Enrichment study of hot intra-cluster gas through X-ray spectroscopy

Book Description

Clusters of galaxies are the biggest objects known in the universe. They consist of large groups of hundreds of galaxies that each contain hundreds of billions of stars. The member galaxies are embedded in a cloud of hot X-ray emitting gas that spans over millions of light years. During the formation of clusters, a large fraction of the chemical elements that supernova explosions produce is ejected from the galaxies into the surrounding hot gas. In this thesis, Jelle de Plaa presents the results of his study of this chemical enrichment of the hot gas. He used observations performed by ESA's XMM-Newton X-ray observatory to measure the abundances of several elements and compared them to supernova-model yields.

High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas

Book Description

This book gives an account of the proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Colloquium 115: High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy of Cosmic Plasmas. This was the first IAU meeting dedicated to high resolution X-ray spectroscopy of objects outside the solar system. A broad range of objects and astrophysical conditions are discussed. Results from the first generation of satellites with spectroscopic capability, i.e. the Einstein Observatory, EXOSAT, and Tenma, are reviewed from a perspective of a more precise interpretation allowed by improved theoretical models and plasma diagnostics. Laboratory and solar X-ray results that model or are relevant to conditions found in cosmic X-ray sources are also presented. The colloquium presents a forum for discussion of scientific objectives of new international missions in high resolution X-ray spectroscopy.

Multi-scale Structure Formation and Dynamics in Cosmic Plasmas

Book Description

This book offers eleven coordinated reviews on multi-scale structure formation in cosmic plasmas in the Universe. Observations and theories of plasma structures are presented in all relevant astrophysical contexts, from the Earth’s magnetosphere through heliospheric and galactic scales to clusters of galaxies and the large scale structure of the Universe. Basic processes in cosmic plasmas starting from electric currents and the helicity concept governing the dynamics of magnetic structures in planet magnetospheres, stellar winds, and relativistic plasma outflows like pulsar wind nebulae and Active Galactic Nuclei jets are covered. The multi-wavelength view from the radio to gamma-rays with modern high resolution telescopes discussed in the book reveals a beautiful and highly informative picture of both coherent and chaotic plasma structures tightly connected by strong mutual influence. The authors are all leading scientists in their fields, making this book an authoritative, up‐to‐date and enduring contribution to astrophysics.

Cosmological Aspects of X-Ray Clusters of Galaxies

Book Description

The NATO Advanced Study Institute "Cosmological Aspects of X-Ray Clus ters of Galaxies" took place in Vel en , Westphalia, Germany, from June 6 to June 18, 1993. It addressed the fruitful union of two topics, cosmology and X-ray clus ters, both of which carry substantial scientific weight at the beginning of the last decenium of the last century in the second millenium of our era. The so far largest X-ray "All-Sky Survey", observed by the ROSAT X-ray satel lite, and ROSAT's deep pointed observations, have considerably enlarged the base of X-ray astronomy, particularly concerning extragalactic sources. Cosmology has gained significant impetus from the large optical direct and spectroscopic surveys, based on high quality 2-dimensional receivers at large telescopes and powerful scan ning devices, harvesting the full information 1 content from the older technique of employing photographic plates. Radioastronomy and IR-astronomy with IRAS, as well as r-astronomy with GRO, continue and strengthen the role of extragalactic research. The rapidly growing computer power in data reduction and data storage facilities support the evolution towards large-number statistics. A most significant push was given to early cosmology by the needs of physics in trying to unravel the nature of forces which govern our material world. The topic of the ASI was chosen because it opens new vistas on this for ever new problem: the universe. Clusters of galaxies probe large-scale matter distributions and the structure of space-time.

