routledge Handbook of Military Ethics is a comprehensive reference work that addresses concerns held in common by the military services of many nations. It attempts to discern both moral dilemmas and clusters of moral principles held in common by all practitioners of this profession, regardless of nation or culture. Comprising essays by contributors drawn from the four service branches (Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine corps) as well as civilian academics specializing in this field, this handbook discusses the relationship of "ethics" in the military setting to applied and professional ethics generally. Leading scholars and senior military practitioners from countries including the US, UK, France, China, Australia and Japan, discuss various national cultural views of the moral dimensions of military service. With reference to the responsibilities of professional orientation and education, as well as the challenges posed by recent technological developments, this handbook examines the difficulties underpinning the fundamental framework of military service. This book will be of much interest to students of military studies, war theory, ethics philosophy, sociology, war and conflict studies, and security studies.

Conflictualités Contemporaines

Book Description

Comment penser la puissance africaine et les enjeux de la transition hgmonique globale au 21e sicle ? Telle est la question thmatique centrale de cet ouvrage qui se veut un cahier de recherche doctrinale en polmologie et en irnologie endognes, dans un contexte o la mondialisation des enjeux scuritaires signifie pour lAfrique, un reclassement gostratgique du continent o le maintien de la paix et la rsolution des conflits sont devenus un terrain daffirmation de puissance. Analytique et oprationnelle, cette publication est le fruit de nombreuses expriences de terrain, de missions denseignements, de travaux ditoriaux, de publications scientifiques et de confrences internationales.

Political Economy of Regionalisation in Central Africa

Book Description

An interesting phenomenon in the global political economy is that regional mechanisms have come to be considered the best policy response to globalisation and weak state capacity. As such, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) have been heralded as the building blocks of the African Peace and Security Architecture. However, while other regions of the continent have made laudable progress towards economic and political integration, Central Africa is facing a human security crisis and regional integration seems an unattainable chimera rather than a reality. Ironically, the region is well endowed with natural resources.

L'ONU vue d'Afrique

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Book Description