High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy

Book Description

NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory and ESA's XMM-Newton Observatory have been the pioneering satellites for studying the Universe with X-rays and the cornerstone of X-ray spectroscopy since their launches more than 20 years ago. The onboard gratings provide us a unique opportunity to distinguish individual spectral lines from different atoms thanks to their high energy resolutions. Enormous discoveries have been achieved by these two missions when observing a variety of X-ray-emitting astronomical objects, such as black holes, supernova remnants, clusters of galaxies, and stars. However, the data are limited to fairly bright X-ray sources. The recent JAXA's mission Hitomi opened a new window of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy thanks to its onboard X-ray calorimeter. Although this mission was shortly terminated due to a mishap, Hitomi left behind a few sets of observations awaiting more data mining. The first half of this book introduces the history of high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy and different generations of X-ray spectrometers. A tutorial guide on how to reduce, analyze, and understand the astronomical data from Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Hitomi is also included. The second half of the book reviews past results obtained by the high-resolution spectrometers on these missions on multiple topics and discusses possible discoveries by upcoming missions in the next decade.


Book Description

We study specific aspects of the relationship between the stellar content and the intracluster media (ICM) of galaxy clusters. First, we attempt to solve the long-standing difficulty in explaining the highly enriched ICM by including a previously unaccounted for stellar component: the intracluster stars. To determine the relative contributions of galactic and intracluster stars to the enrichment of the intracluster medium (ICM), we present X-ray surface brightness, temperature, and Fe abundance profiles for a set of twelve galaxy clusters for which we have extensive optical photometry. Assuming a standard IMF and simple chemical evolution model scaled to match the present-day cluster early-type SN Ia rate, the stars in the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) plus the intracluster stars (ICS) generate 31+11-9%, on average, of the observed ICM Fe within r500(& sim;0.6x r200, the virial radius). Because the ICS typically contribute 80% of the BCG+ICS Fe, we conclude that the ICS are significant, yet often neglected, contributors to the ICM Fe within r500. However, the BCG+ICS fall short of producing all the Fe, so metal loss from stars in other cluster galaxies must also contribute. By combining the enrichment from intracluster and galactic stars, we can account for all the observed Fe. These models require a galactic metal loss fraction (0.84+0.11-0.14) that, while large, is consistent with theoretical models of Fe mass not retained by galactic stars. The SN Ia rates, especially as a function of galaxy environment and redshift, remain a significant source of uncertainty in further constraining the metal loss fraction. Second, we study the effects of ram-pressure stripping on infalling galaxies using a warm molecular hydrogen (H2) as a tracer by carrying out aSpitzerinfrared spectrograph (IRS) survey of four galaxies with signatures of ram-pressure stripping. We have discovered two galaxies, ESO 137-001 and NGC 4522, with warm htwo tails stretching 20 kpc and 4 kpc in length, respectively. In the case of ESO 137-001 where we measure a warm htwo mass loss rate of & sim; 2-3 solar masses per year, we estimate that the galaxy will lose all of its gas in a single pass through the cluster core. Strong warm htwo emission is detected in one other galaxy, CGCG 97-073, which a region within its tail that is mainly dominated by htwo emission. The warm htwo observed in these three galaxies share similar temperature and column density properties with warm htwo masses ranging from 106-108solar masses. From a comparison with the SINGS warm H2sample, our results indicate that these galaxies experiencing significant ram-pressure stripping show anomalously high warm H2emission that cannot be explained purely from star formation. This adds credence to the hypothesis that htwo within these galaxies is being shock-heated from the interaction with the ICM. We also discover that stripping of warm and hot dust, as measured at 8 microns and 24 microns, is a common feature of the galaxies observed in our sample. In the case of NGC 4522, we capture the turbulent nature of the stripping process. We measure the star formation rates using published H & alpha; and measured 24 micron luminosities for all of our galaxies and find that some of them have suppressed star formation rates compared to similar mass counterparts in the field. We find a possible association between H & alpha; and warm H2emission in three of the four galaxies observed. We conclude that the variation of H2properties observed in our sample is likely due to the galaxies being in different stages of ram-pressure stripping. Finally, we report on our efforts to improve the performance of the Lochkeed Arizona Infrared Spectrometer (LAIRS), a near-IR, tunable filter imager. We have made significant progress in identifying the sources of key issues such as the a highly asymmetric line profile and the unstable performance of the servo controller at the MMT. Solutions have been implemented for these issues, such as a revised mounting strategy for the tunable filter plates and a completely new controller with higher bandwidth. Significant progress has been made towards resolving these issues, but a few issues remain before LAIRS meets all of its requirements.